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Hampshire, England

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... kot 1arrvf 'I es~ t ir t1 ctol o . ' ' had$l-tt ' Cie1: 6.d: A 'I3+it ~'~iis~tir rIjX' ,ta ?? i Jcct suh trout t wh~iqtiky'itcd q In1Atttoealt a~.tha fibtirlri Aital;0ie. Tkoedi ?? Sjd,,lWAh Cduncil'p,,46 ?? ;N Cg,,ijd';4!!egg ...

Published: Monday 26 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 448 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

On Thursday morning the Kangaroo sloop of war, Capt. Baker, arrived here from Mondego Bay,

... -. PORTSMOUTH $SiU RDA.y, -E'sIBM ~;Ovx.o Thursday ~eKnao ' ?? t~t2C ?? I vi Ir o Coapt..IaBmtk iari vnd here rrd .h~vIng oa' AiddCo acts '11avting On b~laM;C Ial B3tOOwNAlidde'- R~ 10tv' ?? ]Jke~(?f-Yoirk;' arid Capt. Ca'mPbell, Aid'd0 Ui` p ?? Arjk Wlc~~.eigd With dispatcht, P1Y lroin -Sir Arthlit, ;kivillg ani acon fth $tce of the, British, Arms III Portugal, i. ?? 'Most *f a. ...

Published: Monday 05 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2423 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... L O'hia 0.14: ? I - SATURDAY EVENING, SEEMlER S s A letter frioffi Oportoda std the 2MTf cif Auuast. received this Inoring statei, thtit Geairal JZini and his army ?? afterpluitilrin, the e pl ace oF 'a waggon loads of thc inosdi au .ble articles thlat coultl be collected, and, after difkerent Aetions awitli the British, was trtintlaUV dlefeated by our brave countryiuenou tire 24thi. deierat ...

Published: Monday 05 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1074 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ' .'SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1808. * ?? NANT 'r:o MrSor, one of the officersof the j algt Siir 6ANIUEL Hoop's ship, arrived at the Ad- : lastnight, with dispatches,whichharnnountce t; ?? omniencemenlt of the naval campaign in 'rhe 13atic. The Swedish fleet, inferior in force to t'ie Itussial, but accompanied hg the (Cen!nlar az Im- n ri.b'e, untler Sir SAIUIEL HOOT, chased the Rug- . ;n ...

Published: Monday 19 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1265 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDONT SINrry, E Y ,TEM ER 15, Itso Tattt ' tolJ e z u~ Tliar ddestitute o6p eew One; s? ;i h be ris of a Britijw Is of Snr-;n Hampton Roadsu which vwassapposed to bring dispatches. General Wilkinson -and buite ar- rived at Baltimore on tbe 26tti J ot lrfrom Wash. ~ih~'n~fonl bi~ hi vwiy ?~tt 'Phi~ad'efph~ia~g Sevcrnleco4. U1nmrt of tiej Ypesre;,fitied with invejs against the Democratic. or ...

Published: Monday 19 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 870 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... .!ILONDONO tMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10.' i* Thi~e xpeaglion, consisting o6~ therigamde of duirdsf,' stliled troai ihe D~owns on Saturdlap under cofivov of hisl' MatIa'et* iship 'Trusaty, for the woswyard. It MiI pro. ceed *Ith whilcs has embarked at Cork, under ',the' edimainid, of 4ir. D. Blairdl,'to the roast of Spaiuno Fapi. Dalrymple left Town on Saturday night, with dlipatches for Sir H. ...

Published: Monday 26 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2613 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IFROM TV . LONDON GAZETTE E XTRAORDINAR Y. FRIDAY, SLPT9MBER 16, 1O8. - DolvNI¶G-s'rarer, PXTrEMBCrt 16, ISOS, A DISPATCH,{ of which the followviug is a copy,-v was received yesterday evezisi4 fro-n Lieut.-5en. Sir lew Dalrymple, cornfianding his Majesty's troop- in Porto' gal, addressed toe Lord Castlereagh, and brought by Capt. 'Dalrymple, Military Secretary to Sir liew Dal-. ryrnple. Head ...

Published: Monday 19 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3342 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... - U R = &J C) J'I A It ftilli IS. E Sundav-the'Cbquette, 4apst, .orbes, {ronr i3eqtstation i of Weytaouth ;Reil^ising sX lop. Cnt;;lsl~owvn; auod M4phei cutter, Lieuts C'hosyriLv'ylnt; -~r5,!ieut. fDtuttorn, from a crnise; atud lhe''sscsrc, Liett-t solith, fron) t Guernsey. ., ,*li Tu sday-the Port Mabon op. Guptltbertfrotn cruisizg on the coast olf Sussex. M3ednesilay-..the Nen esis ft ...

Published: Monday 19 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 662 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... L vONDON. MONIDAY, SupIrEmBlR 12. 'last nigbt were received Frenell napefto the 30th ult. andm Dutch to the fith jist. The M.niteur has at ienglh deigned to advcrt tothe ptliticmtl situatiou of Europe. In the firna of comamelits ulan an article in a Lpiodon Paper, it ham brought umider review all the external relationms of the Freoch E.npire. Tlmq mnvements (if the Frenich ar- snies tile stte ...

Published: Monday 19 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4649 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... WtITEdlA.LL, 5iT 13, 1808. The, King h.a beeni pleageJ to order a Conge ?? to pass the Great Seal of the Unlited Kingdom of Great Britain anid IrNland, empo Wering thle Deau and Chapttir of the Cathedral Church of EIy to elect a Bishop of that See, tbe samie being void by the deatit of the Right Rev. Father in God Doctor Jamtes Yorke; and his Majesty bas alnso been pleased by his Royal Sign ...

Published: Monday 19 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1459 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

A telegraphic communication to this port, announced the sailing of the Channel Fleet, under

... I IPORtTfSM*OU'TfL SATUilDAY, SETEMBER to .A.:telegraphic ?? to this po.rt, a.6-, Bounced the sailing of the Clliinnel Flvet, under Sirt John Duckwortl7 tis ?? froni'i orbay, in to' resquime ile station olf Uilhant.. F t CapW. Colubhine is appointed to the Solebiy; at a tiiis port, vice Brown ; 'lliid Capt. Gill to tihe OilY, ; at Coathan. Capt. Rogers (of Plymouth), s ap-: pointed lwgent for ...

Published: Monday 12 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2128 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... | FROM, TUESSDM.Y'S L6NTD 'NI GiA ET.' l 6 1v W113Tt LL, AtGU;Tt, .;SI)US. . 'Pie ag bas b;:een 1frased ,toeiprnat *o-he Revr-end John Be'tjlks Jenliison, Clorhi,. M;1iater of Arts, the place and dignity of a Canon or *Prbeuidary of tile CGatheds-i Church 'of oforccst'r/voi .iy the ,t csi on . i Doeree Jarnes kluintre, late (one of tt.ts lrehlcahrtes tdIereot. Jistvut'rs.-J, ?? anison, of f ...

Published: Monday 05 September 1808
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1144 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News