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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... * GAM SE.-. . T ;HEREAS the GARTE. on the Manors I V ?? and Croton lsa've been for mary years paft very much poachedaihd'deaffhed all}qtfa years jt Te heref%. itr- - lisdA ,erfons b tiie6 requefted 1pn' thereon: and a)l ianqalified ?? fpofting or trefpahing will 'be profeguted as ?? diredse by: , W~ILLIAM tERMOR, Efq. ?? ?? 1805. ''L-rd of the Lai~dMiinors.' ' MANO0 RS of BATSFORD and L)DORN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASTROP WELLS, i8o0. THURSDAY, the 6th of Oftober, is the day fixed on for 'the annual Michaelmas BALL. PUBLIC BREAKFAS'T the nextImorning. b~e SOLD,-A very good PRINTING -. PRESS, with a (mall but good colledion of TYPE S. - Enquire at the Prinring-Oce, Witney, Oxfordfhire. lE OX XFORDDT 4IOOP of VOLUNTEER T CAVALRY is to. aienible for Infpedion on Wednefday text the 214 iigant,'in Port Meadow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUN FIRE . Bank Buildinge and Crauig's Cr.tdt, thc.6 s. - .OlDOI.. For infuring 1Houfges and other T tti ?? (!s Merchandife,7.Sbips D 1ocl,, o' Building, and CXfroxn ,ofs y-'t & : it. wahnf,' Ne,aner nr :no. N der-wricten, Deint AG EN rS for the SUN Ft RE 05 ICE, hae t , Authority from tl'-t Manaveis to ir,- form the Pub'ic, andi all Perrnns in- fured in the faid (Fce, mat the Pre- mium on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13TB JNGI-A GRAND MUSICAL FESuILVAL, U{nder the Patronage of the NOBZLITY and GrNritvY of t1e Neighbourhood.' N WEDNESDAY Mbrning, O01ober 5, a SFRAION'wiql be preached by; the Very Rev. the DEAN cf .LICHIFIELD. In the courfe of tie fervice will be performed, tlle GRAND D9TTINGrEN T.E DEum, the COC NAo rboN AirrHEM, &C: On Tiuua3DAY ~Morning, 061. G.,the MESSIAH. Onl FRIDSAY Morning, 061. f, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S T r Li., ,,ID I D G -E. OXFORDS I'OTICE is hie eby given,l , . Tht a the GenaGeral-a Qar- eer Sellions oif the .Peace,!holden, forthis tounty on X Tuefday in the fl raweekt:7. ni after the Feaft o -Saint I Thonash i -Becket 6o. .paflcpafi, iti was prefentpend, by the GGrai Juy, that- the -Bridge. over the River Thameisr. Dorchefleri4 in'h:cuisy county, Was narrow, inconvenient, and ouu of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7:LURiNSON anyFILD Wholefate and Retail vinen Drapers, Hofiers, Hatters, 4-c. - ETURN their moil grateful thanks to their friends and the public, for the very libpral encouragement they have received fince their com- mencing bufinefs in Wallingford, and affure them ihat nothing {hall be wanting on their part to merit a con. tinuance of fuch favolim It is the determination of L. and F. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GA ME. 7-1EIEREAS the GAME on the Manor NiV of0 lip has been for many years pait very uch poached and deftroyed, all qualified perfons are therefore requelted loot to fort thereon; and all un- ;ualified perfons fqund fporting or trefpaffing will be prfecuted as the k~w direhs. by o EDWARD WORSLEY, Efq. Lord of the Manor. FOItEST HILL. Sr-ORTLY will be to he.LET, in one or ; more Parms,-A moll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOi SELVA^NTSr., -ANTED,-A LAD, firan a Nlop i; \ot rord' in a genteel linc;a fteady WOMAN, ho ok toler~bly *vell; and a \ANA 'for nuf- 1ady and ?? - Govod characlers are irdii- re and good wages -will be givee, Nwith every to fuch Zs are deferving. lqolire of Mrs. Payne, High-fireet, Otford,-lf THIS is to) give Notice, That a wvane will 1 1be run at the faid lochi after the pahfing of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AB.DINGTONINCL(SURE. WXE, the Uriderfigneci, JOHN DAVIS, Y and GEORGE BARNES, the Commiffioners named and appointed in and by the Ad of Parliament lately paffed, intituled, ' An Ad for inclofing Lands in the Pariih of Ardington, in the County of Berks; and a certain Common Meadow, called Ardingtoh Meadow, fituate in Ardington aforefaid, and in the feveral Parifhes,Tythings, or Hamlets of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORDSHIRE ?? GA ME DUTY LIST of PEVRSONS who hae obtained GENERAL, CERTIFICATES at the Rate of TH-BEE GiNEAS each; for the Year 1808. Nalnwe and 5Refideme. | Names and Re~dse. I RNOLD, MATTHEW, Univerfity. A Attwood, Thos. Charles, Eniham. Arnatti William, Stanton Harcourt. Afitmole. Rev. J. Sbipton on Cherrvell. A(tall, John, Claydon. Aflaworth, John 0. Efq. Nettlebed. Afhhurfl, Henry Wm. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIUrY OF OXFORD. rro be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,- TA LEASEIHIOLD DI'VELLING HOUSE, moli defirably fituated in the High-ftrset, oppofite the Ndw Market, now in the occupation of Mr. James Woodwhard, glazier, calculated for any bufinefs re- qiulring room; it ?? of a front fhop, two back rooms adjoining, and cellars under the fame; a dining room, one pair of, flairs, and three bed rooms adjoin- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEATRE, WATLINGTON. By defire of Mrs. HALL. (l N MONDAY evening will be prefented, a COaEDYo called THE BUSY BODY. WITII TIHE r'ARCE OF HIGH LIFE BELOW STAIRS. On WEDN SDAV; by particular defire, GEORGE BARNWELL, the RECRUITING SERGEANT, and LOVERS' QUARRELS.-And on FRIDAY, by defirex of Mrs. FANS>, a COMEDY and FARcz as will be exprelfed in the bills of the day. 0 be LE , and entered on at ...