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Advertisements & Notices

... INTE HUNT. C, ets at Cupar on MONDAY the 17th 1r ,o~berecrt to continue the Week. K daYI A, the 20th, there will be run for opp( T~casver Carflogi- Courfe, will TO,' over IION TAKES made at ]aft Meet- ICk Ife 5tJB of three three-mile heats, carrying the fol- neo0 lt'ereisht', 71, 91. 6 years old, gft. 21b. toti P s ear ' s S S Aged, 9 4 ?? I,^ ee yefi de. and Geldings allowed Olb. tlerr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARMIS AND INN IN INVERNESS-SIdlRE. o be LET from Whitfunday next, for fich a numnrber / of years as may be agreed upon, THE LANDS of TARINESS, EASTER and .47 H 1WESTER LETTERF[NLAYS, and INVER- K3EIL11ROY, (par, of the EVlate of Letterfinlay), ly- ing. along the fouth fide of the large navigrable lake, Of Lochlocfywitlin the parifli of Kilniai ivai n and in the. courfe of the Caledniena Canil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VILLAGE OF C'UlMNINGSTOWN, In 11;e PArish of Dqtlfas, aud County of Elgin. CR NIVILI~sl. G. CUMMNING GORDON, Birt.being S desirous of having a VILLAGE erected on that patt of his LANDS-of ROSE ISLE, lying immediately to the i westward of his Freestone Quarries there, and adjacent to i very conmodious Creelt,, well idapted for a Fishing Sta- tion, hereby NOT'iFIFMthat to Fishermen, and all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MARISCIIAL COLLEGbt. iHE Annual Competition for vacant DTJRSARIS, Twill be held in the public Hall of the University, n Mousday the a1st of October curt. at 10 o'clocklforenooln Ind the.CLASSES will be opened, as usnal, on the ;st 'ayof November, when the Bursars are desired to attend. j Whereas It has b een usual, of late. for Students at College to delay the payment of their Fees until the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cI4EA, VINES. SPIRITS, &c. iifrfieaSndI '-fose finoingrich old W in-s, f 1~ilas'orttent Ith awn en \, ;s~leaS° ' ORT, ICURRAL~NT, - -i TENTr RASPBERRY, or i , T v , ORAN-GE, RAISIN, GLN(;ER, COWSLIP. no're f ?? quality; and, having caskst e and in bottles, he can b'nle O vaults,.1 give e~ntire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALMON FISHING. Xi! Dn Wednefday the 2d of November next, at one o'clock afternoon, therc will be LrT by public roup, withitl the houfe of Gteorge Ronald, vintner in Aberdeen, A LEASE for T-iRE'V YEARS and SEASONS of A FISHING, after the term of Anciermas next, of the CRUIVE a-md COBLE SALMON FISHING in the RIVER ITIE, belonging tu Jates FergufonnEfq. of P'itfour, andt in tbe fea, on both ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t7rRO BUKGHS17ER F. P 9 3OX }rGDSE'iURG:1, Oc1. 9. 1808. 6tNERCAL MEEFTING of HERITORS, called by advertifement in the Kelfo Nlittl and Edinburgh Courant, by order of the Freeholders Head Court, 4th 06mtobr current, JOHN RUTHERFORD, Eso. MVT. P. Prefes. HAI iin the opinion of this MEETING, the A& Y 46th of the King, for impaling certain duties on the profits arifint from Property, Poffefirons, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H. Dl. I 1. S nlld q, P Pirrf!( fr R is l;.Str a1J. ?? ?? v' is' i ;sJ im sssroes'd Eldinnisi cs';iri ?? ol t'ear- l ' tI; ?? sRI J 'i l la ?? (ill l r t iw' 'ni) x% ssls' e sit-ists ltilw'st (f 0iii .'ii d' rVs.-ie. ;. l rti/t51 (I, Sf)T~~t'siG Yn' G jril- Ilj,) Il \L i In; a I' 'sset oif L'cisis1si lss Et- ?? is si,-I's, A. ITl:s i IRi'A'I'ANN ON TlH-EI UiSE AND APIUSE (IF (COiJ) AND Sr.A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMES DUGUID ITSPECTFULLY acquaints his numerous Friends and ( R the PAhVic. thac the remainder of his SumErs. S'rocx -wile hsld at REDU CED 2Pr;kes; and that he is daily to 5. . ?? . ?? Jeceiving f largc u4i elegant Assortneft of Goods, for the L Vf'lWTER SEASON.-cobsistingof . in'es Bnpeifine C&dOTEHS . Pelisse Cloths; and Salis,p bjury FLANNE-LS. .a printed CAMBRICS and- CALICOES-GlNiA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p7l KEITH BALL. adi d enlenep of the Corunty a-e in-. ?? the nextB 1will beat MNoeras- ftler:, t NAT 7th November. tonl -1iRoNr S--S t Ic ,rtef PRIMROSE, and I, pEW AR of Vogrie. OrjF (-t his hnf e, Carlbber's oloft) will, I th Of Novanlher next, begin hiis Cl-ASS- \jrh'10,T5 ELL.EMIENTS, ALGEBRA, and and Pracllical Mathema- , i bc'r iasC ufual. ;COMNIERCIAL ACADEMY. /tV MqECON, No.8S°, South ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S BREAKING, . ' I S 8;xrr GUINPAAS. I PR the Nfiglt of Monday the 3d, or IREISf ~iedythe 4th current, a SHOP STolJARE was entered by means PATELLA AejX B of the following Articles of ; pese $POOf, le s 'abl5ar Tongs, 1 ~ arrLaddjes, 'fea SpaooSO .. D5llrhpoa~ ons Grav' spss. andleaded, Loidon marked, B aetter PilOt, _ f in Wile sg alo Spoon, at 0s: o ired Muso t ard Magitrantes - O r ofOdSler. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7I , -FUEL IC. o 3Ahe ES STUBBS, Painter an Propte- ocES of p A of*: f thle glorious BATTLE of L ,r I eied 'at the foot of the T ine wldas unfortunately dlestroyed at ?? LIst cf October, by a heavy ti ,,I~ 0 *n, iblic it is noodless to state what must C of that Allan eho, by means as on- K~c ?? P ...