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Advertisements & Notices

... cI4EA, VINES. SPIRITS, &c. iifrfieaSndI '-fose finoingrich old W in-s, f 1~ilas'orttent Ith awn en \, ;s~leaS° ' ORT, ICURRAL~NT, - -i TENTr RASPBERRY, or i , T v , ORAN-GE, RAISIN, GLN(;ER, COWSLIP. no're f ?? quality; and, having caskst e and in bottles, he can b'nle O vaults,.1 give e~ntire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALMON FISHING. Xi! Dn Wednefday the 2d of November next, at one o'clock afternoon, therc will be LrT by public roup, withitl the houfe of Gteorge Ronald, vintner in Aberdeen, A LEASE for T-iRE'V YEARS and SEASONS of A FISHING, after the term of Anciermas next, of the CRUIVE a-md COBLE SALMON FISHING in the RIVER ITIE, belonging tu Jates FergufonnEfq. of P'itfour, andt in tbe fea, on both ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t7rRO BUKGHS17ER F. P 9 3OX }rGDSE'iURG:1, Oc1. 9. 1808. 6tNERCAL MEEFTING of HERITORS, called by advertifement in the Kelfo Nlittl and Edinburgh Courant, by order of the Freeholders Head Court, 4th 06mtobr current, JOHN RUTHERFORD, Eso. MVT. P. Prefes. HAI iin the opinion of this MEETING, the A& Y 46th of the King, for impaling certain duties on the profits arifint from Property, Poffefirons, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H. Dl. I 1. S nlld q, P Pirrf!( fr R is l;.Str a1J. ?? ?? v' is' i ;sJ im sssroes'd Eldinnisi cs';iri ?? ol t'ear- l ' tI; ?? sRI J 'i l la ?? (ill l r t iw' 'ni) x% ssls' e sit-ists ltilw'st (f 0iii .'ii d' rVs.-ie. ;. l rti/t51 (I, Sf)T~~t'siG Yn' G jril- Ilj,) Il \L i In; a I' 'sset oif L'cisis1si lss Et- ?? is si,-I's, A. ITl:s i IRi'A'I'ANN ON TlH-EI UiSE AND APIUSE (IF (COiJ) AND Sr.A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Yorkshire Manor and' Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Ul~necr rdisposed et *,in Ife m1eatn Timrby privalte Lbnftatc, of whirk PI~itice eaill be giett en iltkis Paper) atn lhce i rkr 'Iive/ a, in 1/ce HiEt of YoRk, r oftardnr t/e ReeBty-,iriM bay of ictober, 18|8, at Ftive ?? in1 lice Afternoon, sabject io such (Jon. ditions as s/call be lhen pmoducedt, T lE MANOR of SCOREBY7 togth~ler with a T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WIAXN T PLCGES. I AS VALET to a Gendeqien, or BUTLtR in a, small Family, where another servant is ket, a Vyong Maq; has no objection to live in town.Ior count~y, orgo qbrsd; can have an undeniable chqracter from his last place, ;vhere he has lived four yearg. Direc9 (post pald), to I. B. a8t Tickridge'a, hair-dresser, 25, Duke.street, St. James's. Person who has travelled the roads ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On ProdaV next will be putllshed, price %s. 6d. AtN HIZROIC EPISTLE to 'Sir HEW; with a WORD tn Sir ARTHUR. dt And hang a ?? skin on those recreant liris '. London * PubiiH bv A . . and to . G ddrt zo. Obyoid.areet i Where niay be Jadi t~itte :)des ro Creat Hiniks by Plndar Mi . nitauc; P.lihionable !!i -grdphy, or Sperimens . )f Puhlic Cha-: Eadters, hy a;, W~loi1ris~ier. ^1h Noes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMES DUGUID ITSPECTFULLY acquaints his numerous Friends and ( R the PAhVic. thac the remainder of his SumErs. S'rocx -wile hsld at REDU CED 2Pr;kes; and that he is daily to 5. . ?? . ?? Jeceiving f largc u4i elegant Assortneft of Goods, for the L Vf'lWTER SEASON.-cobsistingof . in'es Bnpeifine C&dOTEHS . Pelisse Cloths; and Salis,p bjury FLANNE-LS. .a printed CAMBRICS and- CALICOES-GlNiA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : A.1''0NTOiI!cL LRCTURFES, Al 1 *!JJ, -r(Jars', the a I IW EA D, D & irY .A[T.fiANl~eFo~t) KtioII e;eltlfolily infiorinis diC - LtUdlen, Ueiitleocai, aund ilie ulcteercui thle GoL!gy COU RSIE ov LICT M IIS Wiil Conin ice o,, IMON DAY O(tober 17t0i, 18118, I'recfli-jv at Seve l'clock eic l: Eveuing. Tb Conut. svijl be coip 'riitd it F, or Ltecutmes, tle li't o'f wh'iel %ill 1(0 a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p7l KEITH BALL. adi d enlenep of the Corunty a-e in-. ?? the nextB 1will beat MNoeras- ftler:, t NAT 7th November. tonl -1iRoNr S--S t Ic ,rtef PRIMROSE, and I, pEW AR of Vogrie. OrjF (-t his hnf e, Carlbber's oloft) will, I th Of Novanlher next, begin hiis Cl-ASS- \jrh'10,T5 ELL.EMIENTS, ALGEBRA, and and Pracllical Mathema- , i bc'r iasC ufual. ;COMNIERCIAL ACADEMY. /tV MqECON, No.8S°, South ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' -. * A CA RD. 'Lin6AI Draperli, lluberdashery, Hosiery, 4 c. & W. GOOlAY dviisince to the Piiblic, their Deter- IS. nisinatign of dispiosicg of the ~nicinhig Part of their stocki during the Fair (without rerve) at unprectdeuted low pries, goiag iisto.a ?? lucrative concern. Wanited a clever young llast rus an assistant. Abocyate-sfreet, Bus'r. Sept.S30. - ?? GJREECN, TAYIOlt, DR1i'PEjI, DE ...