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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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... D0OMIE.S TIC INTELLIGEACE. ILontio, ectober' 6. C Sir Arthur Wellesley is ?? landed at Ply. mouth on Tuesday, from the Plover sloop, which brought t aho General Perguson, Lord T; Somerset, the HOn. Capt. e 5t;r.hope, Captain Mellish, and some other Qfiicers..- t T. y left Lisbon on the 28th ult. at which time nearlythe a tvhnle of the French troops had embarked, to the number of 2f7,O00 ?? ...

Published: Wednesday 12 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1719 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SUBSEQUEN-T ACCOUNTS. SEIZURE OF TIE- FRENCH PLUNDER. ?? Dispatches were received on Thursday from Sir Hew CU Dlairymuple and Sir Charles Cottin by the Podargus. She ed !saied on the 13th, at which time the Convention' was carrying into execution. The first division of the French zrinyhad been ersnbarked, and -was at anchor outside the f ;'astle of Belem ready to sail. The British troops ...

Published: Wednesday 05 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2052 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FOREIGN J\TNrTELLJGE\'YCE. SPAINN. RECAPTURE OF BILBOIA BY ThE FRENCHL By the Sprightly cutter, of 14 guns, arrived at Ply- mouth on Saturday from Corunna, wve have received let- ters and papers from that city to the 7th inst. We are concerned to state, that Bilboa is once more in the occup;±- tion of the French. An article dated Corunna the 6th, states that they entered it, 12,000 s:roug, ...

Published: Wednesday 26 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 4240 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... DOiIIE STIC INTELLIGENCE. £OliIJ3U, @t~b~E 20. Sir If ew IvDairy tple arrived o:! Tuesday at Portsnrsonth; in the Phibe frigate; his son, Major Dairymple, who carried out to Sir liew letters of recall, also came home in the Phkzbe, with some other officers. The Niobe is likewise arrived from Lisbon with Sir Win. Scott. Both the frigates left Lisbon on the 5th inst. Junot's army head sailed ...

Published: Wednesday 26 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2550 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ;LOAN, Ortabrr *5 b Dispatches are just received from Sir James Saumarer, and Mr. Thornton. They wvere brought hy Capt. Martin , f the Implacablei who distinguished himself so osuch in f the late action with the Russian fleet. The substance of these dispatches has hot transpired; but from the circum- stance of Mr. Thornton heing on board the Admiral's ship., we are inclined to thirY that a ...

Published: Wednesday 19 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1397 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... J3 D I X B UR G Ii, - - tobtr i5. Tne Right Hlao, Sir john Anstrurher ntsa been pleased to appoint Mess. Win. Handyside and John Nor, writers to the signet, Depilty Collectors of tle tishops rents in Scotland, in roow of U'illiam l1ethurne, Esa. of BEebo, iand Charles Innes, Esq. W.I S. both now deceased. I CiRCUhT INTiLLSOEnCr.-At Jedburgh, before the ILord Justice Clerk. Agnes Baillie, and ...

Published: Wednesday 19 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1366 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

EDIBURGH, October 22

... E iD i \N B U N G II, ortotlb 22. The King has been pleased to presen: and appoina tbe Rev. Geotge Ml, Doctor il Divinioy, *o be First Minister of St. Andrew's, in the presbytery of St. Andrew's, and county of Fi vacant bv the &-a-h o' Dr. John Adamson. The King has also been p!-ased *o appoint :1c Rev. l Alexander Macleod to; e Preacheril the church or chanel at Cromarty, in the room of the ...

Published: Wednesday 26 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1952 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Miscellaneous Intelligence

... |OREIGN. The new ?? of Turkey, Sultanr Must-pha, wac crowned at Constantinople oil the i lth of Auigust. I The Dutch Papcrs of the 6th inst. announce a new De- cree respecting the intercourse between this country and Holland. In this Decree, the Dutch Government, v6lihch has eo often changcd its system ?? th's subject, denouu- ces the orcst sevcre penalties against ,l: who may be con- ?? in ...

Published: Wednesday 19 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 887 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... P O S TS CR 1 PT. We hate inserted hi as formier Dart of this paper, saanw recent Icclunt ?? Lis'bon. A Proclamn-tion hss beeri uhd~sh'd by General 5cresford, ILord Proby, and Gene- rad Ketierman, relative-tu toihe restitution of property. that had been plundered or fiscasl. d I he rvstitutio' is to be itiade to three Comnissioners, one of whom is an EangL lish officer, ?? a Purtu ,uese, and ...

Published: Wednesday 05 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1153 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... FOR EIGNi / ?? /E'ILLIG ETNE. SPAi'Z. The Supreme or Central Junta of Spain was installed at the Rdyal Palace of Aranjuez, near Madrid, on the 25th lagt. It was a grand, interesting, and impressive ceremo- ny. The provisional Government of Spain is now conm- pletely organized, and nothing nov remains to be done that could consolidate the strength and cement the interests and union of the ...

Published: Wednesday 19 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1112 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... Th)AiE(vS 7 fC INPA'JLm r I ('xEA CE. The apnointment of Mr. Frere to he his Majesty's En- .voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Ferdi- nand ViI. and in the mean time to reside with the Supreme Central Junta of Spain, is announced in, the Gazette of Sax iturday. - DOWNING STREET, ocT. 8. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Lieut.-General George Beckwith to be Commander in ...

Published: Wednesday 19 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1773 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... By the Egeria, arrived at Portsmouth from Oporto, Oportopapers to the 15th ult. have been received. They o do not contain any intelligence of importance, nor do they q eapress any discontent of the Portugueze in consequence of - the late Conveonton :-on the contrary, though it is admit- b ted that the terms are favourable to the French, yet these a papers express the utmost satisfaction, that, ...

Published: Wednesday 12 October 1808
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2449 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News