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London, England

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... SECRET TRLATLES SRL,1T17.5 TO PORTUGAL. i No.L r SECRET TREATY, t BE'TWEEN ties CATlo:C tSAJE5'TY AND HIS htAJrsTY 'Tl'lE ?? Or ilE Cr:ENCH, BY VWInCH ToIC IlGlt CON- 'ITACTTNG PAR'iLs ST'PULATiI WHlATEVER RELiATES To a THE FUrlTUIIE CONDITION OF IOILTUGAL.-FONTAINBLEAU, 27TIH OC1O,5Bi5 I807. , 1 | is m jesty thle Emperor of the French, King of Italy, and Protector of the Confederation of the ...

Published: Tuesday 11 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1581 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... rifA clUtW!Y, In the observatiohs on the disposition otf Chilth Pa. c -,,oDage, to whicl we were recently Aed' by the nume- vans ?? vvhich have occorred, we did not mean i t lieunddrstood by the expression of a ttbe ii t lsnt, that any other mode of wvoi!ship thaQ tbat a which is by law prescribed was ?? such ground as c Placed the e`i'tegci of the establishment in peril, but is .,nerely, that ...

Published: Wednesday 12 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1750 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FOREIGN IXTELLIGENUCE. FRANCE. PARIS, SEPT. 20.-At the list parade on the 11th inst. when the advanced guard of the Grand Army vas present, his 'Majesty ordered the troops to be formed in close columms, and the officers being as3embled, he spoke as follows:- Soldiers ! after havirg triumphed on the banks of tle Danube and tie Vistula, you have passed through (Ser- many by forced marches. 1 ...

Published: Sunday 09 October 1808
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6237 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | Tags: News 


... TO ?? E~~frOR; . ' 'Q~lri ~ ^ Casitle srr~f4 beicester square, Oci. j, t8o3. E' ..':Lzhq 'ieeen Ey'airiv.d in this ?? frorr! New> ?? ~'WV.les, it -4is only thig.b'4dyhat a friend shewed' m'ie Hla kt'teise#hich appear64ei goyar paper ?? the-z inxsta~nt, aldidessed to4SirJosephl. Banks. 'How- oever relieaiti I nay ?? obti ude any observations of 'tiieaup~or)thle.' notice Ofi tlhe public,: ...

Published: Saturday 08 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1202 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FRO THE / igt]flrCVH.AND DUTCH. PAPERS 1 r - : , . : ab' PARIS,. Ocr. %. i j Ictters froin Bayonne, of Seliteniber 24, contain the' tht - ! J- 'ruo'ws aui da ttlety ar;i-re here. *The oas- is - i .;r we f thi arri;y viil cuniinue through this place sai- hd in (0 tile wlhult i-onth ofi OQobel. ,e have this instant ieceiied inrmnrnation, that tbe 20 Spaniisli G r., B~lalre, has couve fromr ...

Published: Friday 14 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2284 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... COIFFEE A7 REDUCED PRICES. * By an A4t passcd during the late Session of Parlia- nient, to take place fromn and after the ioth day of this month, the whlole of the Custom House Duties on Coffee ?? rrepealcd, anD the Excise Dutics are reduced from zs. 2 d. to 7d. pcr lb. . Tlhe objedl of this Act is to increase the hionme con. sumption of the produce of the British Colonies,. tle returns for ...

Published: Friday 14 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1660 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... POLlTI(I CaAr- EXN ITI-NEi NT + i. PIP in!.1n of many for tile gain of a fewr. Sw IF T 'Tr4 D; LK E O F Y7oiK. ln 7'1n lLT.-ECTORS OF 75 ESTMJYS TJ2 1?, i pinrzr O.1 (m:CC Onceure oil a subject- Whici devtanmd. {; civtion of every iadependent manl in thre king- tanid if mnv langua-1e shoudd be a hafle hJ stc i al, ztteniliag7 betvcen taugliiag and wveeping, beiwce | r~nctile and lamnetation, ...

Published: Sunday 09 October 1808
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1612 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... ZI'IIJBUS' GH PAPERS. BAsNIcs OF THE ELaiE, SEPT. 23.-An Estafette is said to have reached Hamburgh with intelligence of I the arrivel of Napoleon at Eifirth, and of Alexander and the Giand Duke Constantine at Weimar. It is rumoured thlat the RUssian Dire~ling Senate hlad de- clared against the journey, but that their objeclions ere | over-ruled by t.he Monal-ch.l The rurnour of the Empeior of ...

Published: Tuesday 11 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1348 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... AMW EX. CH A.RLIST iO, AUG- ?7.Th co the embargo may be productive. Vf if t Whick off, will, in all probability, be flt ei tclt lortlytak% Southern Seffion of the Union, w especially bY tlle its author s have mningled vith their kindred wduh o e ar- only remembered V, be held in execration a is too much Feas~n tP lelieve that the destru&* Th e it has brought Otltn-e commerce of tie country ...

Published: Monday 10 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3493 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... THLE MYORNING CHRONVICLE. LONDON: t; 'i jFRZD~2I; OCTOBER 14, 12o8. c Two Gottenburgh Mails arrived last niglt; but, n contrary to o~ir expe'natioasi ihefybi:ing nothing wlhat- I ever of importance. We have madc a few ?? from the papers, unimportnnt as they are. t( H CAD-( U ARrEIS, GRAL SY, SEPT. 22.-HiS I ...

Published: Friday 14 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3735 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... SPAIIN. iNsrTI{.ATION OF THE SUPREMr JUNTA, AT TOS PALACiO OF ARANJDEZ. LIST OF THE MEMBEIRS ASSSEMBLED. PFUSDLN r AD INTERISO.-The Most Elxbelient Senor the Ccndie de Florida lianca. AKRRAo N.-Don Francisco Palafox Don Lorenzo Caiee. AsTORlA - The most excellent Senor Don Meichor de Jo- vcllanos, the Nlarqltis de Carrpo Sagrado. (OaD) CAs ?? Lorenzo Bonifaes de Quintan,_ Valdie,, absent, CA ? ...

Published: Thursday 13 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1051 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... T al i 3usTmEmn(S 15Tz,'JE TO T33 3.20ThOR OF TIT7. F.XA' lt-. Ste-! ?? e .ciare !ivy it; AlaNiR for nms rext door ?? hbour's ls'c 'a2;neixm';,- in ivhibh, lob -t Shonday, I founi a very different rhisrcter from tee ov:' given by yon of Mr. ShtEFFFNGTON's -'dlarned pla, tile Mq'tcvz.Xe, 'ITis I am not surprised at, xvlie's all LcidoaaknLovs kinrd ?? duetohethet- trical remarks in ...

Published: Sunday 09 October 1808
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 767 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News