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Derby Mercury


... MIARKET NERALD, COON ExCTIANOE, Monday, Jan. 9, 18011. lVe had no great quantity of Wheat up fur this day's lUarhet, nor had we much variation from laft Monday's prices. For a. fample or two offine Eftx White, a -triie 'more ieoney was obtained early, but no advavcc took place afterwards, nor had we muany buyers preleut.-The arrivals of Barley anid Malt were rallier fiort, and the prices fully ...

Published: Thursday 05 January 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 899 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... Coax Excnioas, Alotiday, Jan. f6, 1808. Since laft Monday, wrapid ad'vance took place in ttbe Menling fTrade, sind which was attributed to the contitte- ance ofthe.Americais Emsbargo. 1 This morning, however, onl ihe arrival ofa very large fupply .of WVheat, the imter. moediate hight prices of Wednelday and Friday were not nuaintained, and the rife upotl Mnnday's terms only about 5s. per ...

Published: Thursday 19 January 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 893 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKEI HlR-ALD. Conx EXCIIANRE, Monday, Jan. 23, 18t85. We had tome remainders of 'A heat ove rfronm lai week, but Owinig to thle vweastl er, aud itte conifequent itterruptlon of buinetis ol tbe Thames, Icarce any tales A ere uawde; [lie prices thrretfre ril' to-lay vare metely a troucilpt of'. 1hXfe of tile end of the weck, but whith, infe pat ticu - hirs are loIer than tie ctrrency of lafit ...

Published: Thursday 26 January 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 866 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I BNF IMTMITS PROM SOAtIIRDAY's CAZETTV,. I J Nclicard 1rt-l1, of Matctie tr, drl faller, to appear Ic Feb. 1(,11, Mar It11, a t the NeC w ixchange Build igs, m Alanchelter. 'Solicitors, Meflra. JutliliU and Bailey, 1\ Mlancheier. le Jfel)h D-avenport and John Finnev, of ,Aldermnanbury, S London, Ierchiputs,Jan. 31, Feb. 11, March 11, atGuild- B ball. Solicitor, Air. Warranid, Catlce Court, ...

Published: Thursday 02 February 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1462 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I _PrOSPE Tsot SrT.o r OAfT T ir. i.. '1ie Public Revyelnitsvitlinnd-tng !e aTe flut out froznalnsoft the whole u b the Continent vI:wurtope, und entirely from the United States has inicrual'ed to ait'egrie tiever eitpea, eell. n by thofe perlotis %Vlho W ntit fariguille itn O their hope of thc extent of our niational Ye- lou re t-s. - - JThe Surpi, s of Ways and Maeas e this year (beym d tite ...

Published: Thursday 02 February 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1314 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... Conr; EXCHANGE, Monday, Jan. 30, 1S08.. Owing to the fwoln flats of the rivers and creeks, but few corn veffels have arrived for this day's Market. Wc had in confcquence a ihort fupply of Wheat, and that mofitly from Kent. Thle fruall quantity of Superfine fold obtaillied quite as good terms as lalt week, but the inferior was cheaper, and thee Trade upon the whole dull.-k'ine Barley and Malt ...

Published: Thursday 02 February 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 899 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... CoRN EXCIZAirc', Monday, Feb. 6, I80K. Our fupply of Wheat to-day was chiefly from Effex and Kent, in which there were but few fine tamples, nor was the quantity of any defcription great. In (lhe tales there was an evident.dullnrts, with a reduitiun, from latl Mlonday's prices, of abuot two thillinvs per quarter -The arrivals of Barley were rather fiort to day; but that article did not obtain ...

Published: Thursday 09 February 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 898 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I BANKRUPTS FROlM SATURDAY'S GAZETI'E. John Billing, Ravenfthorp, Nortlaamptonlflire, wool- eombec and grocer, Feb. 17, 18, March 18, at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Daventry. Solicitor, Mr. TIbowras Baucutt, Long Buckley: William Mawfon, Kendal, Wefimoreland. cotton fpinner, Feb. 22, 2S, Malrch IS,, at the White Hart Inn, KIendal. Solicitors, Melirs. Richardfoin and Fell, Kendal. William WWatfon, ...

Published: Thursday 09 February 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 927 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... CORj; EXCIANGE, Mon1day, Feb. 13, 180l . Our fupply ot, Wheat to-day was pretty confiderable, but trom tbe centinued impediment to the working of the mills, and tilhe mny obLtraktiolls to the navigation froral the Slopds, tine trade was by no means brifs. Fine fnamplesE unquettionable maintained their price, but tine ordinaty lbrts experienced a heavy f'ale, as~d were fabjet to a re- duttion. ...

Published: Thursday 16 February 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 844 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... AlA RKETR fERAL IL CORN EXCHANCCE, Monday, Feb. 2O, 1SO&. The Quantity of Witetit for this day's Market was suit confiderable ; its Quality, inulily econd. and inferiur ; in Pri'e, fine lampies letekled'is. and 2s per quarter iimore tbao latt Alonday, '¶ itil a briD; deajand; other oluns acquired little or no additional vahie. and sent oFheavily. -Barley is is. per quarter dearer; and Malt the ...

Published: Thursday 23 February 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 785 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKE £TEiLRALD. Conx EXCHn.z. Menday, Feb. 27, 1N08. We bad a large ftepply of Wheat tooay, poelyu !rom Xent and Sulfifik, otid which obrained buyers early in the day at an adliance of about Is. per quarter.-Rl e it dearer, and fine faimples of Maiting Barley, thumbh a plentiful fup~ly, fetched 49s. andSI 5. per quarter.- Halt, on the inher Hand, has rather declined in price.- Beats t l the ...

Published: Thursday 02 March 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 916 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... 13AN.KRUPTS FROT41'?ATth DA'V'?R GA7tTTP,-' - . . - I - o Lawrente Lord, Lo gfight, near lillclir;cetteii. maniufatiurer, AlirCiv 1(), I11, . pril S. 'it thle Bridgwyuter I Armxs Imni- Mmicla~lu~tir. Slitcitur, Alf-, iili i'arting. ton, \;butelreir.Ir Edvtar4 (itillowey B3roidteld, late of Slrurportt, Wer- ceftierlbire, buuh-blilder) March Et, ti, AlfridB, at Ehe Stwurport lmn, Stourpert. ...

Published: Thursday 02 March 1809
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1044 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce