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Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday's Posts

... Mfondcany . . .-sdtty, $; It'edtzwsdrt~z's Pbsts. ModyTuesd(y,e ~ !J'ednsday~'s Posts. LONDON, P R IS Pai, Prs it, the( sit It jils1. ]la ye airrived in townl'hev uientinot. rinder an atrticle from MAdrid of the '2~2,l of October, ?? General 11lakos ilnusy in Cillcionia, coninsilting 0f 23,000 rient, baid been ?? vvith great i ott by Gen. St. Cyr. Neitther the tiee nor particuilar; ot he ba tt ...

Published: Monday 27 November 1809
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 7072 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Thursday's and Friday's Posts

... 40 . p sts. , -tl, I 1-111117?1- ff(1 -11ir ? LbNDON,; f TiI;fRKDATNOV E . A S 16;i8O9. . 't1B E Kin of Saxony is gone to Paris in corn- I9 pany ivith the Frenchi Minister. The Duke .:L _ of 13adel; and' severa;l other of Bonalarte's Geriuman vitiass, are oil their way thilher to hmold a Grand Mceetiu,, at which some importanit measure's 1 espectini, Germany will he discussed, or rather die- ...

Published: Monday 20 November 1809
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 6071 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... LO.A'DO.N IZE7V EX FRiIOILD i'dit'd SUND')A,, AtUGST 2O. TPitptitclics litt e lweci ruccived by LOrd Visn~nna C. stlrcragit, f rooi licut.-Geii. thle Ear i of Chati ham; Illy Lown, Alfiddlev!w]ght, Altgtltf 1 1): On thle -13th init, ftue bat terie l fet ?? F-l-siiis- being J fOtIl~jitCii, jnitld thle fri '-tteS1 ) bomS , Mid gt- \t I a-NeL. hiavinigl uke-u thil' S t a~non) II IiV ;~ it ...

Published: Monday 28 August 1809
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2241 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... - FO S.d, ib- , u , I: ?? ,, ?? 6; : 1.: 1;'l ?? i iV. LS. o tnirai-ph Scerpiorf , CaliL idfejl;with a convoy L .,eftraup~ozis fion ,'lymnt~h, cort, Lieut. Smith and the Sindwicl1 lugger, from Guernvey. h, ,1.A1lnda--the A6h*;es sloop, jCapet..jPiiteo, with, dis. patcheft'om 'the Hon. Admital Cgchrane, at. the Lee- ward.Islands, ^ h'icli are belie~ved t~,,orelate thc relinquish. it meilt ot' ...

Published: Monday 13 February 1809
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 476 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SATU R DAY-'S OP ST. BY EXPRESS. ?1t LONDON, SEPTEMBET 1. HE recent intelligence received from the Con- IL tinent calfs very little light on the important tranfaffions pending between Bonaparte and the Emperor of Auitria. The rumour which prevailed of the Armitlicelhavinm been broken is f&ified by fubl'equent iuholmation; and whilft the Frenc4 Chief is making iinmenre preparations to renew the ...

Published: Saturday 02 September 1809
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 835 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SUNDAY AN DTUESDAY'S POST. I LONDON. MAY 23. , . t CAPTtitROF1;OPORTO. t OVR1NMEN 1 received the agreeable in- r ' ...

Published: Saturday 27 May 1809
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2376 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... TIHU RSDAY'S POST. LONDON, DEC. Qs. 1 Srperation of Bonaparte and Jo elsi oe.- .117E French and L-urch papers, received yef- T terdity inorning, furniih iamtportantii though I not altoqether unexpected information. It appears an audience of pettv Rings, the creatures of Na- poleon, have been collectedI on that tlheatle of politicidl wonders, ['uris, to witnefs the foletan,, ftrcee of the ...

Published: Saturday 30 December 1809
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2192 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... SUDIDAY AN 1T'uESDAY'S POST. LONDON, AUGUST 1. N .O intelligence has been received from the of I Auferian Government, either by NMiniflers re Or bv the Aulirian Ambafltdor, of fo late as the or 12th nit. when the Armiftice was concluded. We th cannot, however, but entertain a hope, if a Peace fe has not actually been concluded between France T and Aubria, that the arrival of our Expedition on ...

Published: Saturday 05 August 1809
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1345 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... THIILMSI)AY'S POST. SPANNISH P'APERS. J.AEN, SEP?'. ?? ,Sonhor Euis, Qf the 29th IIt. .A coanmiunicates thit he hlas joined tile ariny- oft this province wvith 14,000 inft'antry and 4000 cavalry, to act in Concert. T1e wvill t nter La Maitchii by Cuidad Real. The renainder of the .xrny of Eftrennadura remains covering Certain' points, and ouw's is beginning its movements. One divifioll ;oes to ...

Published: Saturday 14 October 1809
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 461 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... The Ravena floop of war is arrived at Plymouth froin Jamiiaica, on board of which fiip Captain Gondhall, of the Lord Melgr've, is come home, as we hear, a Prifoner of StWte. The lord AiNu- grave had been feized by his Mlajefty's fhips Dada- lus, .Serpcat, and Sappho, when in fearch of the CoSmmlodore of his Majefty's Uips on that fRation, h* viiw a difpatch floin the Commander of his MAL- ?? ...

Published: Saturday 07 January 1809
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 943 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... BY EXPJRESS. LONDON, NOVEMBER 17. Y ESTERDAY a farther confirmnation of the I rumour of the defeat of the Toulon fleet by Lord Collingivood prevailed. Many particulars of the engagement are fiated to hatne been received in frlolia d, in letters from Paris and feveral parts of the South of France. Thefe agree refpefting the refult of the battle, but differ, as it was to be ecpetted, with regard ...

Published: Saturday 18 November 1809
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 769 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TUESDAY'S POST CONTINUE1m.I - - -10- 11 From the Loedon Gazetre, Saturday, April 29. ti ORD1TRS IN COUNCIL. A T the Coort at the Queen's Palace, the 26tlhf -A of April, 1309, Prelieut the King's MoAt Ex- ceslent MNIIjelty ill Cnotucil. Whereas his Majefty-, by his Order in Cauncil of the t 11th of November, 1807, was pleafed, for the reafons afligned therein, to order,,that ' all the ports ...

Published: Saturday 06 May 1809
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1764 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News