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Advertisements & Notices

... Fs, MEETING OF CREDITORS. EHE Creditors of RlCiARD RUDD, late of re X Wick, in the county of Gloncefter, Malfter and MBaker, are requefted to meet at the King's Arms, at le Stow, on Thurfday next, the 7th of December, 1809, when it is intended to lay the accounts open, and make a dividend of the effects. :y DAIWA 6lF.)UK, SHEEP, HAY and COtN. as RICKS, KEEPING, &c. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGRICULTURE, A Man who has lately left his employer, As (who offered to engage him for feven yearsy and who will explain the reafon of his leaving, wants a fituation, in any part of the kingdom, as BAILIFF, or SUPERINTENDANT of a large Farm or Manor. He has been regularly and induftrioufly brought up to hulbandry, in all its branches, on different foils, is well acquainted with the breeding, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1tTErATMI, flEAUTY, FAIR CQTVIPL'lo,; anti a CLEAR SKIN.', T/rRS. JONES, at thre Printing Oh';Ce, ad.& .lV.& joining the New Market, High Street, fo.d has jull laid in a frells patcel of te t elebruted ABSTI ERGEN'r LOTION, for the cure of fcorbutic eruptions, coarfenefs, rednefs, pimples, &c- on the face, hands, and necli, the only remedy for ?? ,ceafing the complerion, and removing all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be SOLD by AUCTION, by Meffrs. -T MAILAM a.d SON, 1) WeInefday the 3(th of Augufl, it;t), on the premifes. at the Fox Inn, in North Aflon, in the county of cldfird, - All the HOusi-ioi D FjRNT!TFURE- FARMING UTEN- SILS, CHAISES, HORSVS, ?? ac. of Mr. Richard Bihop, who is Iuaving the prei'es;; further particu- lars of vhioh will appear Ii; ncu:t veulk'b Paper. Catalogues rnay be had in due ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAIN1O OF ISLIP. WXHEREAS the GAME upon the above r VYT MANOR, belonging to Edward Worlley, Efq. having for many yearslaftl paft been much de- A ftroyed by poachers and unqualified perfons, and divers T trefpaffes committed and damage done by them as well tli to the corn growing as to the mound$ and fences be- T longing to the lands 3nd grornds within the faid Ma- H nor, Notice is hereby given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAMB 11N IV, T4I'TN-E Y, uXolv. BENJAMIN WVESSON UMBLY begs leave to inform his Friends, Gentleman 'Travellers, and the Public in ge- neral, that he has taken and entered on the above Inn, where, by his conftalltaffiluity and attention, he hopes to merit their favours, alffurig thofe who will be pleafed to honour him vwith their company, that no pains or expence on his part fhall be wanting to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... adltiable Sale qf Hu,,a%/7Id Fw i lnrcitZ. T be SOiD by AUCTION, by Meffrs. eT 'IALL,.A.\I and SON, on 1Turlfifly ?? ne-;t, tle 1d-Ji ..nd 1ttth daS s of Ma8rch 809, on the yrenils.j -partt of the HOlUSHOLD FUIRNIURE, 1XlXT1URES, LINEN, &c. of Mr. Hibbits, linen draper, High-ftreet, Oxford; anil a Iar.e quantity of lIOUSH-OLD FURNITURE, &c. the genuine pro- p1erty of' a Genltleman leaving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Wi ?? 1'iZl 1,c c)ii !/ieng 11uelI, ' . 0 be SOI,) hy A[UCTION, by . . WISE Oi, Frion ilii the 7th day of April, i if, at the Be1tr lnn, Wantuage, 13ibs, at Three o'clock- in the afternloolon uiiel ?? 1 ifipoled of by privet o Crin- tridl, of ?? dee no:ice xiii ik givenI-A FRE>E- HOLD ES''ATE, fituaote in, the towni of Alantage, iii the coony vf Berltks con liril( of i fubfta.ntial uell- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. T ADAMS, (by order of the Com iflioners of the Paving Aca,) on Tsurfday the 27th dayr of April, 18'9, at the Angel inn, in the city of Oxford, at three o'clock in the afternoon, under conditions of fale then to be ?? whole of thofe TWo DWEL- J.INc- HOUSES, with gardens and appurtenances, fituate at the foot of Mugdaien Bridge, in the parilh of St. Clement, now in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mUSIC ROO OM. Con THE Sevenith and laft SubfcriptiOn Concert T f6r this Term will be on M0ondty next; the particulars of which will appear in the bills on Mon- day morning. Oxford, Dacrry, 18(9. S1;~'U _ 14'OOJ) SALE (f UNDERWOOD, By AUCTION by Mr. HALSE. E N Thurfday next, the 7th of December, t180, at Eleven o'clock, will be SOLD by AUCTION, at Mr. Richard Collett's, the fign of the Royi I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0XFORD, 27thz yf April, 1809. 0 be LET, and, entered on immediately, TYL The following PREMISES, fituate on the Weft ride of St Giles's near the church yard :-A very large and comnaodious YARD, with flabling, waggon and cart houfes, ox pens, pigilies, &c. with a large flated barn -Alfo another compa& and well-flieltered yard am( large flated barn, leading into the Worithoufe lane, with Come ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NA VY OJF'FICEtJ, NAz. !2, lhog. I Officers and Commiffioners A h ajelly's Navy do hereby give Notice, That on Thurfday the 2t3d initiant, at One o'clock, they will be ready to treat with fuch perfons as mnav be willing to contra&t for fupplying all or either of his Majefty's Yards with Oak Timber, converted into Beam Pieces, for Line of Battle Ships. A form of the tender may be feen at this ...