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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF OXFORD. TOTICE-is hereby ?? a GenierIl LMeeting of the Liette.sancy of the county of Oxford will be holden, by adjournmaent, at the Star Inn, in Oxford, 'HIS DAY, Saturday, the Yd of Sep. tember, at Twelve o'clock at noon, to carry into further execution the Laws relating to the Militia and the Local Militia. WILLIAM E. TAUNTON, Clerk of the GCneral Meetinms, N °T C E is, herelbv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND CITY LOTTERY, To be Drawn in Guildhall. CERTIFICATE. 5XYE, whore names are hereunto fubfcribed, have carefully furveyed and valued the feveral Freehold Buildings allotted as Prizes in the Third City Lottery, and we adjudge the feparate value of each to be as follows. F. PAYNTER, London, 'THOS. SWITHIN. As@fl 24,1809. . ). R. ROPER. SCHEMV. 1 Prize of Lis5,700 3 Prizes of -3,000 Ji9,900 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CROWN ad TMISTME INN, 4BtnyDna. -CHARLES POPE R ESPECTFULI..Y informs the Nobility, Gentry and thc Public, that the above INN has recently ~one tnder a thoroug;h repair, and is fitted ujp i., f~c1 a manner as to' afford the noft comfortable accommodation to thole svte may honour himnaith their favours. C. P. hopes that the expenfive improvements made in the houfc, and the amendment and comfort ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANGEL INN, 7OXFQORD, RiOYAL A JI- lL &N D POST COACH- OFFICE'. POST COACHI to London every mnorning at A Eight o'clock, to the Old Bell, Holborn. s A Poft Coach to London every morning at Five o'clock, to the George and Blue Boar, Holborn. A Poft Coach to London every morning at Nine o'clock, to the Bell and Crown; Holborn. A POST COACH to LONDON EVERY )AY FROM CHELTENHAM, at Twelve o'clock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAIN1O OF ISLIP. WXHEREAS the GAME upon the above r VYT MANOR, belonging to Edward Worlley, Efq. having for many yearslaftl paft been much de- A ftroyed by poachers and unqualified perfons, and divers T trefpaffes committed and damage done by them as well tli to the corn growing as to the mound$ and fences be- T longing to the lands 3nd grornds within the faid Ma- H nor, Notice is hereby given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAMB INX, VI TNE Y, U XON. BENJAMIN %VESSON Fl UMB LY begs leave to informn his Friessdb Gent'emen rravellers, and the Public in ge- neral, that lie has taken and entered on the above Inn, where, by his conftant affiduity and attention, he hopesI to merit their favours, affuring thofe'who will-be o pleated to honour him with their company, that no ij pains or expence on his pert fhall he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORDSHIRL .- gAME DUTY. 4?of Pcrfm, ron ho )zat6e v tain d Genera Cotfctsa h ~i f l3safr ~ ~ i6~ 1 2 e o i. 8 a t, Ilaihes ~~ .Refulefice. J NDERSON, 'rHOS. Brock. A hamptoin. A~fhhutrf, H. ,Nr. Efq.. Wateirftock. Aftell, John, Claydon. Annefley, C. Efq. Blrtchington. Adams, Richard, Somerton. Arnatt,' Wrilliam, Stanton Harcourt. Attwood, Thos. Charles, Enlhant Arnatt, George, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE is hereby given, That the NGAME on the MANORS of Enfham, Til-. garfley, and Newland, is ftrictly preferved; and that all unqualified perlbns found fporting thereon will be profecuted. TF. PARKER, Lord of the faid Manors. ?? N OTI C E is hereby given, That the 1 GAME on the MANOR of Coggseis ftri&ly preferved; and all perfons found trefpaffing thereon, whether qualified or not, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Charlbury, Witney, WoodJlock, Enioie, and Great TVe Turnpike Roads. NVOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting A.I of the Truftees of the above Turnpike Roads will be held at the Bell Inn, in Charlbury, in the County of Oxford, on Monday the 18th day of Sep- tember inflant, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon; and that newa Truftees will be eledled in the Read of thofe who are dead or refufe to a&, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4Wor.y-11ells Ane7u .la1411 nd Swiper, ,. KT OTIQE isherl ?? ASTR MP. T3LLS B.ALL ald SUPPER will be opt Hriday tha .i2d of Septem~er i ftlant, at the Tavern,, I GOSFORD TV~lN~IE.. tEROAD: ?? IXTOTICE is herebv giiven, That a Mteting: of the T'rleoa of this Road will be holden at the houfe of Benjamin Cofier, under .the Twn Hall 'Ozfocd,:on THIS DAY, Saturday,he t6th of Sep tember, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASTH ALL, near BTTRFORD, (XON. A HOuUSE to be LET, and to. be entered A upon-t Old Miciaelmas day ?? Qdtober.; c hrting ofaf ?? r, large Sitting Room, Xitchen, Brewh ul, Pantry, and. Cellar; three good Bed Rooms, together with Attics; two Gardens planted with fruit Trees; ftablin-g for two Horfes, with or without a Meadow of rich Land adjoining and a Right of Common in the Foreil of Whichwvood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORDSHIhE. -GAME DUT Y I 2 tOZ1ILA. *FL, ' - -t1V1 . D U I 3an- Li#t of Pefrfons who have obtained Generat Certificeates at the Rate of 31, $eact, ?? rear 89Q9. Ma~am eaim Rfd atV4 DBEAR, EDMUND, .hiptike. A. Abear, John, Bis Albiutt, Zachary, Henley, Applewon, Jofeph, Ditto. Berry, John, Caveriham. Binfield, Wm. Rotherfield Orqas. Dot~ler, John Palmer, Ditt.o 1bitnjead, Edward, Ditto. ...