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Advertisements & Notices

... GEERL POST OFFICE Edinbifrgh, Sept. 2 9. :, ' ,ery given, that a regular comunica- '°T~ct packet .B6ats ?? ndw.esfa , r ti h~e ?? of lettefs to' and from the cl a Mail madep and dispatched n;do~ thatrplace, once or twice a,-week., ergi~nd~seI ?? all letters ?? paid'it rate O Ofr Shcill-.ed and Tzwoapenes - the NaiS= r frees Londof, teogether witth the inlaod pootage ~le lde arggable on such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4th Conps of LOYALSUFFOLIC YEOMANRY. rTM-iE eer of' Cant. CooKE'ls Troop ti relrouestel to mL eet at Sentoeron Fridaiy the 6th, and Saturday the n)I of ct i Feldda (cdrat eno'lok.Capi.SHILL1. TO'0s and Capt. D1WRSLBY's Ttoojls alt assculsble otIt Eldo- liath ill Firld-daly Order (tithout Overatlls) tnit'Dhursday thle iiiht, oin Friday l'ltl atad:Sfturday 14fli, ant l'onday 16th of' Oct. ait ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KI'TG's THEAT gE ,SEI rT..t809, r 'f1-q . Nobliy, Gently, and the Public, aire respevlb Iujiv iniformed, t :at there will be a GRAND EN 1'.ER- TATNMl 'l i givets at thls place, on Vdne dneav-thc r5th of next molll. it hononr of hik Majeety's entering into the Soth ear sf his SReign, to cooist of a Ball anid Supper, by -i aoll Sebsnrriptiitf nd s rti n money eceived at the d ?? ole g -uie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Opt PU-iSImnl THIS PAY 'I 01n~ tee 8-v price lie brds, :PDIFFERENT AU- i li~~i~ UPON' IHE PU~~lSH,~1EN'1' OF DEATH. 'ftlbfted'ALe't~i ruestafai' r dolb~iia ~lak sjd h l~to of, W e ieageres p~o -Qtti'Pshhnientan of Death, and Ov t 4epraiarovenit of ~rsnDsiBe ~ BASIL MON-' Tl~W~ ~sa~te~yt theop~o~ ~ 'Dl ?? ?? Jalatqpjfqg,~esai,~iy ntsu~;~& cako, Sir UAotnas Mlote, 1,raru,mn Bacoii, ChAeJZ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I PS\ WIC !. tl Ii Sept. I BOi. R,'I TIOT IIAN thivc& this 1ZiJthfid ol'ac ,muin-itig his 15 tiel. hi. tenti1its, 1iidl r'l lzbiic in g~e'r er,, thit lhc I'~s upoa >:i!l Vii his OfiLce iln St Jtctvelos, A SizdJc oi PKHANlI )Y, RUMI, ;'FA' VA, S&c. thleq q:alii, y *I: iAC;h,41C doubtsi luti Ivill g;u iatisfhcdom to ithe pirchlaseti. 1!hL.P Sl fI9 Cii)(ieut~atr~sy to zlir. Nuaith Cou~w's a!t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. (APITAL DWELLING-HOUSES, LOFTS, kA CELIARS, FIELDS, and other PREMISES, in Ply- mouth, Plympton St. Mary, and Plympton Earle, Devon.-To be SOLD in LOTS, the FEE-SIMPL Land INHERITANCE of the following LANDS, in Plymouth --Lot I. A capital brick fronted spacious Messuage or Tenement, and Courtilage behind the same, with commodious Cellars, 'Lofts 'and Ware- houses belonging, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - O E iNBRGHI, TO 0 SL,14 AWDi GA.SS LDs-, TO BE L r ;aft 6t or keiiieteri-woeoru prs 01It ?? be~tween the ~five and fit, mile fhone on the faoth'flde oF th- raw Glafgnw'road, to -the weff- ~ ?? is- fnreoufidedon thr ee oldJ, havl~na fnaial Iurn as, sts f-aten ondr - .,TobetitLa's- _ y-i. 'e fufc tema a h ore 1-lO- edroomsi an e6x0 entkicewtawer pine thereiii, 2 w ter clo ets-anrd ohrcnetoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUils liv. AUCTION. 1I,- JOwiN COX, Oil( '1i(]~(i 11i111ki~d'tv October 5, 180P, I~l.tlit '. w-l~I~i r? torkAgti~tAlilliral ltip, et I w o-. Fi. m.:1 thu pat ikh of Urilt a Xdnlc il-t w ciols-a .:I strong Carl (((0 rCS anii gc Idiligs ILI -t l Uil .10] 1011t Clot, 'I tlat 1I .li bvasls, id dill)loliow hi l ,i,'~~~~I. d-\-uIr bii Cli-i C I , 33 1 t t siwep01), 3 osouipt- J li0115' hm Shatlst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES by A!JC'I. fION. LA \'ALUABIL1E U iI~ lLatilID ..Oi shtv 1.1~ Itat-1101iulc i't 131try- Littte lorMll'' sloN, sd WEBB~ IreIv ss, elld tlie dli lth t Octbsr 16.91 UpanI thc o'i I sa iS niI) dSok olitlJ Ik i Wr A af.i. ISAAC I3ROKS M ~itlriloiiilglittltlt itiAr b3ury St Edisionda. ~CA!VA * 048T'tid~i tic'2J of'Octobtr, kind )lilowivig da y. rr'iii: ntjr Fit ittig ri, VaIlolsble thimoec ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jaio',NTJ.!T'i, Kaisri thle last ~wo of ?? Performsin I,, ~,eloeani- 1uy-A AMp11lthegre, Vetante-i'5iindec ti's~ l'Irtrnn- ~ o'illW oya ?? f \Vrals uid Dunke ~l i' rincial U-fa~er, Mr.Astle 1uv and Mrs r *nfiur 1ii-e-Tcls~ ad hc~I obe ha'd, at the' b a NPHITHEm ?? S t minste k Ii4 Fo. toihe BE3N'Eirlt of IVtr Pli R O -p - k:.ciy'lex 6)dlber4tn, i80c, e'd tie I ?? r.Neo r~ st f, ~10i3g16icla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXVORDSUIRP1E YEOMA.NI'YtY. tj IIE WOOTTON I1UNDRli.) NORIIu, i 'IROOF is defired to'muftlerf for Exercife, at' Allon Warren, on Monday the 9th of O dlober next, at Elevtn o'clock. OLDFIELD BOWLES, Captain. 'iArortb A.Jfon &Pt.' Yl, I Bog. rn0 be SOLD,-A GREY GELDING, ; riling fit years old, warranted found, and parted wvith for no fult. -Apply to the Head Oftler at Secchanl's 3ivery Stables, ...

Universal Patent Spi

... nning. WILLIAM FARMERY and Co. PATENTEES,, iris lus, fell t incumibent up on them to accquainit their nd theI Public, in the lnited Kingdomri of Great' Bi i and i-I-rvid, That thny have obrtarined Hils MaJesty's, l'W-1 iielters Patent for Fourteen Years, Ino r..w nvvNetirord' ot piorir ( tritiot ad ire Threads of C'otton, Flax ist oi or MWoollen, Silk and( TIwiLui ng of I hi i~ri~ r rt ...