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... I- I . ? 1, ? I ? , , I ?? 1, I ?, -Unionist..; ?? ?- PI O ?XlpbL' ,? 4'X 117 W.,m> I V. ?. i:; - 1. ' . f? I r r .;oi ?? jjl',tj !,t ,, J,- f> ~ btb nWi. t1S''L f. i,¢w. dt ,. eo,. ..Jam s -: tLa& S~t indi n ?? ?? L2 h',6,dtt d~ rageoui, ,iMd violent assauk -,conqi'rnmitted.r 'orihe)pPrSop of a ty Clark. tFrom; the-'ividendee 46tiit1atedaiuhath1ii fg±pdan tsVjt, 'Fi ole' [ ...


... . ? ? I .. ?. I , %I-OZI-exL? - I COURT OF 0INQ's BRSNC'U, JULY 20; utltmrra 1flare Lorou Et orwgb and a Skecal ,kry; ,. , S lr~at 'eitms~rlr,'r.t . .TFE k11SG AGAINSTC1NFA'iETY. The Defendant having witlsdr awrn lhis plea oF Not Guiltv' and theieby allowing jridgment to go by de- fault, the cause did not proceed. THE OI.G V. JOUN OA.L JONES Mr. ABBOTT having opened the proceedings in ...


... LAW INTELLIG1xNCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, JuN. iS.t- , : SEDUCTION.- .SUTTON ?? STEPHSENS. r Mr. GAR ROW, on the.part'of the Piaintit, stated that tl ts was an aaion brought to recover: damages for an injury of the most serious nature that could be inflited on a patelit. It was to recover compensation for. the se- sludion and consequent loss of service of a daughter.- Y The Plaintiff he'd ...


... - L ^ ' ' ?? , ' 'V . Zxt- Mtz'ra SS0wiON AND mb nA5, e~e~ ?? Mr~ L~A~na an Mr~Moe~'rCat'aoiialic, trat of ihe Pe. tltloriera', .who'are the Partn~exs ofth tire iohm ruern carriie~d: Go at Slsrewasbury, uenders the Firm of tF e Wsevburyi Bcuilli -tseated tide toble, an' ?? oft th itk'oor aa~e. to, ed on the tatur~ o17,tbe. OrMer Ifit Li dsklp 'nsijhtlie pleseed -V to gi-ve. Teiatrps ?? rd~iwr ...


... : , Dtws2-.,rR-t.'Yesterday Henry _Wqokhen-.m ?? MoQr- street 2ur~g. wa4 hrcought to rhc'abeiffice, and ci ;arvert hefore Mr f'qreg wfith ptckiog.ibepockst of Captain Pian ta iiPher- soi, od Siwffia:k.strect Charlng-cros4, who tt ,te that aboilt one o cluck,.s he was pawsing near the Adnriralty,. with a tripod hie fet ,ioitthing push at ?? ?? pocktet, and, turaing rouad, 2e; Obaseyvd his ...


... ioIR S I MAReLauiOR oia.USTRsz'r, A eiiar~e was tinde ?? ott Satiirdav, by a trn~identan'O vkrie, eJ± St. Anna, paffigh agalnet another tirt.esmaji, for' -mitn a rap~ nti tier ptrson Tbfi, ,Prosgctrtixi statid thite ihe 'Priender fanltosed ie-r into e Knuse,'ana .vRn!leed We'p1ersohe gdin'st 'her wilte ait!1inuh she- nsaei'eevry re; turneidiiut; however 'that thecosn- ~I int had nther ...


... LAW ?? IA'TELLIGENW.T, . sERIWFFS COURT. CRIAMI CON. DERIES V HOLDIv1 The De&ndant having; allowed. judgni rt to go by. defiant, it was referred to this Court to assess damages. Mr. BANSEwALs having opened the case- Mr. Serjeant BES-T stated, that Mir. and Mrs. Defries had been married upvwards of ten years, during which, up to the period of the unfortunate se.lmration which gave rise to this ...


... p4w: L,-I!r L~GIrl CE. : . COURT OF kiNG'9 IlSECH, FEB. 24. Befarc LariroEn i a Special Jary. :,TiE.K:ING V. LAMBgitAi{.o ANOTCYEii Thie followiyig_ were tile .naier-of the Jury sworn:- Vtilliaui Lewis, Es,.q , John ]rwin, Ftsq, Charle Jones, Evq. . Herr U'oodgate, Esq. Jainiesifeatk, Esq3 - M~r. John HorshianI Thomnas Jl&ies, .sq. M Nr. Johl Brown T iies- Tbowas Wrigbt, Esq. : Mr. 1'Thmx~i ...


... izW INTELLIG;EAU. -CO URT Of-kS 1~,~Tv t 7 LIEL C~iJSTTHE BSH~tOP OIFDERRtY. CR!IMNIN ALINIORMAT IO. AGAINS I rbQ CA.MfWANTA T1 TTO$'itLAtOr~ p i'bterule adrd oie-rn si Pt ernrei ?? a ietors of trw ?? oslid te &m~ranCota L ibel against the' Bishop of Den-y.. Mi Jt IlL t shditted c~ause'aghrtns this il ue' Theie sile. of ?? Counsel's.vit'g'uincrnt -in shiewing.-cauise, fie saidshoul be ea' fld ...


... ACCIDENtS, 0F EgS -e . c About fonsr o'clock an Sunday 4nwor;Pig, a dreadful conflagra- tion burst fromn the bark warehouse of MAr. Gillet's Prhiting'Of- fice in Mganginsg-sword-alley tter-lae. In the course of tlhelast flve yearsith ree fi res ha ve ha ppeaed a t he samae residence. The front part onthe premises is Mr. Gillet's dwelliqg-houseie Stlisbury-square; the flames were, bowever, ...


... & .GEN)RdL MILIT R ORDERS. ' , n ?? ,IIoe Gsaafd ?? Sept. S, txso.. At ?? CourtBMaitia1: held ,a Bairbadwet on the nd May,. t_. tr, and continaed by.A, jouqrnme~nts to the i4th of the samae mrnon4i;, Lieutenant Colonel Tho- ?? Ausiin ot the 4th.B'attaloiio 60th iteiinent, was. ar-! rai ned upon the under;meitiodeChaig~i, iiz.- ''sac, For vaioi~enegledta of duty ?? p >tdicial'torthe er-' vice, ...