... EULLS D.cI.. BE 4. 80 .- flUALLA -D'cEzMBBR 24X5- 1 8 O. , 1, . .E . ,, ,, ,, L ,~~~~~~~~~1, L SHIP NEWSl'.. ARitRVALS.-At Mew-rb,1& Thle Eleanor; Liord, from this port.-A Maids, OQcber,24th, The Hope, Hunter, iof this purt, from London. The Providence, Prince William, and Charles, armed brigs, which have been a considerahle timiae stationed in the Humber, are ordered from thence, to Cork in ...

Published: Tuesday 25 December 1810
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 904 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ASONCOS SBAANRUPrS.-.,. IVYaVAMVbh aea~. T. AL2XAND~CAME~.OI,,Culcraigieb ?? rCre- ditors Ettles' in'j Inverie s, 2d ?4arch; 12 ocloc k vnamne afakor;-fmee piaeeand hoar, r6th Mtirch, to, e- ledr a trulee. - zzXAMINATIONS, &c. AxDtw.SMnAR L4 Fleliee 'in Glafigow,- tdfbe exaitinelile in. the Sheriff`Court-houie, GI4fqw, dbry and gth March,' iI 0o'cloc&;-Creditors, mneet an the office ...

Published: Monday 19 February 1810
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 640 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... -.S.'qO7T ff4NK &R'PTs.-, Joaie 'A o'jun. ?? Glafgow.- Credi- r tors reet in. }ins Armn Inn theret1frAuguft;6neok, te name a fa~or'jfanie~ place an' hour, 22J' Aqugift, to eledt a truflee., WILLIAM SMaTH, Mechant in ?? meet i-nthe ?? of M'George'and iawrse, -writeri'in ; IGaf&gwi27th, July;.onie.o.'c namea fa∨ fane - ,place and'hour, 24th tAugtiA, to'ele'd a trufee. 5: ?? : - ES ...

Published: Thursday 26 July 1810
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 778 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... FlNVCIAL STATBMEMTSI7 The actual value of British Produce and Nianufatturers exported frnm Great Britain for the year ending R50,248M7j6 Jan. 5, 1810, was _ _ _ J Goods imported for the year endinag5th Jan, 18i0, (exclusive of.iniporta. . dO,406,0 o 0 tiois from India and Chioa) i REVENU E 4ssessed TaTes - - - - J,238,600 13 Propeerty Tax~ - -- ,1,_ IlIi,38s 10 8 Income Tax 4 . _ 18,511 4 Aid ...

Published: Sunday 07 October 1810
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 545 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: Commerce 


... I LrNDUN GAZS 7E, UIfI.)A 1, AUGUST 4. & . D5 hk v nI t-) r- * ?? ev isnciwarz~ I .if ?? Ilc-I.tI. i AiLU ;31 4. BANKRUPTS. Jibe P3I's. btae ef Pra'din ir s:neer, and row if More l- bi ic-iri'el r i ia d.e. prl\11 biFker. .3 C.-%i laem SI Ier, r-f II.r i ;:.n ref. Narcir a grit, Mil!Wesex, seeed' [eaIr. d. c.- aima Acl erlurir. 'a iie ! Grililr, I;I, 1ril.11,, giree, . C. -; .n S'le Cl p if ...

Published: Saturday 11 August 1810
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1005 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

O~'. [~ -J5(V G/rr29

... , .4't 11 ; From the LCVDy , GA.; ETE, Juw. I: I - , , , - , ! , . - ., ~ ~~ f f - Cqorge Rncnn teof ete a Ire ui l FJly 4, rt eleven astin Neowv Cnrk, l'restii Attornis Mr John j';waisp, t raitnigate, hr0cayer, .1oe El t, 4 atJ'uly, 14 at eleven, irthe King Yea9d rPafern-;taRnsmrtgafen ',Attor- iue, Mr -Wigltwica, Ransgatv; -r hdssrd ttr l1 'Mixliliam Bultneft, mt, NcfrtI.Peitiii artIr5 ...

Published: Monday 04 June 1810
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1032 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... * SHIP- AE -;VS XI, , ., - , . ., { - PnrTs~s3nu~ D'c-c. ?? ae in theJ' .lad frfgate 'with several of' her do''oy. - It 1s reported;,that a Wese isla'iaes is on shofe on thie Oars.: The John oE Newcastle, n'entionv> yisterday to have engaged a French privateer for an~hstr-an: a halt has come into harbour. i master ?? b77ar4 -the-privateer'; the nsate and two isesr were killed-in-he adl!0o ...

Published: Saturday 15 December 1810
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 659 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... .SHIP NETS. ** tiOL TAW. I3,-~Arrived' the Lady Fransceg packct frorn Marstraud. Sbe'safled the 8th, instant,, at which time iso yes. sals ivcre at~ ?? bound to England, part of them' bad arrived, frots the B alticcon tfse~iort h sr of January. Supposed they would sail for England immnediately. PoR'TSKa'Oe'rsr, -JAN. 74.-Sailed, the Neptuneo, 98, Sir I. A. JWood; Denmar'k. 74 Calitafn Blssetc. ...

Published: Tuesday 16 January 1810
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1363 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... P~rMVTII JAN.3OCamc in 4a Niemen; Claptain Sir M. Seymour, Hart. fromi i ?? ?? in th ay n fr to th West''ar !. On her cruise shet f~.lI in NVItls a squadron 0ffo> Fr-,nch Frigate% ,hich sls6 dodged for a. day antI a night, in hope of u~tig ol oneof tetm,butt thei k~ept sa close. toge- the-, and the. e heing such odds, the gallant Baronet shaehi course back to %is old cruising groiind. ...

Published: Friday 02 February 1810
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 224 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MI-,II H ERAtILD. I Cdlrf Otiezroa.- Mortday, -3onj ur 1#lu. .iie 6ad a tolerable *quantily.of WbWhet corl~twaysstltli rnoriaiag.iterd the Foeign..tqii hand. VVY ry' 4cor liderable. {1i regard to Mles 6sey were c~tfd early at ruAiler oetter pricLseia were afterwvrds nwti?ied, but whihelertze. pozdLe4. nearly wish Ithie ofCto: Nhvllilvt* -ThP rt-port that no turther fupplies were to ...

Published: Thursday 28 June 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 914 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKJ ETERALDO I CORN EXCHANGE, Monday, Nov. 5, 1810. Our Market to-day AI s (upphed with a pretty conlider- able quantity ot En liti Xt ht itt, aud with it the reiuains of last week arrivals of' Foreigo. Somr fw early fales were effected upon. rather better terms thanr prevailed in the alter-part of the day, at which period the prices were as stated in our figures eluow.-XVe had a good lupply ...

Published: Thursday 08 November 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 821 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... STATE OF COMMIAIERCE. r Notwithstanding all the efforts of the enemy to ob- struct the commerce of Great Br tain, her imports and exports have gone on progressively increasing, to an a- d mount altogether unprecedented; an amount that has been the boast of his M.ajesty's Miniisters, asjusfifying the policy of their councils: the wonder of the opposition, who predicted the annihilation of our ...