Refine Search


... notes was paid into the Bank, and was traced by Hurmpbreys to'Mr. Pbhtlips, wino keeps the Constitution public-house in Drury-lane ; Phillips said he received it of the Prisoner for two bottles of' pirt on the n igst of the 'robbery abou't an hour afterwaids ...


... tlewell Church, Essex, Mr. Chas. Edw. Horn, of the J.yceuna -Theatre, to Miss Matilda Ray, of the late Theatre Royal, a Drury Lane.-Mr. Jacob Bravo, son of David Bravo, Esq. of Kingston, Jamaica, to Miss Grate Aguils, daughter of Isaac a Aguila, Esq. ...


... about 17, a soldier i the first regiment of Guardi, were tried Pot asiminsta crime, at a public-house, in White Hart-yard, Drury. lane, on the zith instant ; and George Horiby, a cobler, and Juhss Cutmore,.a soldier, were indih~ed for a similar crime, at ...


... paviour, Jal. i, ., Feb. .5, at Guilidhall. Solicitor, SIr. James Blctnin, 16, Uriort-fireet, Southwark. IPhilip Phillips, Drury Lane, tailor, Jan. P, 8, Feb. 5, at Guildhall. Solicitois, Meirfra. Howard arid Abriraiams, Jewry-tQreet, Aldgate. ?? Phipps ...


... POL I''S BoW-STrET.-O0 WNVednesday, -Vickery the officer, Lack and Donaldson, constables, went to a house in a court in Drury- lane, in search of coiners. They proceeded to the garret, and found implermenis for coining, and three hundred pieces in the ...

[ill] BAILEY

... the silver coin of the kingdom. eo ween, the landlord of the soue in which the three, prisoners lodged, in Orange-court, Drury-lane, deposed, T ,at luwing sorne suspicions of the.nefarious p'racdicea of hiis tenants,- he bor~ed a hole in the waiviscot ...


... Charter, it is conddently hoped that the present application . to Pairliament Will meet withiequal success as that ofthe Drury- .lane Proprietors, particularly when it is notorious that the usii- versal feeling of the Metropolis is in favour of the est ...


... of restoring Drury-lane ; but the ..sestion oa a third Theatre,' even if Ibrurly-lane cdn rt' e redi starfds ieciseiy on the same grounds as before this gen- tlernan s concessiori, with, this advantage,' that if thc restoration of Drury-lane be not immediately ...


... 'by giving hii violert blows, &c.9 It ?? that the prisoner and the deceased .vere together at i'he -Still Pubifchbnse. in Drury-lane. The, risonet was there nparly thi wjsote of the day till-about th-ee oslack,- when ' the unsrmtnatd affairhntpened. Thhe ...


... her recovery. ; Ott Tuesday evening some msischievrou persons amused ten selve5 by tying a cord neross the narrow psart of Drury-lane for tlte, purpose of throwing downt passengers. Mr. Smi(Vord, ds Holborn, Jtadthe misfertune to hecome the victim ,nf this ...


... AspeS ihin : 'tlhose in the Haymiarket Tlseatre- 'with' a- st'age fuhllysas-R 1 lgrand arid.xtensive' as-the late oneain Drury lane. The % accomhdationisj approache's,. ic are excellit ;. .and -we have no ,4oubi of its' becoming an acquisitign I long wanted ...


... theS conviftiona-. t Fyrsom etime pastseveral of the inhabitantsin W y.h-street,- tn- between Newcastle-street and I.ittle Drury-lane, have had ch their houses robbed, without being able to discover the rob- bers. On Wednesdav evenilg, ?? seven o'clock, ...