... woANCAT-ER.. SS..E- S LANCASTER ASSIZE&. , -1 .. A_ ., 1 t - L Thursday, 271h March, THE KING 09t THE PROSECU nON or RICHARD BOOiTH V5. TllE SStiRV. WILL. BORDMAN. This was an indictment originally preferred at the :r Quarter Sessions of the peace for this county, and ;t sfterwsards, at .ltbe insteonce of tbe prosecutor, re- r moved by crrlfirari into the Court of King's-bench, from whence ...


... Atr- l.E OL F M LkGAVIEiTA. E A t >, i . l-m the l a, ?? 21-Gmeiral Moridilo landed at teisland of Margarenlta o le 14th instant A con luin of his troop3 narched immeudia`tely to attack Pu- co is larmar, which they took possessioD of after a desperate T l redmtance. Thlreehundred f the insurgent basd were of kil'ed and manyi ;ouvtded and made prisoners. The S e remnaitderott-he hand eied to ...


... ROBBEiRY OF THE HAIL. . - . 1 I 1RUBB 1t x Ur 112X IAunsl. Clonrmel, April 2.-About half past one o'clock 'n sthe night between Thursday and yesterday morning, ea formidable attemptv was made oln the up-coach from Cork to Dabliu, oear Ballvsheeban ahout two miles | beyond Cashel, on its way from the latter place to ULttleton. 'The villains concerned in this design placed cars, ladders, and ...


... EXECUTIONS FhR MURDER. ItRELAND. 3furder of Afr. Baker.-Clonrmsel Assizes.-On i Monday, Mather was put upon his trial, at Clonmel,. for the murder of Mr. Baker. The solicitor-gene- I ral stated the case at great length, and detailed the I particulars of the horrid conspiracy which had been l formed to assassinate Mr. Bakter, and which appear- ed to have been organised upon a mostalarming and l ...


... A most daring Robbery was ?? on the premises occupied hy 'Jr Howie, grocer, Pool-lane, jast Sanday morning, between the hours of 3 and 4 t)clock. The att mpt was made from the adjoining yard, by means of a small ladder, placed on the top of a wall against the hotuse, from the top of vshch the robber reached the roof, ahd descended the chimney in front of Pool-lane, into the rokin over the shop ...

Law Intelligence,

... w IntelliqmCco - i ? , , .. -- King's Penac, April 20. COS?!RACY. V. D[YERS, LEVY, NOLPE, KINNEAR, t glgc- AND OTHERS. Gerneqystateds that this was an indictment against 1ryefs LewisLevy, Mozely Wolfe, John Kinnear, X others, for a conspiracy to set up certain per. f on flctitious credit, to impose upon the public as I t, The learned Counsel described the conspi E le of the most mischievous ...


... I MID SUTitR COUNTY QUARTER SESSIONS. r .Ntefes to Corresvwoadcan*6.1 - [See oar Notices to Correspotadents.'1 These sessions commenced-ois Monday last, in the i Court room within the Towihall, before an unusually I e full Benchl of County Magistrates, Edward Bootle Wil- I brahain, Esq. M.P. Chairman. The calendar contains 3 thelnomes of 50 prisoners charged with felony, 35 toith misdemeanours ...


... . THE RAEi OF, P-- Eva THE BANK OF ENGLAND. Mr. Broughan moved, that a mandanmus be directed to the Governor and Company of the Bank, ordering them4o proceed to divide all the profits accruing to that establishment previous to the 19th of March last, over and above the expenses incurred in the conduct of its affairs. His qpplicaion was founded upon the affidavit of a proprietor of Bank stock, ...


... - DREADFUL' AURDER e Of die C7snat and Cointliss 1) AidrmigiieS at BafIe., t It Tile Count and Countess dI Antrbaikgues, F reh i Noblesse and distantly related to the unfortunate z fanj3l yotbthe Bouibons, resided on Laires-tci _ace ) on the banks of the alDi'ies. -They Iud T in a w which, t1hough far frm whi'at .he.y Ihad. brminely d m roved inj veit iiaaS rath~er borderlio on'3'2h ?? 'tlan'd ...


... The following is-an extract from the evidence of Major Steward, before the Committee, with copies of two letters from the Duke of Cumberland to him, in answer to applications from certain eltctors of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis for 'thefiurther-ance of their dift'erent promotions in tile 7navl or other dt- part lenea / Your Constituents applied to you to apply to the Duke of Cumberland ?-My ...


... SUYl CO UR 1- j utkrn~lv tlie Julry Court met, Wnd pr 4cdtd to a urn' ti ?? tle issue renmihcd to them hy the Scr.lcd Ditisloil *)f tlo C I t of Sesaion, in the case oj tho Earl ofFiF- i. the tn'stet o rhe late Earl, 1s formerly mentionedl. The (Court wee uc i'd il two o'clock next morning. The Jury found, - Thutit has not hsett pmrven that the deetis under reduction were rend ove., to sa:id ...


... iALRV IANC1, C'-.S-SflA-; ?? ' C 'T :;lli ?? ?? ?? T, AND Ol'lc. TIVa' Of; t]t10e Sano aaikrlt-c-ite, oftieti ndti-writras 'cin,| oi 0111 I me i i d :liflal!tt'iviak, Iotlivi', 0o1 theL I;tij'lt \l i auke of at Nrtilillathellrtil!, propri tor oi thw tiijp) Midl- unlilt n, ?? [tiotl-t| irl'alall.:il to hiu (II)ItC oal hilip anld . i to n grcat uxtent, fiom ?? to Loindon, pa:tltl, :lt I Lonioni ...