... : , Dtws2-.,rR-t.'Yesterday Henry _Wqokhen-.m ?? MoQr- street 2ur~g. wa4 hrcought to rhc'abeiffice, and ci ;arvert hefore Mr f'qreg wfith ptckiog.ibepockst of Captain Pian ta iiPher- soi, od Siwffia:k.strect Charlng-cros4, who tt ,te that aboilt one o cluck,.s he was pawsing near the Adnriralty,. with a tripod hie fet ,ioitthing push at ?? ?? pocktet, and, turaing rouad, 2e; Obaseyvd his ...


... ioIR S I MAReLauiOR oia.USTRsz'r, A eiiar~e was tinde ?? ott Satiirdav, by a trn~identan'O vkrie, eJ± St. Anna, paffigh agalnet another tirt.esmaji, for' -mitn a rap~ nti tier ptrson Tbfi, ,Prosgctrtixi statid thite ihe 'Priender fanltosed ie-r into e Knuse,'ana .vRn!leed We'p1ersohe gdin'st 'her wilte ait!1inuh she- nsaei'eevry re; a~.it turneidiiut; however 'that thecosn- ~I int had nther ...


... LAW iiNTELLIGENCE. 'CO~TT OF ,KING'S BENCU, 2J4. 24. Mi'. ToPPING} moved for a Rule to shew-s G1\rsc-why the Writ of ca-pias ad' satiifiacindwtzn i6 this case should not bh s'e aside, on account of irreg;llarit, and why the money. in the hand. of'. theI Sherjffsbould.not be paid o6ver to the 4efindarnt. The Learned Counsel ,observed, that if th faats stated in the derfndant's afida- vit were ...

[ill] BAILEY

... .7i,??.thblv*tf,-? .1 - . . I , - L . . M V .. . II Thle istntosns eimen'sced yesafeeiday^BefolI' tbe 20tiD ~Ishtsso¢' Mr. Justiee WAxi, Isardsf Woiabt~ M~r; sstiet Bttr.y ,ft114j' AECORDak, &G -- ' TkOsAS ?? the' Voulgetr, alfd NSMES H4AYDEN the-D elder,i were iudidd, the frnmer for stealing ?? bushels of wheat 'from the ,barn of Mr. Thomas Vaughan of Enfield, ale, tse 4th of Vecember, and ...


... -LAW IJN7tLIGJGMl. . ?? Moi}DAY, JUNDS-, g: This heing Whit-Monday, there wcue no Sittings in any oP Courts in Westminster Hall ,except- in the . q: :COURT OF EXCHIEQUEA. . Before ?? Chief Pai o6ad a Cbrninmn JiTr, :PLc5ELtOit A.ND ANs3,fiEii' ..OOFtRAZ This was an adtion onra Bill; of Jix-chng6e for 26ti. drawrf by ..a person of the ?? upon and accepted by the defen- dant in, favogr of the ...


... POrICE. who n~~u~mbeir ?? idle and dirnr&eriY fellO-s: whonm.ingered.'and aiin-ttyed dlise 1oblic, on WedleeSdaY-Oveff. big, in,vi6eYingtslilssnminationls- wivl.s lire-arms and fire-works, were trilerl mint custody and ltdei~d in the watcls-hetites. T'be followtng viere, txannined-fiefore Afi. Bats is ecr'Y vkled for throwing a: squibe in the S, rerd. TH is stA 'WiIEwscagd vwith disch~argiflg- ...


... A; W/P IN-''usI. l & I COURT 0'(1A cR , utavS , F -,CL5 T- 'Ti. iiOWiSiIEiL0 A~O Six~iff.. Sir SA~ou. R~atefsir ttd1 that thliswas ansapplication,&i t hi, p a rt of th be -P lesuiit iff f 6r aw iiiju~na Ion , ltsS tra1AinaIigth'E f.~ feadant, Michael 'Bowiflold, fromh pro eeding. a t lw ' Bcw'lrexl n~ r Igli tie Screaryto the P6 Compan, f.~m de~ve~rhn to te ~eroiNi cifphg. to liaye in.- teses ...


... S UMREY ,SESSIOAN I; . TUrSDAY, JuL'- 23. JOtIN WAT WieiC, a Toll'ColledRor at'the Circus Gate, Waqs indiefte4for havigie rtortd-d s. 6d.. tor a pair of post hors sc, from. Colonel Eveyn, on the'x5th Febriiarylast; : ' Ct- Co l.EvTae stated that bn the day. nieirtioned, he hired a chlaie nind pair, at Ballard s Livery Rtables, Duke-street, Berke- leyqsjares to go- to loot's Ci-aV. .The Ustial ...


... . ? i ? -1 L I- ?, ? , ' I . I `6 , , , ' t'.404,, -1, Th 1Cur 1i'ttbt -aeousn Ar 6oftl&-y 4 .ndsdaedirnqierLoraMrliahtio6~&hrls tanhdwi 2t aifist '1 ~herr. ere i se es- ther osr 0taCiiltitl t 'the -:oftsnce dijfrejuly.; : N~~0% or te' c 'rsg ?? of Meh es6 en'fif hdf o flora:> I-a ivs -Nsalkrng sse Saron-hlt, and *4valarflsi d h$ s5e.L person eryiua Out Th ,hat i ?? b who iwoit ...


... OLD. BILE Y. FitA r1 coF1 AOIZwstried on an hndidtnient char- r, inghm wit eetn and' maimliug John. Clcir, with intent to WNi1 kit.l hint, or do hint s~rnse bodily harm, on'.thie 2oth of May tDY -last, in tihe p)rish of Wapping. rrommthe-testimony adduced in Support of, the charge, it ap- A pea'red tli i the pr isoner, w~ho -is 'a Spanish' Sailor, hrad served.ke on bo0ira's WIE-ist Indiaspas,. ...


... 071XDER9 IV N:EW fGRA L.LAINE. PoLICE OFFICEs SHADWELL.O4ne of the Magis-! fe yesterday in allusion to the examination whiclhn ak place on the preceding day, of a inan named John ,ihlliams, observed, that in. consequence of sorme in- k, tjod he bad received, he went to. Newvgate at- (ended by an officer, with the Maul, which had proved b, I to the Marr family, to see a person of the name of ...


... 7: , f :. 7' .- A. 4LtL' . isiar-, tbeir.. isfn~ 6non, ,anOi.JAnues- Gee, te, Cltal~1 lad. Th6 IkIlopog vas Ot14e~deAeh ~MAPtOARtr J htyir~~Jsdststwihll~~aw;I~ 1s'eest td else COUnter t'o my ptsafter, M6h was -behind st~.h ae plea UridnOte;1, it 'wa4tec6 -a feiYw'I ?? to twoY et ?? Ae,'ossnter, VI won-t out it -Ah. Lear atiid ;4inoed to the-left t 1a'r's Ahe ?? -me. voie ~iri Ipilt ...