Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LU Fa- MARRIAGES- ,at On Monday last, at the Hoty Trinity- ehureb, Capt. 'n- Win. Harper, of the 80th regiaet t of foot, to Misi to Elizabeth Downs, daughtrr of the late Mr. 3Do',n, of be tbis place, brewer. -- On Thursday last,,at the Holy Trinity Church, Mr. ed Wardell, silversmith, to Miss Adlard, both of this place, Int On Sanday seonight, at the Holy Trinity Churvh, .Mr. di. ]* Granger, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at St. John's Church, Mr. JohntCarjal,. § ;§23 ,eA;4nta~h whe?,o,.,;talo ?? p ?? 11~4~O 'aI 3.t~a :.,opi v James R$1011 hi Fern !SAtli, tn *S Jaibs Ja jlliofl JQIoYyAuti. of ?enw~t i;m.t223- b4a 3eve . t t11amt, WA~d X&1~ock2, Z# ±bio 1 DTie IttrydOeitaI or,1 n,esdughter of the late Rev. 'T.Pearce, C b u aj, Chapels Rota;i, and ?? of I e OitX o th; 23t. itlt. Mr. John tlawarth, of 8rolec, te ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A few days ago at Daresbury ,Mr Gleave maltster of Buck- low hill, to Miss Ford,of Walton u Lately Mr. John Fishwick liquor Merchant to Mrs E. Edwards, both of this town. On Tuesday the 4th ult. John Parr of Colne, Esq to Miss Wilkinson, only daughter of the late Edmund Wilkinson of Broadbank House near Burnley, Esq. At Hindley, near Wigan, Mr. Wm. Cooper, jun. manufacturer of Wigan, to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS } O the 15th current, at Srvenson-house; the l ady of Sir Jo30t GORDON SINCLAIR of Murkle, liart. of a daughter. On the 17th current, in Frederick Street, the Lady of Cap- t tai JOHN. A. DOtniE, late of the 92d regiment, ofa son. On the lerb current, Mrs IRVING, Prince's Street, of a son. On the 14th current, at Balbirnie House, the Lady of Ma- ?? BALFOUR, of a son. 3 On tie 15th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IBIR;I HS. Oi the llth curt. Mrs J. WATjtin. Brown's Street of two sots / >- i On the 4th Februar~yat Vasencienres, the Lady of Lieut.. CoI. MAcGarrtoR, 880i regiment, of a daughter. On the 1oth curt. at 66, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Mrs (OlI N CAMPBLELL, ot a daughter. On the 1st curr. in Queen Street, Mrs FeRaiER, of Belle. side, of * daughter. OtI the 2 i cart. av Northumiberland Street, ...

-BIRTHS- On- the Ist

... current, in Maitland Street, Edinburgh, the Lady-of Lieutenant-Colonel NixoN, of the Royal Scots, of a daughter. - On the 29th ult. Mrs BLACKWELL,York Place, of a daugh- ter. - I :The Lady of Sir THOMAS TROWaSoIDGt, Bart. of ason and heir. TheLady of the Honourable Major-Genera1fBoSVILLE, oE a Iiij! ter. - ZKelso manse, on the -29th ult. Mrs-LutNenz, of a son. - - -MiARRIED-- At Polidct, onr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 29th of Septemnber last, at Pali'riio, the Righe HO.n f orable Lady Mor4TcoArERy, of a son -MARRIED. . At Ford, on the 18Sh current, ionts DYs tiE, Esq. to JEsst daughter of Simon-Fraser; Esq. of Ford. i At Edinburgh, on the 10th curtenst Mr JAhiE.5 R1iD, to JESSIE, second daughter of Mr William-Macredie, Calton. At Lanark, on the 16th current, M. B XSIL, surgeon of the 4th reginnent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... \ ; -- - ; S ; . 1lRTI{S. - = C OrtTuIs&av laet0 Vt Cromwel[ Hoaad, Old Brt of Moln Thoerlow Scott Warisne. Esq. of a son, sjiji4 1 esd j Oct. 29, Mrs. ll, of Cooper -row, of a datihfer - Ga Sunday.tlhe 2Bth instant, Mrs. Freeman, of Bi~abppigaee7- 0f tWtns, a s~t] and dau ghter. n6#+ * MARRIAGiE. Oct. 18, tbe elon. Cart. J. A. MNtlule, R.N. to jilio i,,1 Broderiok, second da u.'hter of his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Saturdayfte 4iY' instant,'at Ihe Mnr rodust, Wandst wotho dkoy of A Id g worth, ?? qaon. - - Nt~ARtAO~ES. I4 - ridF -fhs, att Ste 1,Uvgdret , * stminster, by the Verr Revered~t-lie1a of~t OiotS'e egri~dw Foster, youngest toe Of ij~eitirl .4a olirrej thirz~d ::4aughtei cfX the lat Joteph. Mieab24 at ~5t Vitriosw, Be cks; tM F.. Edvatrd AWyatt, jit- ;onf Oslford.utreet, to Fradices, eldest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B iRTHfiS. The ?? t4 A'r!majit V'ape;. f a davohter. On the 1st intt. at Cilwilha-i Ctpt. Michaei Riaijeli, , Ihe Nldtr:i Cia?-ifr oi CaIyhLne Alicm, hbird dutr ao tim Wale ChbaIe% es .n heridflt, J5sq. arnd niece to) the Rigi Flim.~ ?? trl riol.Ies Sherdoit. 0:, the '!9il, Nirelsiher, at Fdinhurgh hi9 Grarethe )ii.t ,f Ar- l;, to the Right Han. Ind', Paget.-li ?? apiienrs Ih.-t utht div,,rre ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ! ~~~-r.l Rlr~i- .A Montrose, Mrs. Dudson was safely delivered of a son.-At his house in Leeds, the lady of Colonel Max- well, of a son. -MARRIED- e i At Edinburgh, by the reverend Mr Brunton, the hon- aoiprable Adolphus Tournour, to Jessie, second daughter of r F. Dewar, Esq.-The reverend Robert Crawford, mninis- ter of the associate congregaition, Auchenleclk, to I\sisi Hrler Grant.-At ...