... SPORTING IN TELLYGENCR. NEWMARK=T CRIAVEN MEETING, At'arL 18 a ASubscripti~in Plate of Sol, for a y~'r oids,, carrying dat. 7111. e three, 8st. .SIb. four, gst. x5l. 111. Ive, 951. 4111. six and aged, pat. a Eib. I); MR. Mr. J.;Edhderd;'b. II, Aeriocleus, aged I Mr. Vililier' h. Cwrw, 6.yrs.. Mr. Robson's cia. c. Ranksbororagh, i yrs. 3I 'Ihle Jidge placed but 3-S and 6 to 4 agst. ...


... zjd, th The match between James, the Bath tinimani by his tr4elling ?? of name, and Brooke, a Herefordshire mnan, was. fought at nine arnount o o'clock yesterday morniog, in a meadsv, adjoining Byfleet ,Com- desrib'ah mon, on the borders of Oxon and. Bucks, in ,te presence,,of a friends g numerous field of ?? after it heerihree ?? Asgembl3 upon former occasions. ilinsaian ,foughat hisadversary ...

BODMIN RACES, August 26th & 27th, 1818

... BODMAN , RAOS, August:26tl& 27tbt,'181.I FlRST DAY. Mlembers Plate of £S0. for all ages; two-mile beats. Hon.'Newvto PFellowes' br.h. UpriqghtJudge, six years old(, 9st. ?? I0 MIr. Diay's b. 1. Luey Rose,threeyrs. old, st.31b. 2 0 2 Sweepstakes of Five Guineas eacb, for horses not thorough bjed, two-rdile heats, 10 Subscribers. Alr. J. D. Fowell's b. m. Countess Quiadrille, I six years jid, I ...


... SPORT!M PfA1l1ETI- ' * ,unpty black coit Smtoleimko, is matehe for 5Oa gui o s I55 c ;Lord Foey a 1~c~neiieft d4 t~w sssiale i~szh~s . ip tlie ,Newmarliet Odober MAeeting. Smolenlsho to receive , g1b. ; . .- , t ?? * , B sting at,'attersal ps the St. Leger5 ye~terd'ay, 6 to iaqst:. Altbidor9-g to ags:. ?? Satlsmtoce; assdx. to one against an~otber. first fairn;ritp for the, Oxford ap;, ...


... comp.gr17io o1. PIPEpS t. On Wednesday (as stated in our last) the an- nual competition for-prizes given by the High- land Society of London to the five best per- formers on the Great Highland Bag-pipe, was held in the Theatre Royal here. Twenty-three competitors appeared, besides several superior performers who had obtained prize-pipes at pre- vious competitions. Although, from there bei-, no ...


... ADISBURGH RACES. T'hursday, the Noblemen and Geutlemen'e Substription Purse of 50 guineas, was run for over the Sands of Leith, and swon by - Sir W. Maxwell's bay horse, Tam-o'SlsarseeL2: 1 1 'Mr Ballie's bay mare, Elena-. , ?? i Mr Wilson' abay colt, Biscuit ?? .1 3 3, Mr Soulsby's bay colt, Wtater-Gruel, dr. Averyexcellenttrace. . * Yesterday, the Ladies Psurseof 50 guineas was run for ...


... BI A CKEHTfl PEDES h.41 MATM. - - TWtE14'TlI DAY. p The intereft excited by .thisr matc6, inrtead. of being at3.abated, has-consideralbly increas r, ed, and every day presents atmoef -numerous e'display of visitors tcthte-Heatll. On Friday, Wilson, afetei t good night's rest, 4i appeared at the starting post, at ten niimtues be- f fore nine, iittired in 'a &omplete suit of' *iallnnel, and a ...


... CALSDOWVfA1V JUNT ar PERrTHA RCSs.* TYURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. his Te Caledonian cpu of loOgs. ?? riile beats., Richard A. Oswbld's.(Esq.)'j.b c. San'Cullotes . . in Sir W. Maxwell's Eglinton..2 the Gabriel Hamilton Dundas's (:tq. b. c: Thunder . ' the Mr Bogue-s b. f. Die Vernon . ; . . 4 tof S~CDb On Ffif pounds for horses, &c. of all ages. Two mile heats. ace LodFife's Highlander ..¢,*X1 m6y Lord ...


... I( . ?? S9 ¢1 ; S ,r 'e ~ii.>;A - , } ig i' k t .1 j Cu r !rii)ner..9 ?? Fit olliiti: !}.ids gt't. at bj feltgurce itto,'ord 4, ?? ld v ect ji;t ?? js!lreeois ¾'as,' oldi to colra' L'iLiedis 1 ri, iiP ffove Years old 9fita- jtwcd ji-u i5I r~eGiirsE- I* , , oiw' ach 1idie Clerk of tile 'curIb. * k ?? rr1,lt °lT (hi ;tatW ieoei~ 'ciX s ii Ga's-e 1 * [trai-et r (,lite- 0 tohe iet nceiiL Tit Goi. ...

Published: Thursday 09 August 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 628 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Sports and Games 


... SPOtATNG INTrLLIGPWACE. ASCOT HEATH RACES._FjsaT DAY. These Races con nenced yesterday. There was a snore nes merous assemblage of beauty and fashion than wie ever recollect on a first day. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, the Duke. of -Yotk, and the Princess Augusta honoured the course with their presence; They arrived upwards of an hour before the sport begans and remained until its ...


... THE GAMIE OF (111 The white moves ani -a -, ss') - 111- %t; The white moves and gins chef FIFTH move,. )I-cec~,C Clfark M_ Ii - ?? t W- -HITE.ta d ibecome saubsrihers to t etrac t, Cbe's board 'a s explaired, ha e'nrp c; ! we shouldi give a Otherex'c lall .-S do, wie trulst, ID such a 'coo s ~aS op- t1 is biguoitv; ald we d'r0e tierthir -a 1e0e en ypon reviewing ourt'rst c'4lln rei Ir :t taka ...


... DONCAS[ER DMEETING. 1 J~tJ,>,iNUA311,1II. nDI-sPLINU Saturtdiy, Srpi. tV:3, a Swrepstaies 01 20gs each, hi ft colts 8st t~,b, filtics ust.-St. Leger Course. (;5 sabscribvis.) h~r hkld rsou's U c Fuglemaii, by Sir Iaivid %allktd 05Cr. \ olidav, ile FIizwillialil Stahes of I us accl, w it *) s olddt Iir .Lear ol0(s 6ist, :3-i ear ol Is 8s1, 4-yev-r ulds, Ubt 91b, Zyear ttuld 9st.llb, 6-)eir ...

Published: Thursday 05 October 1815
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2464 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Sports and Games