SONNET, To a bird that Haunted the Waters of Lacken

... $SONNET, boa lbird that Haztnted.the'Waters ,aacken. ?? rs ,. f_ . ak iSB EDWVARD LORD. TiURLOW. 0 me]inscholy Bird, a winter's da Thou standest by the argin ofthe pool; And, taught by God, dost thy whole being school To patience, which all evil can allay God has appointed thee the fish thy yrev - And given thyself a-lesson to the foo Unthrifty to ubmit to moral rule, *And his unthin g course ...

An Historical Retrospects of the last Twelve Months

... AnRiisbricaT R :. the last Twelve Mntb [-ksitisssicd fein page 2.] , i ; * CEI~~~CHAP. ?? Pqriiainintitat 'Trassa ctisizs sidscbquete to tie Assa.T- I ; SiPtatt~tt ef.Mr. Percea~t.-REcIaj of tle Ordews in il W 0iCi.dholic Questioa..--Budget.-rSetet .e C,,nsaUee o. 'Mhe Riots.--East Iiidi a iiieanS,'s_ t ?? i Lff d';s~d ?? e2?iat~il. -Proropa- aj liars eritusaleitA' ?? fhe s;t'io ne of the ...


... is .o st7he JDTO IS oj ?? Merdr5r. I Gentlemen, e` 0 As you frequently request your corres. T n pondents to be as concise as possible in their commu- L nicationl, I feel confident you will not exclude this yon account of its length. The town was gratified on Cl V 'Monday evening with the re-appearaec5 of Mr. r ;- Kemble, in the character of Coriopanus, after an ab. P . sence of two years, and ...


... I I - - ', ?m : I L. .. : , , ?? :s,- )X ?? BATTLE'S FAST. *A.r. iF>'7 thant. ca'dthat. BY J. LEE LEWES. 'The trial hour of battle's past; The din of arms, an' a' that; Nae mair we Iwar the pib och's blst, 'The ?? clang, an' a' that! An' a' that, an'. a' that, The'eannon's roar, an' a'thatg; The shoutin' clans,' the closin' cry, :iae bley'oets.F dashan' a'.that ?? The. globe is cut in ...

Original Poetry

... Original Poetry, i Female Pet tion to Parliament,for Reform May it please you, greatsirs, to receive thre lte3it Of the undersigned women, who mean no sedjtl Although for a thorough reform we implore ye, . Whilst humbly we lay our complaints thusbefore y. Our petition speaks not of the State af'the rn*.on Rotten Boroughs, or unequal representation. Nor fam'd Magna Charta, nor bill of ...


... ,w- W&' FROM MOSCHUS. I Raise, pastoral Muses, raise the mournful strain! Alas! how short the healthful mallow's reign ! When surly Winter sweeps the sounding skies, The parsley green, the sweet amethun dies. These shall revive-in these the glowing beam Of Summer's suns shall thaw life's languid stream But hapless man--the great-the wise-the brave, 31stst sink, forgotten, in the silent grave; ...

Poetical Selections

... poctul* 0 . I t4a . (From Drakard's StamforU Paper.) . VIRsT SCER5Z OFr-A TARCE New :_;C VIENNA, WIT0h.VWJVZRSAL.AP LAV THE CqNORESS. Scene drattis and discovers a collection of crow0ned Aeads - potentates, and others, to Vwhom en,:ers 4 Xorwegians 7 .Vings, Emperors, PrihcesCosamlmflderst, and Chiefs! lost noble and mighty, attend to my griefs_.': Ye know that for ages of tranquil repose, - - ...

lu'lvrixl Mr.TVenMrV

... bavb^. (of tlailon-upu.-i-Hiiictm) Acrooo roa#i^>. mll. for I Of. upoo Hie ? ihriailerio MmiiiiMM. ?fFfrwJey. Wa conrirlpd 1b Sbsl wwUj:o>..rJ pime in (he olijhl, at ton ;ai*d. Brooke?* r* old, 10 I won by ?t> , . fur killiiyny ihp penalty, coauuilted . ~. _ refuaing lor three week*. loth? il ...


... rEMALE FASHIONS FOR DECEMBER. r XsdTUSoFF MANTLE.-Pink or scarlet mantle, trimt ined with a broad velvet ribband to correspond, a spencer of the same materials, one sleeve of which is concealed by thie folds of the mantle: the collar, which. is high and puckered, fastens at the throat with a r broach ! and a long lppel, vhich ends in a point. e falls considerably over the left shoulder. A ...


... 7?'! , V TI aAPAR#WW 'TwAt'.'ileuc~e allV, th iSerlstgt mo'lo'ii Withl rloiids hiad ~feil d'er Iijit;: ':Thie clock striuck twelve, :ibttiiotlo : aI A vesv C diilling sztht ' ale a'sa senvr Il.dl was -its fact4 Like icicles'its hviir; For tialitle3 it anpjear'd'to re * . :A heet o f ice to awtar& *. Iiosi~i seldoum given to .alarmni ''faith'! 1i11 nlot dissemble, 1%y teeth all Chatttei'd in my ...


... TASHIOWVS for OCTOBERL I5 f Wa'eingJDrers -A marninLg dress, composed of cambric muslin : the body is made high, and is richly trimImed. e with work both at the neck and tiotrtoms of the sleeves as it fastens behind;, the back is full, but the fiont is right to the bust.-Thri bottom of the skirt is finisbed, in the *d frenchl styte, wisb a-ntuber of small lucks. The spencer worn with this ...


... poetrr A, MORNING WALK 1t S PRIN '(OIit NAL. flow pleasing is a walk the fields iroont W'hie dew-drops gliler en. te fiO'wr ma~d,' To hear theaskylarI;'s eirly inatiii son*, And see the flocki in peacefol ordes'iled To tnmark theop'niing biussiaqs, 0s the trees;. . T4- view th eerth, derkt in ber r4be of green t :Tinbile the: sW* tness pf ffh tqrnig. brteee; :AEd, ,ee wiitlraptnie, each ...