... in every work regard the writer's end, Since none can compss more than they intend.-Pore. Most- modem Poets have distinguished 'themselves rather by communicating to the public some strong and peculiar impressions, w'hich had accidentally taken hold of their own minds, tn by-any excursive em- ployment of the inventive faculty. Each confines him- ..lf to a ceitain circle of materials, and seems ...


... KING'S TTEAY1'.1.'if. The Subscribers to the Opera. anrd thd! ! spcctfully informed, that this 'T'heatre .vill pt 10th of the. present month. The tollewirng F are already ?? the Opera--- ?adla: Crivelli, Signora Corri (from Italy, a!lt Catalani), her first a pearance in .o Signer Ambrogetti, Sgnor Angrca i, a:gn( Alori, Signora Hughes, Signora 1e i, Si De Ville, &c. &c.-For the e ll --3h : ...


... TO OCTAVIA, iVI2 1t.1;it1 D.til;GtTaEf OF J. r-G, I:SQ. ON TtttCOMPLttt'Ii1'F ?? 51XTII VE.1 fl.-Y LORD 3YItOSS. - Full many a gloomy month hathi past, On fiagging wving, regardless by Unmark'd by aught, save grietfsinre last I gazed upoe thy bright blue eye And bade my ly'e pour forth for tbee Its strains of v ildest 'uinstrelsy! For all my joys are wvithered now- The hopes I most rtliedi on, ...


... ODE o0 A F.%s i tQ I 14M rtr. 0 Thou who, with a wizards brush, Canst bind the cheek-eluding blush, Like W stus's Mlilk of Hoses: Firm muscle substitute for fat, And for a snub, as GisnO2Cs5 flat, Cut supplemental Noses With-4i4ili like thine, notught marvel 1 That to thy shrini, with extaCy, The wrinkled and the bald run, To renovate their faded flesh, Walk backward, and lie boil'd afresh ...


... TFIE AIIPR OfR OF FASHIO.N. TO SHEW IUB VERY AGC AND BODY OF THE TIME, ITS FORM AND FRESSURE. IHF, QtlEEN.-(IRroas TuE COURT CIRCITLAE.) Bot)s the Queen's Physicians were in attendance upon ler Muijesty at Kew Palace on Tuesday night, and we hlave the pleasure to say were enabled to issue the fol- ;owing favourable Bulletin, after their visit early yester- day morning:- 4, The Queen is more ...


... ;l l )-t , i - Tii1r.vttivE A(.z INO tI IIIl V (IF Iti It Yt 'i ITS FOiR Ni AND 'I'M 'it- It The Doke of Ci ?? s mgonng abroad the fmira week-of .Tanuary, anJ it i4i uppo~i6d on a very inoeresr- - ing Occasion Sunday trootiboo thle Duke of: KLCua' tittencled divine srtvtce at the chiapel of thet A I un)to A Int othr TZl~~ i o~ al Highniess, iroceeed 1to WVindtor oin~ a. ?? to the( QUPEN ?? ...


... T (SEE .MOItNNr cuIIOSICLE, 1JTH INS'rTA.NT.) W Vy, muse of fire! ortvoke the ire OF rival debittanties; So many new, but one tno woo, Nor grateful noi gp llatit is. Asif, forsuoch, in vain her youth Bought up hnd Covent-garden While Drury-lane could only gain Bliss NAxs1 and M1rs. M~a'oYN. Sure, such a rout you make about The latter's eyes and ringlets; Forgot, odds-bobs! poor MArs. Doseas ...


... PF-r*I.(AlO.s Mo? ..r4. 1l. SllT sf; IrG 0 C.AS RIA l( ) U t liph li dees. eCiompatL I s c *l tie li, iis' clot l, it is ni e lip To the Itlhroat, 11LI 'ittlr lr rilit', hils , slij lir fulne hii the h i -k, a1al faill ve ry nttiihl) ofy rho siotihL _r; tte frost is tirh- to the shalip, anl lit Wi 1 srr. \ 't 1 .rt. Th * t nitifim t is d rlk ?? Iatio, c *CaI- W r ptlX: l i t is rt lbgas, Ilid ...


... e (I WMU is are dUtL'Wc, -c. :. -1il A.F This Evening wI% lae repeated the grand serious Opera, entitled, LA CLEM~ENZA DI TIT0. FEsd of the First Adlc a Liew lDivertillffnent, corplc by Mons. A. Vestria, entitled L'ANIOUK ET. LE POISON. After the Opera Leon's new Ballet ot LA PARTIE' 'DE CMASSE. On Tuesday next will he presetnted (for the first time in this country) the comic Opera, Le ...


... MIRROR OF rASIOV.. i ^ TO SUFAV Tliit VERY AGE AND BODY OF T11E TIM1E, IT$ FORM AND raESSURn. On Tuesday, Prince LEOPOLD, after atten.!ing the I PniNcE REGcNT'S Levee, left Camelford House in i his curricle, accompanied by his Royal Consort, the Princess CHARLOTTre, and drove to 'the QUEEN'S Pa- I lace, and paid their respects to h0er MAJESTY and the i Princesses ELIZABETH and MAI1Y. They ...