... PG L I C B.M 13o es-tv 5ras-.. asna was brought to the Office, yesterday irsdiiig, charged with being concerned with Stockton aid ldtwarda, who were apprehended by Adkins a few rmonths tii, in Liverpool,. for breaking open and robbing the White- hlaven BAak, ot notes to the amount af :4.ooal. [or which they vere executed about a month ago at Carlisle, and for vhich i true hilltwas found ...


... .- POLI Ck. , MARLBOROUGH-ST-REET.. BUROLARY AT LORD SACXVXLLa's-A lamplighter in the employ of the Westmainster Coistradbor was charged %vith be- ing concerned with otherc in breaking and enteriog the dwell- ing house of Lord Sacltville, in Upper Harley-street, on Tues- day morning. Lord S. was out of town, but --the house was isit of servants, and about half past five ?? on ?? morning t ...


... O l IClE; 1tlow-srltEeT,-.We ssated, some iimne siae, that ayo4ng .man,.6f the natmre of Rofseinr NokRrbis, who was confined in New Pricon, Clvrleniwelt. on a c6harge of h-srse-stealing, cut his throat. 1 he vseud i; at first w:s9 supposed would prove fatat; r -fie, however, EQ far recovered ac: to be brosughr to Lihe fftice :esterday, svheii in ?? ah eminatForc. Three charges wvere mnade a ...


... of the poison, take any antidote in the draughts. She would not suffer the medical men to approach her - and though after a stupefaction came on they administered every known medicine, they all failed of effect. ACCIDENTS, OFFICENCES, &C. M~n4&-y pight, zboofeltvee~ts'lO~i -, a dreadifl -ire broke eut in thczpremiesf Mr Poeotk, a cnal a4n tinrberimrclsant, at Whitelfigrs Wtarf, bek ...


... , PoLfcE- - I sj 1 NsIP N.HOUs ?? A Jew, of the name of De r1111ge, ivan charged hv tle Solicitor of the 5Mint, under an act of Queen Elizabeth, witn the offence of selling thie ctwrewt coin of the realm, called gDi. neas, at a higher price than the current value. By the statute in question, it is declared, that any person who shall extor, demand, or receive, for any of the current coin of the ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1810
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1053 | Page: Page 14, 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... AFFECTING INSTANCE OF SELF-MURDER On Friday, an Inquest was held at the Nag's Head, Leicester-fields, on the body of Madamoiselle Ann Paris, then lying dead at No. 4, St. Martin's-street, Leicester-fields. - Sarah Upton deposed, that she is housemaid to the place. She had frequently observed that the unfortunate young lady appeared to be rather flighty and tiresome in her manner, suchi as ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1810
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1087 | Page: Page 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... oLD . A4IZE1r. Yssteflay ftheO6di1 Bail y Serisnas ttinimencqd befre the tr.nan Sstuto'the ?? oolu cusvr t aori,. Sir StsoM 1.£ PrZNC ir, 2';LI.iN C;IJA;sPeri, the RlEcsjaeRD , and other.City ( . Ifir : M A'1h ptCT(,URxlY IsHR' s [Nt-l,41 8 A Mtt NVALreRi aliai SA \1uFL I CLsONs. lnitd .'or wlfulijy m iticiosl,!v, arid i~ts;jvrsslly presentitig a piutolli 3' ;,.I witr; isasuder sd slwr ar 1Th ...


... - ' .; atg 5 ?? i a I , i' . C, ,: .: ?? MIGI1 COURT OF JUSoIidA , .- tall Tnnr, i>. ?? -4. r~ I :: l i ?? Monday, .3amtes Kelliy 4las*a fun, accuised'of ?sa different a ls-f th&ft Wa6 tried caprca.jy befre the) High Court of Julciar3,ihe praner ,was ticcufed of a the following ac's of -heft, viz-of fiealin frohm a 3f room in IBlair Street, Ethinbrgh, onl theg ne Tdh July lafL,' a filver watch ...


... AN, ACCOUD Tt~t~6 OF Ht SA. JESTa s Mfssron At rji COt:R- Ci' d P 1 T-e reception which his Majesty's Mission met with ob ihe d of it's etr'y intgiT liran (the preteth capital of Persia) althougli it had been marked 'all thiorgh .the .coontry by afti. ef unparalleled courtesy,. was mor'e flat- teriutt there than it had beenmat any tlher place. TIwo Noblemen were deputed byrthe King to hieet ...


... SU&RREr SESSIONS. The Coort were occupied during the wthole of yesterlay and Wednesday in healing an appeal. it, which JoHN CAltR,acarter in the service of Mt: .Maundes. of Beernonc sey. vas appellant, and IOUN MiTrc ElL, Lessee of the Tolls on the Berimandsey Road w:ld repondent, against a convidlion wvhicid had taken, Ilace for having, on theagth of Dccember las.-passedthrolugh a C-ate o, ...


... I - I ?? ?? 'I Si ?? ?? a t a : .3 ?? impraJ ?? IL reI ?? o I) O c aa fv I-~ ' I, -i~I~ ?? 1' ?? i-'1 1I CI (7, 111 avou ?? I u.. 3 ?? L COO h a-i p ?? Pct-1' i t . . I . ~ ~ ?? ) ?? VO ?? t, 4 -.I . I - . ?? cl14.tU:IQV rrl ?? ?? , . . . . :~~C ., . , I a ?? ~;.car ...


... IOLD MaLi 2:r., THITET, DtLUSION AND CREDUjIITY'. MAR'GA~etx CONNtERS mid Racitatop Coririiso Were charged with a cap~iral feinny, in si'ifaling iii the. slvr'rri! rif of6 Jscyir Iredall, in in-tet rhquektegsrrtvo pair ot sheets, and a varissy of nrdciel~, to the vilue of mere thn4o%. the property if kiair- iAndsriiuit. ?? Prriseetrtrite. a. sfimpletrkl yokinp wvomri-, Rtared. thici shie kept ...