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Northanger Abbey: and Persuasion

... Northanger Abbey: and Persuasion. By the Author of Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, &c.; with Biographical Notice of the Author. vols. London, Murray, 1818. We are happy to receive two other t novels from the pen ot this amiable and agreeable authoress ...

Published: Friday 01 May 1818
Newspaper: The Scots Magazine
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1317 | Page: 59 | Tags: none


... A PERSUASIVE TO MODERATION , • _CONTINUED . The _people _are upon _the whole both more moral and _more _intelligent than they _ever w ' _ere'm any former period ; and therefore , if they are _discontented , we _may be « urc they have cause for _discontent ...

Published: Saturday 15 February 1817
Newspaper: The Scotsman
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 104 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Joseph Abuderithin; Esq. the Hebrew Persuasion

... Joseph Abuderithin; Esq. the Hebrew Persuasion. H. E. the Lieutenant Governor next addressed those present in the following words t Gentlemen—ln laying the fonndation stone of this building dedicated to the purposes of a public Exchange, I feel convinced ...

Published: Monday 19 May 1817
Newspaper: National Register (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 549 | Page: 8 | Tags: none

the reason nined 3 and the alleged waded, the | its In this h vessel has > Jaw? and persuasion

... the reason nined 3 and the alleged waded, the | its In this h vessel has > Jaw? and persuasion j per miment «nd morc onthe formed and erica as date ving i as OCCuITee, | sd Paris ts » altovether law or epee ng this lete Vy the eat qesty Ss sene hich ts ...

Published: Monday 23 July 1810
Newspaper: Belfast Commercial Chronicle
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1052 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

supposed first marriage of Macdonald. In the interim, , three Clergymen, of , different persuasions ; • a Church of

... supposed first marriage of Macdonald. In the interim, , three Clergymen, of , different persuasions ; • a Church of England, a R or n an Catholic, and a Presbyterian Clergyman, became arbitrators between the parties. ..On.the.' return therefore of the ...

of triumph and delight is a strong - indication, or ra. Cher a positive admission of his persuasion, that it

... of triumph and delight is a strong - indication, or ra. Cher a positive admission of his persuasion, that it was of a nature not to be entertained for a moment by men of integrity and principle.—Low, indeed, must have been his opinion of the sincerity ...

Published: Monday 17 February 1812
Newspaper: Statesman (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1114 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

persuasion on ce bowed with abject dismay. The pretensions 0 { the Pope may probably be dis- cussed at the

... persuasion on ce bowed with abject dismay. The pretensions 0 { the Pope may probably be dis- cussed at the approaching ess; if to that 1 prudential assembly are brought the wisdom anc ted, foresight which may reasonably be expec the Jesuits and the I ...

Published: Sunday 04 September 1814
Newspaper: Windsor and Eton Express
County: Berkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1267 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Court for aidinz and abetting in a burglary. For the last century we had lived under the persuasion that the

... Court for aidinz and abetting in a burglary. For the last century we had lived under the persuasion that the dreadful crime of conspiracy had entirely lost its name in society, but unfortunately tiie contrary had been proved to the case. A most distressing ...

Published: Wednesday 25 September 1816
Newspaper: Evening Mail
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1725 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

has. been begun by some liberal men of an en+ thiisiastic persuasion, and may be completed in all by these,

... has. been begun by some liberal men of an en+ thiisiastic persuasion, and may be completed in all by these, and a few of the truly orthodox, attached to the establishment which they labour to illustrate, but too constant to the plain principles of human ...

Published: Saturday 08 August 1812
Newspaper: Windsor and Eton Express
County: Berkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1145 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

‘The letters from the French co ast state the very general persuasion, that the Peninsula would be evacuated in the

... ‘The letters from the French co ast state the very general persuasion, that the Peninsula would be evacuated in the course of this year. ‘The appre- hension of a rupture with Russia, and of an insur- rection in the North of Germany, on sccount of the ...

Published: Monday 13 May 1811
Newspaper: Sussex Advertiser
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1454 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... CHILDREN every RELIGIOUS PERSUASION. THE GENERADMEETING of the Subscribers and Friends to the Institution for promoting the British System for the Education the Labouring and Manufacturing rise-:, of every religious Persuasion, will be held SaT( BIUY next ...

the Worthy unit Independent freemen of the Town and Potiof Sandwich. Ckstlcmek, IMPRESSED with the persuasion ..

... the Worthy unit Independent freemen of the Town and Potiof Sandwich. Ckstlcmek, IMPRESSED with the persuasion that numerous and respectable I'rieods at Sandwich perfectly understand my reasons for declinioic offer myself Candidate, fur the honor of r ...