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London Courier and Evening Gazette


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London Courier and Evening Gazette

WANTED to Purchase iminediatelv, FREEHOLD UKSIDENCK, in Hiints,Berks/Dorset, Devon, in any of the

... near pleasant VlMage, and small distance from market, 50 to Acres of hue [.and, well watered and enclosed; a securely walled Kitchen Garden, and productive Orchard. prevent trouble, the descriptive outline of the property is wished to full and explicit, real ...

ana Aarcs, VVwwyn, Utrts.—Uy iVlr his Gnat Uoom, Pall MaU, TO.MOUUOW, Nov. 10, Two precisely, _ ..

... brick building, containing every accommodation for family, with terrace in iront, and Bight of steps descending to a walled kitchen garden, through which the Welwyn river flows, and a branch taken theretrem for the purpose of irrigation, excellent stable ...

SALht y ob E* 'i AVKS

... and possesses tie means-of Bah Water Bathing the lias ail reqmsitc Fanning Buildings, 'eailUTs Cottage, excellent walled, Kitchen Garden, double Coach-house, and Sixstalled Stable. enquire of Messrs.Strong, Still, and Strong, Solicitors,Lincoln’s Inn: ...


... saloon, library, eating-romm and bi fitted up in a style of peculiar taste : mestic offices, conch-house, stabling tal walled kitchen garden, cold lawns, plantations, and a most beaw ing to the Thames; the whole cont:i pews in the Church go with the bous most ...


... phasing and productive part sixty acres, with handsome and t.iriving Timber, desirable Shrubberies, laiwus, &c. capital walled Kitchen Garden, stocked with choice iruit trees, in full bearing, gardener’s house, hot-home, handsome Conservatory, court yard, with ...

te—.... t SALES OFESTA Tl*. ihe ult. In Queen-street, Edinburgli, the Duchess of* INSTATE r 0 j^two^kit? ..

... productive part sixty acres, ornamented with lijndsijnK- and thriving Timber, desirable Shrubberies, I-awns, Sc. capital walled Kitchen Garden, stocked with choice hint trees, lull bearing, gardener’* house, hot-houses, handsome Conservatory, court yard, with ... i»/' A TKb

... the immediat ~ Chea | Family, with spacious attached a rae Exgcs | Coach-house, stable for six horses, la Nov.9, | Walled kitchen garden in the highest Guidhall.— } ful pond iu front of the house, are. 18 Acres of and 19. J. Coo aisto i . 4. J. ferae) ...

Elegant FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, in the Gothic style, called THE PRIORY, with 1G Acres of Pasture adjoining, ..

... suitable domestic and other ollices, replete with every convenience, a Gardener’s house detached with eight rooms, walled kitchen garden, plantations and pleasure grounds, most judiciously and tastelully arranged. The above are Freehold, to which is attached ...


... live bed chambers and dressing room, and eight attics, besides store rooms, adequate out door offices, and stabling, walled kitchen garden, paddock surrounded a shrubbery walk, stately grove timber trees, and exceedingly rich meadows, divided h-om the foregoing ...

SIU, ■ATTE, the undersigned, request you vi!l call early Mh'.KUNO the Nohillt-, Gtn-rv, Clergy, and other ..

... besides servants’ apartments, servants’ ball, and all convenient, with coach-house, four stall stable, and walled kitchen garden, late in the occupation anlst. Fifteen Acres rich meadow 1 •Iv may hr..'i with the House, and a larger quantity, if ...

N (). 29, ACK VILLE-STH EET, I’lccatiilly.— LK F, the principal part of First rate IiIH'SE, most elegantly ..

... comprises lawn, which the principal win lows open, commanding a brautilul ainkWiH wooded part the Vale Great M sson.l.m, a walled kitchen garden completely cropped, and tour meadows, averaging twenty tons of hay yearly. The Premises adjoin turnpike-road, completely ...