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London Courier and Evening Gazette


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London Courier and Evening Gazette

TO LET on* LEASE, TITHE FREE FARM, situate in the lledford, coaiprisinp; 120 acres of Arable, Pasture, and ..

... PPLEHY’S ANTI-NERVOUS TEA, is recomj\_ by leveral eminent Physician* the most pleasant Uesiwrative in all Nervous Disorders, inward Westings, of Appetite, Debility, &c. The following will prove its efficacy FROM T«E »EV. n. C. Ma SON, MR. APPLEBY. Sir— ln ...

This day published, in one vol. duodecimo, price hoards, AN INTRODUCTION to the STUDY the BIBLE; containing ..

... United Kingdom. i Stomach Complaints, Wind, Gout, Spasm, Cholic, and gcl.c.a Debility tlie Stomach and Intestines. CORNWELL** ORIENTAL CORDIAL is a medicine established reputation for the relief and cure the above Complaints. It tvas first discovered ...

sale uy AUO'll

... ne-s, diortn.V of breath and palpitation the heart, and alltlieoiher train disorders which are connected with the above complaints ; hi married vvonv-n they are no less beneficial, they invigoi e the constitution, give tone and firmness to the habit, ...


... above. HOOPING COUGH cured without inward Medicine. ■O ROYAL EMBROCATION.—Many t thousand of Children are cured annually by this remedy ; on the first alt i. k immediate application of Embrocation will prev.n; the complaint taking hold of the constitution ...

» . . * ' Here that any negocia iou has been entered Info, it U contemplation. . is probable,

... Pomerania; and the last by Bromberg and Filchne, through wide range of country. Vtry met with French corps, asGiiANtf. retreated Inwards Ganlzic, And the Guards, with the U)lh Corps, had lied Brombetg towards Posen. Gkamdjgak redred fighting into Dantiic, as ...

y.’tajfJ on and could not called ! for out Parliament; Member Parliament was juslified i« inserting m the ..

... hiu papers, that Monday morning, British 74 anchored seven miles inside the, which had captured or sent back inward bound ship. A pilot arrived at New. castle reports, that two 7 were the ofung, and that of (ha tenders was anchor at the Brown ...

if’ i 9 NA VAL INTFJ/UG E fit CIS. Fal.MOittii, —/Iriivud Hie of Kent t, frarti Lisbon, in ; t

... travelling carriage?, go One Thou, sand Miles with only one priming the Anti-AHi i. lion. Asthmas. Bilious, and Other inward Complaints; also Head-ich, .Sjiasms, and indigestion, eflectuaily Cured, No. 4, Prince’s-plac*-, Duke.street, St. James’s, where ...

N'°. 113

... greatly Improved, 1ND]AN.—aa Cure for Asthmatic, angl | SOCIE LY. i MAVOR'S HISTORIES of the POWERS a NEW FAMILY R inward complaints in elthet Set, after every other medical | gorse £St oS 9 |. day is published; in two 18mo. price 9s. boards, or, Coliection ...


... op,a*l - p * >., l»„ such fur her qje«ed, that su h Gentlemen may be dispoeed ofier them- -j yQpiyJfj COUGH cured without inward Mcdt- r> . Town, at tr.sdsrate dUtance from I.ondoti. rised by lib OoTefr.meni - .tad lo svi.r, Candidates for the Ministry ...

ITDOPING COUGH cured without inward Mgdl- cine.—LOCl IK'S UOVAI. EMU HOC 10 N,—-Many thousands Children are ..

... ITDOPING COUGH cured without inward Mgdl- cine.—LOCl IK'S UOVAI. EMU HOC 10 N,—-Many thousands Children are cored annually tins remedy. the lirat attack, i nmediate apyiicafinn HOCiIE’S EMJIUO- C.I lON will prevent the complaint talcing any hold of the cstr ...


... No, 40, Cbaring-cross. Direction* art given with each box, which are signed W. D. Bellamy. , . HOOPING COUGH cured without inward Meriicinc—UOi: UK’S HOY A L BMBHOUATION.—Many (heu»nd» of Children art cured annually by thi» remedy. the, lint attack, an ...