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To Parents and Tutors of Youth,

... platform. Lieut. Miller, old and meritorious officer, ** who has often distinguished himself cutting out different vessels,” speaks highly of the gallantry and assistance be received from Lieut. Sparrow, the young gentlemen, and the ' oats crew and marines ...

*Vr losing niunt nmiihere, not by tlie oiicM*y. had opportunity ot but from unwholtsoou ness of the dimate, y get

... duty to tell h.s Majesty the truth, to shew him how necessary an B«W his own honour. Every Speech liras constitutionally speaking, the ofHa minister, and such they had nght comment upon it boldly, and necessary, severely. They might be told that they ...

MEETING OF THE FREEHOLDERS, COUNTY OF BERKS. A most respectable and crowded meeting of the Nobility, Clergy, ..

... he avowed were conformable with, or hostile to, their own. The freeholder of but 4-Os. a-year had as good right to vote and speak ih that assembly, the richest individual in the county. —The requisition being read— .. . Lord Folkstone rose. He said that ...


... complained of, Mr. Imiky inter ered to prevent that question from being-put: said that he would not suffer the witness to speak a, already settled between the parlies—the damage was already admitted on the part of ll>« tle.enda W, and that the question ...


... afford to the misrepresentations of your adversaries, are too obvious to require explanation. Many circumstances compel me to speak to your Lordship more at large of the recent proceedings in Ireland, with reference both to their origin and to their consequences ...

Just Published, Price Is. A LETTER Jt)HN COKER, of. New College, Esq. on his-Second Edition-oi REFCEtnONb on ..

... on his Majesty’s Speech, discloses some of the views the French Government. In this new Manifesto we understand Buonaparte speaks his usual style of ostentation with respect to the success of the measures by which has endeavoured to injure our trade. He ...


... gentleman, who carries his contempt of the traders” in debates to such a height} who, hear him, one would thmk, would disdain to speak to them, much leas have recourse their assistance this high-minded gentleman, this Mr. Windham, who does not care whether his ...

valuable live 52OCA

... an old reverend-like man, with a long beard and ordinary grey cloalhs; who looking and speaking to the person the King, told him, was the person he wanted to speak to, and that all alone, matters of importance. The King believing it might perhaps be a ...


... the knife entered his breast, about four inches and abalf, and the heart. Ife Jived about an hour and a half, but did. not speak above dozen Words, be fainted, and was afterward delirious, did not attempt to escape, but Said, that the handle of his (Bowden’s) ...


... he would write in a more serious tone, did not such system, ami such rulers the present, turn indignation into contempt. Speaking of the fatal indifference of people geiycral to government affairs he says—“ not Incan to deny lint individuals in great ...


... stage can be compared with the performance of Afalida on Tuesday night. It is not as a musical composition of novelty that we speak of in this way, for there is scarcely a bar of it which a con-* noisseur might not retrace to its original ; but the combination ...