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... pcmi's (itlur, addiis-cd'lu Ills l.ordsliip liy 1/1(1 Vl-o imt ?Vclluulon, K. Li. flitletl Villa Firmosa, May 15. 1811. tul the army tin lire left tire Agiird.r eii the (if llie lOlh iirsl. except- j one lirij;aile cli'SC lo the fridee Ciudad Kodrigu. Tlie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... goose feather bed, &c. a rosewood sofa table. ?? he viewed, and catalogues had. s lgHie-buryihouse, with 74 Acres ot Land, Tithe-free, and Land I'ax ?? WINSTANLEY and SONS, at the .'lart, on Thursday, May 8, at twelve, ie one Lost, HOSE distinguished FREEHOLD ...


... RY OF KIRKdtfD- to To be SOL, by BRIGHT FOR SALE. . be private bargain, and not by public sale, as ri~'uF. LANDS formerly advertised, R liHL LANDS and ESTATE of cTARSCRECHAN, f I, lying in the parish of Urr, and stewartry of Kirlecud- eit 5ghit, pleasaotly ...

4v A.N 1 I',.lC'ES

... gs, ?? twenltY b statute adres of rirh Meuadow Land, and about live acres Ai-able, o in the occupation of Mr. Richard White, (in kase till Canellemsnas, a 1810. Also, several pieces of prince Ueadow Land, containing 'a about 14 acres, in the occupation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... writer in Stracisruiglo, who will ahek the lands. SALE OF LANDS IN ARGYLLSHIRF. There will be SOLD by private bargain, and in lots of various sizes,' as shall be afterwards condescended on, 1THE FOLLOWING LANDS, lying in the District of TlKintyre, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... afternoon, if not previously dis- e posed of by private bargain, -o ~T9HIE LANDS and estate of WESTER NEWTON, lying T in the parish of Kennoway, and county of Fife. T These lands are situated in a populous district, in the vici- e nity of the villages of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... next Lectture on AGRICUL- Ui'RF. and JIUS A NDRY wvill be on Wednesday next, at evsvoecloci, ott the Cultivation of Arable Land. Ploughing and ?? ':lachinery by which theyare effected, and the cnomarativc advantatges of thu Broad Cast, Drill and Dibbling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON NATIONAL DOerNCz. System of defence for an invaded couniry attackedby arega- lar army and defended by an irregular army. System of war- fare between two regular armies engaged in the attack and de- fenceotacountry defended by fortified towns. Thoseprinciples ...

?? is pubdlishd, CoN

... Ruthiven. ARMY CONTRACTS. 91l >? ^jf r; ~Con;$ ssry *n, Chief s O/ffe, Uresf Ge rgeSreet, Londo, 16t/h Au-st 18ii. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons desicous of con- tracting-to supply the folloiving articles for the use of the army,, viZ. - BREAD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gtowing ;upon Lands in'the Townships of BALDEESBY, RAINTON, and MARTON-LE-MOOR, nearBorough- bridge aforesaid, in the following Lots, viz LOT zst.-6rs OAK, ASH, and ELM TREES, numbered with Scribes, and 8o-Cyphers, standing and growing upon. Lands in the Township ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to the cheapuess-of land and commodities in them days theire were scarce any taxes, pride, or luxuries, and wages very ?? reforin- ers and 01a0jutpr5 cry up againQA G.,vernment, Church, Clerg.y, Pensions.,-Sinecures, Standin- Army, Judges. Magistrates ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of One Hundred and Sixty 1Three A..eDs of good sound Land oll Bostead Heath, within 4 Miles of Coledwater; and alao an allotmenist on Horkealey Hea2t1, containing upwards of three acres of good land. Fntl icr particulars may be had by applitation (if hy ...