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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... seising his Y-ing a atI (:lountry isv an Officer il tihe Army. 0 'Y Died at Inverness, on the .31st of August, the FRverend Dr y, WVitrti-: Tt l'', ulctor of NorlalltOlt, iJ thei county of Rut- t land, &c. a tIn On Feidar last an Extraordinary N.ieetiulg ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... an inte-. rof resting young woman from Crail, vas lodged in the goal of ad Cupar, on a charge of havisg poisoned her mother.- sri- he poison, a large quantity of arsenic, was given a- mongst tea: and the unfortunate woman survived the er- swallowing it ...