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From the London Gazette

... Lonban ?a?ette. :, .. ¶ .;, , . ,;._ . . ,- *.TJOWNI'YG-ST22EET, Fstnuiir 26j: 811. .A DISPiATCH .-:ok.^th ehefoowtlevrg is-ap extract,r L .has, been lthias morning received ,at the Earl of Liverpooi'sioffice, addressoed- tb his:Lordsipb Lieut.. 'General.Viscount SyeUmson, dated Cartaw, sth of ,eebruary., . . t of : Tn' enemy have conlinued'in thueighboutsodtof Badajoz,and hliaveb'roke ...

Published: Tuesday 05 March 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1017 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... COUNT PE, OTTORE'. , , ,, , N~~~~~~~~~~~~ '' :0^' '0 wA''; ' 'Cbfr~srr'SZS, J~eember~ t6{ - T is wvithi Agguia'r 3t th'at `q ei have forZ- i ,thF puIb ,k f 'the: receptison. 4cpeorinei 'ibi thi p F'.,yepterda; by; thi'jillustri6u* ttriiner4tr~vellig, under ttle. deInonbinatiol9f th'c un tide'ot'orp.A-- Boe , Rhe sryaird here'; Ushe eiieetg*, Mr.'a fl Cael asid' Mrv, ...

Published: Tuesday 27 November 1810
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 324 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LONDON; 9 F~ul SD , c o .' As we wer; about to Otit oer paper to press' ano- thk Gottenburgh wail arrived. .I'thas brotght in- -telligence to the sthjinst.,ad'the acccounts from Perrsburgh-give reason to.expect tbht General -K0 -tubpfF, i conseqIence oI l having received reinfoice- d wents,; woud sooff recommence offensive operations%' ' and attack the enemy.. - sai G,,nuJargh, Oor ._Wc have ...

Published: Tuesday 20 October 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1173 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

From the London Gazette

... . Jrom. t. .oix r. TmsbAl's OCTrOaEW 4.. ( rtItl, e Cotirt a6t Carlton-1ouise tile l3th ofb)ctaber, ' 1812, present, his Royal.'Higheess the Prinice iegent I isn Council, -Wbhereas, in cnseqisence-of inforsati'din having been received of a decdaration >f war by the gnvernmliet of I Ox.e United States of Am erica against ilis Majesty, asd, f of tre issue of letters of' marqtte and reprisal ...

Published: Tuesday 20 October 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1349 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... - ANTTACK UPON HER MAJESTY, BY AN INS)ANE DOMESTIC. ONe Siihday mornring an attack was attesipted to be e made upon the Queen, in her apartments at Windfor d Caft'le, which threatened very' ferious confequnenes: as Tecircumftances of the attack we underfiand to have been as follow c-The unfortunate female who caufed b the alarm is nanied Davenport, and held the fituacion of affiftant mjftrefs ...

Published: Tuesday 11 May 1813
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1796 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... REPORT OF THE SPEECHES ON THE SUBJECT OF I'HE INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY INTlO INDIA. (CCorectroat FROMI OUR LaST.) - Wil THE Rev. S. Scott rose with great reluctance to reply he~ -to the respjectable magistrate who had just sat tiowi. ChO Ons the score of hurissnv, policy ansd duty, vie svere sh ...

Published: Tuesday 20 April 1813
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1745 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... DJ LONDON, MONDAY; JANUARY 1. . i FRaSCH papers to the S7th, which have now arrived, contain the important intelligence of Bona- t pirte having on the preceding day left Paris teojoin the army. The regency is again conferred on the Empress Maria Louisa. A letter from Ghent, dated the 2oth, states, that Generaf Maison has, by a bold 1 ard 'sil'rul nmancruvre, relieved Ant'werp, defeated ...

Published: Tuesday 08 February 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 836 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Foreign Intelligence

... jforrfSn~.3*i~ gn - USSIA. .. . PROCLASMATION OF TH EM PROR ALEXANDXtO-. 4'kIUSSTAN8.!-At length the enemy of our trintry- the foe of its indepeldeoce aitd ireedoin-has expe- ie-ietil a portior of that vengeance vwhich his arribi- :iorts and unprincipled akgiession had aroused. Fromn' tihe period of his march froils Wilo, his aIlly, great 'iii umberassured. n valor ainid discipline 'rod eIated ...

Published: Tuesday 01 December 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1175 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

From the London Gazette

... Dispatches, of which the follov ing are colpies, haie been received byv Vi ccounst Cast lereagh , his Ma- jesty's Principal Secr-etary p1 State for Foreign' Affairs, from General Viscount Cathcarr,BK '1' his Majesty's Ambassador Extraordiniary anl± Pleni- porentiar~y to the Court of Russia. - is Jmperiel /ree~sarioerzs Kalbisb, Merc 6. Rea'autNsO 'to my dispatcli 'frtns xS. Petersburg~h, r: by ...

Published: Tuesday 20 April 1813
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1791 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, FRi-Dy jVL! 9?9. MEDITERRANEAN, MAJV1 A MALTA and Gibraltar .mil.anide-thrs morn- ing, with advices from the formrreil- ace to ihe 22 d of MaV. We are extrudely coceerned to leajn,. that the hopes which were entertainred of the plague having. been arrested in its progress have proved* unfounded, the 'maladyý on the, contrarj, having gained ground. Gibrahtar, June 19.-A packet came in ...

Published: Tuesday 13 July 1813
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 791 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, THUR-SDAY, JULY 96 .- ,, -1 I A - . - LI LATE this day, a mail from Lisbon'arrived with letters and papers to the 2sd ult. the contents of which are considerably.interesting. Lord Wel- lington's advance upon Salamanca is confirmed.- The Lisbon papers state the entrance of his lord- ship into-that city, and- dispatches, dated there, have been received by government. The French appear to ...

Published: Tuesday 14 July 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 741 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... AMERIUCAN PRlivATEPlS. .of While the Ameritane. are permitted to critintit ti ier their successful career, they are makinGreai Biai; he C~ntribute mt copiously to their resources for carying I 'as *on the war ; and wee fear that the French authorities do hi 00O not look on with precisely that air of indifference and B1 to neutrality which they ought to observe. We have t ed heard it more than ...

Published: Tuesday 13 September 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3587 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News