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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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... The report of the select committee of the House of Commons, on the present embarrassed state of commercial credit, attributes the principal cause of the distress to the extensive speculationis that took place- on the opening of the South American market which has since been aggravated by the want of a market, the qu-intity of capital locked-up in bank- rupt estates, and the extent to which the ...


... FROM SATUIRDAY NIGHT'S GAZETTE. r iDor, 7zStreet, Ante 8, 1 IS1. - I A dispatch, of whicl the following is an extract, has been this day received at Lord liverpc.ol's office. addres- sed to his Lordship hay loqrd Wtellinlgton, dated Quinta. de l Grzinuicha, Ci9-h May, 1311. W~e invested Badajoz on the °25th ins;. on right of the Onuadi3ana; and the ordnance and stores for the siege hav- ing ...


... ?? , . I-. lith O J .4ll'Iue - [7do0 .~tT ?? 25., ?? t9 ,_ ! Q!/ .I Peav. t. 'Berys. Arat A' ( a9g od 26o 01' is 0.1 '203 6d Second '14 u. 6 8s I V 18q , C{ 18s oll 18s Oil Third SS? ad I iS 61 i iC; Od 16s Od, 16, Od Altorreltz, Juote ?? 'This clay we had a middling supply'of cattle, sheef p and lan-bs, svhich met with a slow 'market, and a great imfany of each kind left insold. Beeffronm 7s ...


... MARINE IA/TELLIGEC.IATE'. The Gazette of Sat nirday c ontains the folowinrg let- f ter from Admiral Dixon to Sir James Sanmnarez:- SR, -I have the plea ore ta inform iou that Cap- t tam Wattq, of the Woodlart capturea , on the night c of the 23d ultimo, after a srnart chace over the Natter c Reef, a very fine rov-boat, tshirt-fottr feet long. t armed with two brass howvitzers and 4mall arm;, ...


... . MA.RINE IArELLJGEtV7E0 Admiral SirRobert CaldeiJlas transmitted to John Wilson Croker, -Esq. a -letter from Capt. Palner of j his Majesty's slo6p~the Pheasant, giving an aceount fof his having, on the 17th inst. captured Le Zeros, e French privateer,? of six guns and forty men, out four , days from Rlochelle, without making any capture.' it ?? Otway ha'trahstmitted to John Wil- 't son Croker ...


... 'RdDD1Z.NGNdRKEt-4uly 1o. *ar A&o44'Msir SJ fltV 44;Am-*vfly lJ :WI s4t BArl oa.t eae. 'ez. Firet 44; W d Is d 11 s ad 2 oil Sec~~~ond' Si$ od I.SsE9s- eid 05 61 20s it; Third A ,40 'Od 28s 6J l s Od. ls, ad lss od -~ AUTU.1N CIRCUITS. Thy following are the appointments for the ensuing Auturan Circuits:- . SOjJTH.-The Lorin JUSTICS CLtasr and Lorn AumADALx. Ayr ;, ?? ?? ., 6th September. ?? .. ...


... ;, The report of the capture of a French squadron in the Bay of Rosas, on ibe coast of Catalonia, which I was prevalent on Monday, does not appear entitled d torany credit. It is stated tchave been received by ( Lord Wellington, previous to the 20th last, via Ava- t monte, a port at the mouth of the Guadiana, be- c tveen Spain and Portugal. How it reached that place I whether from Cadiz, or ...


... I N4DD1NCTON AfARKET-July 19. Wbet N Trln. Oai. Pte. ic'. First 45s 'Od fS7s* DdA 24a Gt qs9 Od! 223 Od Secoiid 44s Oi :316s 6d IJ Od 20s 63 °03 6a. Third. 42s od 25s 6'd ISRA d 17s OJ IS9. Od -MARRIED1- At Londlon, Lord Viscouss' Hawarden to Jane, youngest dadghtee of Pat. Crauford Brice, Esq. of Glenelg and ?? Cloncurry to Emily, mother to Earl Mitltown.-The Hon. W. Fitzroy to Lady E. ...


... MARINVE INTELLIG ENCE. The outward-bound East-India fleet, under convoy F of the Theban frigate, arrived at Madeira 20th anda 21st ulto. and would proceed on their voyage in a- si bout a week. The following is a list of the fleet:- C Charles Mills, Marquis Wellesley, Dover Castle, b Lord Castlereagh, Lady Castlereagh, Moffet, 'P'ot- tefihan, Retreat, David Scott, Surrev, Warren Has- e tings, ...


... t FROM THE ST. j3H1;'SjNRWVFOX;NVDLAVD. GAZETTE. New LroU1T Housz.-Notice is hereby given, that a Light House is established at Fort Amherst, on the south side entrance of this harbour, which will, in future, be lighted from the 15th March till the 25th December, both, days inclusive. IThe China fleet is hourly expected, and that from India about the middle of next month. .We have been ...


... MARINE INTEELIGEACE. g His Majesty's ship Chiffone is arrived at Spithead, i, left the following ships on the 10th July last in lat. 23.! i 30. N. long. 39. 20. W. under convoy of his Majesty's I ships Bellicqueux and NMenelaus, viz. Wexford, Win- e chelsea, Elphinstone, Woodford, Alfred, Arniston, af and Cuffnells, from China; Thomas Grenville, St. it Vincentand Exeter, from India; Ceylon and ...


... I , 7,;? L ?? PLYMOUai(, AU'GUST 15. Arrived the Arrow schooner, Licut Knight, from tt.e coast of France, where she Las performed a very gallant ex'oit, by tfriving on shore and destroying a I rnch lggier and convov, under a strong battery. WVe are sorry to fiud tifat her intrepid Commanniader, I jsho had logr before iost an arm in th-e service, is a- ;a'n mcst sevcrely wounded. The Arrow has ...