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Derby Mercury



Derbyshire, England

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Derby Mercury

From the LONDON GAZETTE, April 12

... From the LONDON GAZJLTTE, Alril 12. DANIVRUl-'li. V W Aluiiij is Sotrthwell, NutiLighlu. tlax.-dresscr, April 20, )f tS, Mdy 2,, .t ilie -Sarucent's tlead lilk, SoUIthIwell. Subci- s totb, ilhssrs. 1-I odgk il5t11 [laid Bulrt w, slt l14ell. IC C. (junrhlo o, Maicl, Cuarbrilde, cliciust, April f5, 24, C M.ay '14, at the Gritfin, Marcha. 'ulicitur, Mr. kiluley, d I'crciple. d J. wid P. ...

Published: Thursday 17 April 1817
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1245 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ConN EXCH5ANGE, Monday, Aug. 31, la82. Our Market was fmrnished with anmiddling supply ofWlieat, part of the New Crop-thc samples- slewn of this lust-mentioned were mostly of indifferent quality. Fine Old Wheats were therefore chiefly in demand, and these filly kept last Monday's prices; bht in the sules ot all the initrior sorts, anl evident decline took placc.-New Rye wias cheaper, ...

Published: Thursday 03 September 1812
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 983 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... -.. . . . A A I .o4A Co II EXC[IA VNtF, Monday, Feb. 22, 181:. The late ligh winds have Prevented the arrival of mnnv vessels for our market, and a consequent advance has takeni place in the prices: but good supplies of most articles art ex- pected short', atnd we have not many buyers on that account. -Fine W heat and Barley wete scarce this mtdoning, and rea- dily obtained an advance ol froml ...

Published: Thursday 25 February 1813
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 813 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I 13ANITUtti-PT-4 Rr*U41M) TO StJRlttNl)ttti J Richard Read, Litlihurys Loturidt, faulor and ware- hou'emuata, Augul8 it, 18, Sept. 2'L at Guildhall. Sijli; citors, Ileiirs. 6regfott and Dixani, Atige Court. Thlrug. e iuortoit.ltet. Willian Cockill andl William Nowell, late of Dewflhuiy, t Yurkfhire, cultrieri 'uid leather-cutters, Auguli 27i, 28, Sept. 22, at the New Court Houfr, Wakefield. ...

Published: Thursday 16 August 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1477 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, March 29

... i om.L-11- .h DO A -Z-E ,- ---a-- I2 From the LONiDO)N c,%zr.Tri,, Marchi 29. id. lJ~~~~~~~~~ANKRUPJITS. aic t. ror, 'ir, Yoik. wostairlqutii;irfictimler, A pr-1 12, titt totire Smsionil's Hourse, Wakrefirlds 14, tit dic Oiiicli bull, 6omra, cy , tteGvre elsuy lrhciorr Mr. fac cevte-hor, Api B. 2 -, NJ. MayI, at 611i dhal'. sot icillit, Alr srs. Blacrk- I lJ atelk- arid Binoce, Ttoovple. -ii ...

Published: Thursday 03 April 1817
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1013 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 23

... J. 1 ond, Liverpool, Iafelcuiral1, Dec. SO, Jan. 13.- Feb S, at GuildbIall. Suliciiur, MIlr. Hu1, Cbji5(r!IIs Lree1, Finsbury. squlare. A. Birute, J Brown, and G. Sclo, Londlon, army clothliers, Dec. '27, Sit, Ftb, 33, at Goildtall. Soiiciturs, Mtlessrs. Pice anld Willimllis, Oldsqiuare, Lilicolil's-ilm. k'. SiSoriiati, Bristol, 0lroipkeeper, Jal.. 6 7. Feb. 3. nt tIre Comnmercial rooms; ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1818
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 433 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET aREPALd el, - Coaiu ExcouRou, Mtondav, Jan. 8. 1816 eil ,l1ete %%,as a liberal sitppiv of %Vlcat tjsls morninig fron) giIsei. and Keill and but low buyers apiwartbill qastied theI . finiesaaptestOxtopewidite a;dol sale at )ast Noiidi'1 piccs [q tile Ilidit5 and inietior iiiris go lvf slawh, oioaili aund ji rS Grey Pease weie both.cleaper.-Batleyautd Malt a,del lrie. to l here was a ...

Published: Thursday 11 January 1816
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1218 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... TAJKE7 'HERALD. Cons; F.%XetANtF., Monday, Oct.)30, 1815. ( ifne aangles (If NewV Whentswere brisker il sale tbis ruom. f ing than on last Monday, and a trifirg advance was obtaisned li on a few superfine Runs; and tlere was a clearance (i middl- II ing sorts, ea fl as goad terrmsas oil hat day.-3arle3 s. of ( bile quality, were also quite as dear.-Old Malts hardly sup- pelted last quotation.- ...

Published: Thursday 02 November 1815
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1173 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 10

... F'ronm the LONDON GAZETTE, Dec. 10, BANKRUPTS. T. IMackenzie, Delalay.sireet, WVestrlinoier, merclhant, Dec. 17, '24, Jait. %!, at Guoitball. Sulicitur, Mr. Hum- phlies; sietle-streei, Lincolu's Ina. W. Mlaike, WVacley, Yuinkshire, seedsmaii, Dec. 27, t8, .lan. 21, di flie old Cock Inn, Halilax. Solitors, Mesa:5. Wigleswoetth and'Crossley, Gray's lil. J. Victie,-PlySmouthl Dock, inercer, t)ec. ...

Published: Thursday 19 December 1816
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 901 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... NEwymRTEar CR1AVEN MEETMOG, MPif, (teLocaudtd Jrttzo t.4t bst Tuetday; April 16.-LoArd Slanell's f Little Jane, by Dick AAndrews, bent D. of DOtW's'a f by Sorcerer, 8st 41b eaci. D. Mt. 201)es h ft. First Caisa of the Oidiaiidi talIe oif GI-5 , II ft. ]) I. Ld .Jenrey's Caaion Ball, 5 yr8, 8st 8ib i b t MF %YyclniWan's V'aziderer, 4 yrg, dast Slb - 2 Mr Bletiqifiord's br f Castrella, S vrs, ...

Published: Thursday 25 April 1816
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 524 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... JII, ICE?T 1-ERALD. Co, II5 Exeti A eo P., M tidri. Oct. 1.5 I14,11 tVe hare been very scantily atipplii.d Witlh \X 'Let 25i ce lila c day se'slnigilt, batl there 515s fl -rY go-d aIrrival tils 11i0i 1: itig s front Essex, ireiii, ;t~id sidfolk ; tie qlualities ifelleral livgo ;1 i I'l trade,hbossever, wa a exceceding1 ( ly Itl, atII c Rewl Wt iliea IIy Hl diti ~'Y be quoted fueb Os. per ...

Published: Thursday 16 October 1817
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1747 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... kl '8 luTR. M3RK t.r7 sI ,A i ida CONt ExCI,tAqnOF,, lo;Ittay, Ot. 6. t7 IC4 Onr ruarket Was but sernmily auppllied with W helct ftolot UPS ci n cst this ioortttjtg, <td filte ne het n etC10t t 11 'einatd, mid obtainte~l ale 'Hthilice, of'. ftIt,,,2s to *)Ile mureand priane Old e iu 3COl[fe r'te er ttietisgtollcat le aim tilCt0 r ~fesorlt- tel terms ; barl tlivro u as no jiIsproteicit u ...

Published: Thursday 09 October 1817
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1562 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce