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Monday's London markets

... I ;m IallbaI)IO K 011,41011 Iflarlato, CORN-E XCHAN.VGE, Mronday, May it. There was a small sapply of Euglibhi Wheat this morning, which was readily takn (Al'h by the Millets. at the early part of the market, at an '-dvatice of about 2s. per quarter on last londay's prices.-.1arley being in demna1d. was rather dearer.-ylye, BWats, aud Peese. mntainilned lastweek's 1'itee.-'i'IAe O1 trale was ...

Published: Thursday 15 May 1817
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 926 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... I COR N-EXCIHANGE, Monday, Nov. V0, Two O'Clock. There wias an abundant supply of English Wheat this mornilng, whicvh met a difficultsale, at areduttion of aboat 2s. per quarter for line sarmlples; the middling and iinfarior sorts remain ?? has declined 2s. per quarter in cansequence of large arrivals.- Boiling Pease advanced le. per quarter; Grie Pease maintained their former ?? Beans wver ...

Published: Thursday 02 December 1819
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 525 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... PORT 3'SE IS. I ?? I _ ?? sYZ 7 P t,\ PLYMOUT1H, Flrn'imY I I. Friday. Came in the Patent, of andl for London, Smale, late master, fromANew. Providence, vith logwood, capiturcil by a French privateer, and shlortly after fallen in wvith and recaptured by the Diana, 38, Captatat Fer- ris, after a chase of three days, when the Patent was drove ashore, high and dry, at lowv water on the coast of ...

Published: Thursday 13 February 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 891 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PLYMOUTH, January 8

... I - - 27iursday. About 430 horses and 370 men, of diff.- rent regiments of cavalry, now in Pbrtudpl, are expected here every day to embark it) cavalry-transports, to join their regiments there. The North Star, of 18, takes them under ?? the Prlne6.of.Wales packet, for Lisbon, witih mails and ?? -Satltd also for: the Cape of Good .Hope, the Malacea, of 38 gulns, Gala. tea, of 38, and President, ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 682 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE, April 4, 1812

... From the LONi)ON cAZETTFF, April 4, I91S. I DISPATCIE'S, of wshich the fo omving are extracts, have been received from the Rarl of I'Vellin-iton, ad- dressed to the Earl of Liverpoiol. Riv'as, 4,lkrcl 13, 1812. I ovd tile head-qunarters froin Vr-natat -oil thle Gth, stnd arrived here onl tile IItI illA -lit. There iro none of the s'iiemoy's trotpst in (lie field ini rqI-emadnra, exceptin, ...

Published: Thursday 09 April 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 2776 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... LOO . ;I ' ( l WI Ur ,. LONDO(N (-A - ?? J NfilARY 3 SI 1I:4It-Nf-iOPvt:E, JAITis ftvt 28., - A ilispatril otf wlti'h the folio8vill'i-is wt eopy, ha's be~i' reci'ed by Visinnt s leretigh, his ?? 's Prinlipal Secretary of Stale fu4r lur'igui Afib-rs, rfoit hic l~eeleleoy (general Viscouknt t lcartr fC^' .i Fi je;lels Amniasirdor REvraoridinary and ilellipoteti- tiarv to tbe court. of Russia,' ...

Published: Thursday 28 January 1813
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1573 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... PIJRTI NE /vS. PLYMOU'THl, June t6. S'turdauV, June 13. Wind S. S. E. The resoolote gttuibrig take6 convoy to Cork, and will sail on S11nflay ?? up the ?? to be refitted, the Se- nmiramis trigate. S¼jy. Wind S. S. E. fair. Arrived the Teazer gun brig, from Greeniock ; arnd the Neptiie (¶2d) teno4or, fromn Dublin.-Sailed the Orioni sgehocrner, for 'ork Nlaria (2dl) .tender, for Belfaslt Freya ...

Published: Thursday 18 June 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 379 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PL Y.JO UTII,'April 23, 181 6. Monday, MayI 13. Arrived the ship Eliza, Captain Dinnn, fronr Tritidad, with sugar, rum, &c. for tlish port; and the Flora, Palmer, from Liverpool.-$ailed the Briton, Lavis; and Robert Taylor, Adamsonu'both for New-York. Tuesday. Arrived the Waterloo, Wright, from Guern. ?? report that Lord Exinouth, with his squadron, is gone up Cbannel, turns out to be false. ...

Published: Thursday 16 May 1816
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 390 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... I PORT-NEHVS. PLYMOUTH, Martd 17. |Saturdc/. Lasty ?? a miost beautiful sight appeared off oiu port, ,jisst. .bcfdr son-set; nearly i .>a sail of East and West In' ianeii, the wuiivoy for i-sbimn, Alita, and Alessilua,' lwve ilil sighltt fruo the Eastward, under. con- .voyof the Aminada, 74. They lay nft the Soeunld, tbe un s-shiping olt thejtr. sli ls, ?? a moiost delighttul speotacle to the ...

Published: Thursday 19 March 1812
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1088 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... CUJROIOS S'I4TISTIC.IL A~CCON7TS. In Great Britain. the number of m en: capable of rising in arms en vnaise, from I5 to 6Qyears of age, is 2,144,847, or abolut 4 inevery II malps.. There are abo t 90,000 marriages yearly1 and of 63 marriages, olily are observe to -e without otfspring. in Great Jvritaln there die every year aout 33q,7'00; every toonth about 25,592 ?? every week 6,S98; every day ...

Published: Thursday 20 January 1814
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1942 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... PI,LVMOUJII, id, 1 1814.. I ThAirsday, Atigu.ct 11. Arrived the Hlyperiou frigatw, frumn a cruize on the coast of Spain.-Weut up the liar- bour to tie paid off, the Stirling Castle and Rippon, of 74 go ns each. Friday. This belug the anniversary of his Royal highnlless the Prince Regent's birth-day, the same wvas (dbserved lihre wifh the usual demoustratiolns ofjoy. The. morning was ...

Published: Thursday 18 August 1814
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 777 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... P.L;LYMOU '£0X, May. s5e 1° l1 Ilondray. Wind S. S. W. cloudy. The temains of the Cap)tain, of 74, borlt in Hamoare and sunk, were ?? up hy tile yard lutoog atd two line of battle ships., andare wn)W safe on ure, and out of passage way. The artifidert on completing- their arduous job gave niae heartyecheers.-l his morning the baggage of the Salop regbi'efiit was embarked from the Barbican, and ...

Published: Thursday 27 May 1813
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 705 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce