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... S MA.II', AS SIZ.S. - ?? f:IRlCUT. Mi''ei r. s1) list. ice Pts a soi i'r. l'aron G,strtoiv'. - (letor~ts :sir Wedneday, hu I :i,:t (It ford. a V~er'si u ii:ii ~.'atilir'liy, thu I !nb, Ic Worcester. r lity 0r 17''tc 5 ~ii S.1111' ?? th'' (, iiit Worcestetr. Ifllrol;i,ii I:t'--Ii~i i,:et ?? it I ereford. (I ma. ~o ~ -S itord til tht!,, ,i~t (;i10 cester. (~ii'rii Ott si rs~into c at tlC ?? of ...


... - O'er t BANSLIGE NCP COURT 'OT CHAW~ERZY, TIVTR§DAV' _dv. 5 This being tile first day in Michaelmas Term the ,ovrd Chan- itcellor. came' down in the usual state t~o Westrainster Hisil, attend- )fcc] by the Vice-Chancellor, the Master of the, Rolls,. Sir J.. Simeon, and J1. Stephen, El'sq. two Masters in Chancery, anid d the twelve Judges'. On coming into Court bis- Lordship heard d several ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY, DEc. 10. FIUSl' V. STAFFORDO. Sir S. RottterLY stated, that the bill was filed in this case, for the purpose of moving his Lordship to commit Anne Stafrord, the defendant, to the Fleet, for a breach of his Lordship s in- junction. The estates which she enjoyed, and on which the waste had been committed, were, ill 1801, devised to her by her husband, Edward Manners, for her ...


... OL)5 BALEY. Y 1eateeday FRANCOES Lr..n a female, aged 50, and S\ICAnS LEVY CQI r N. age d 42, were 'indi cted for b urgl aly in thle dwel l- ing-house of Jnbni Jeremsiah Sullivan,' irn Scepney, and stealing therein, ons Sunday, the 16th of 'Novembet, a number of articles His property. The husband of ILevy was transported some tim e ago, and from the 'defence made by Cohenl, it appeared ash was ...


... POLICF. *Ut.uNns-lo.'; ?? ?? W.its', wasN ; brcis,5,t bne ,: cb th Ma- gistrate's it] thc custody of the ('otistable *or-Si. .bOile's, Soeuth- w*irltiplirilra charge p~referrA by M~r. M'il. lli e;-, of Shad 'Ihaities, St. Johnl's, of assanltieog him. M1r. 1-ligler saidl, thiat the prisoner ha;d been a loriger inl his house for a short period;* towsards his wit'e he had lately actcd with more ...


... LA W NT E L GENCE. 3fiddtmsV!iangs .after Easter Term, bejlre Mr. Jusfsdee Aiillt,. asic a SPeCiat ury THE tIc;i. V. .TosET55 MI'lclE~i't, ES.% This was an indictment ?? the 6efelidaint, cliirgittg thot he, as one of his Majesty,'s JusticesOf the Peatce tor the ('sunty' of Middlesext, did, on the 10tls cf October, IS15, unlawfully license one Charles Wright to keep a commonl ale house, he ...


... I11GH Ti REASO.' SPECITL CoNfMtlO9!'0, or-tVOFMOwGEfl-LANXE, I'IO N DAY, i1osi FF.B- This marning the eoirt Msnt in pursuance of adjourrthent from Mnnday last, for the paurpose of 'prtceeding to the TrwaS of the twelve Men taken I risnners'at the Isle of France; the particulars of whose afrences have already appeared bjefore the public. A'.an early hour all the avenues leading to the Sessions ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS, J?i. 14, SELLING GUINEAS.5 .WM. FlsiS tand WM. GRtANuLk , were indislcn foi bilaw- fully paying to Joh Williamhs, late a baker S t. Jamues s Mar- -ket 31; I7s. 3d. in exclhaige tor three guineas, beln, at the rate. of II. ISV d. for eacs guinea. - John Williams stated; that on thc ist of -Novenmber lst, he: went to the tap of the Angel-Inn, in-St. Clemuent's, -which was - ...


... poLICE. JBVO-STREFT.-T)a Saturday everiln', between seven anl d eight o'clock, as a party of the patrole belonging fo the office ti were an duity zear the New cross, on the lIent-road, they took and searthed a suspicions person, and 'foynd upon hhit a quan- P tity of virgins.wax, withinpresione of tokens on it; about 41. ce \Sfl shilliugtg ?? suppoie4 to be counterfeits.; 40 tokens ar ...


... PUBLIc OFrvicE, Bow-STREEET.-1hirsday afternoon a man fi of the name of Qisinton was brought to the office, from Mary- f le-bone, charged with discharging at pistol at Joseph Bridgan V and two yojung ladies, in the ncighbourhood of Baiker-street, on r Wednesday rvening. TIhe prisoner discharged the pistnl he- s twecn the head of the boy and one of the females, and the con- r tents lo.iged in ...


... LAWY IATELLIGENCE, COURT OF KING'S BENCH, GUILDILALL' BCfirc Lord Ellenborough anda ,Special JArs, FRIfDAY, OCT.. 30. MAGNAY V. WILsN. - This was an aafion by which theIIlaintiffs, Mesrs. Magnay. and Pickering,. paper-manufacIurers, ,ought to recover from the Defendant, who is a coal-mercha.t, the sum of 3001. and upwards, beingthe amount of a credit given by the Plaintiffis to a dealer in ...


... ,AL H A., OCr.7.-O. FridaYr last a Crturt Mar'- - tial was held on biard ?? shipAfrica-, for the trial Pf Capt. I).ies,nd the surviving officers and crew of his Maest y's-lae' ship La Guen iere, for the. surren: der of that shipla the United States fi igate Constitu- ,tion, on the i9rh ?? ; Vice-Ad&mild Snwyer,. .Prsident.:';'.Canptains Sir J. P. Belssford,..Vice-Presi- rdent, B. Broke, J. ...