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... I L` 1 Uitri. d ' Br]3p.hat vas indilei for stealing in the dwelitifhosls r of Ir. Crook, linen-saraper, i6 Yori-street, Covtent-gatderii 4i e nen to the amount of more than 40 sibllrsgs Wvrn.EHemmnings, sbhpman to the prosecutir, srftd' at about nline'cleck iso tpe morning of the';sf Tebrstaty; hes' *amov- ing oiise linenfat lftten yaods distatce from the shpop *obr, which.was'shut, ...


... CIL OVRT OF CH 7 ,1V D~anunkut IS. at lie 'T011 A'1 £ORNI5Y-OENRIC AL V, T1siC MITCH~ Or1 MAR,1i0noOUos. onMr. FlHANTSO read the bill filed iil this casei, and the- deinuicer. which had afterwalrds been pitt fin. 31r. Beeti~. then, add' ess~id ste Coillt inl support of tile titmur- LIoe rr. Tebill, he stated, prayed tha' file Noble ?? ni gut hie ( restrained ?? the1 Court finns continintiig ...


... [I$SPL VENT D B1,P.YS' COURJT,, Art: 17 Williamwyerj s.ahru ttp this day,, for thle foifrtk time, tp take. the beoulfit of the lkisolfvent Act. Ile was Opposed ay.Mx.irblRlws s-nrt. i b$half of (harmus Dslentz, E'sq. of Sauthl 11olton-sti:Cet, .Onvfo~tOran aittiliity criediti-r~to tije ismount of mo1re titan -4*nodJ. anti sf seve- ralliotlerl; andwvssdcfeiidcdlsy ArlPt.toittd r.Iiti. Mr. ...


... BA VARIAN JUSTICEZ. The New IRkenis4I MIrcury contains a remarkable article, under the title of ' Bavaria-An Imprisonment :of five years in a fortress, by Lettre die Cachiet; an event which throws light on the present times in Ger- Diany. The following are extracts fion it . Joseph Offner, of the Royal Bavarian Post-ofice at Brixen, and afterwards at Kenapten, was in August, 1512, brought ...


... SCOTS B6Rd6UGH JAIIS. - Nothing can sliew tlje 'depiorale effects of the mal- administration, .@f the self-eleeted Maistrates of the' 7eots ?? a .feha thj 'scandalous state of their Jails. In the Rlej.prt of ?? on th6.4'etition of the RoyAl Bag~hf;. to the House of Comi-dns,' there are returnsiof',tille pesente. stntc of their prisgus, an - they in 'general: present a shockilog * e of,~ l tr ...


... TRIAL OF IAUBREUIL. The case of this individual, which is berfre the Tribunal of Cotreaional Police at Paris, has been often alluded to with respe& t to the charge of robbing the Princess of Wuitemberg of diamonds to - con. siderable amount, but it seems that the real fanis have not been permitted to be published in the Journals. The following account of the proceedings on Friday last, ...


... OLI) B7ILEY) The Setsions commenced yesterday before Mr. Justicc Park, v Mr. Jus:nze Abbott, the Lord Mayor, &c. &c.. n J,'.sics T.INJ-!;Y was indicted for forging and tittering a ctecqluc for 101. With ioteatr th defraud Messrs. Snow and Co. IBalikers, C and1 its another cotust withs ?? to defraud Messrs. Frowd 71 and Co. Cl The p:-isoner, vo vas trird aid acquitted upon a similar in- a( ...


... $TA.T. PRZSOAWRS. Wete the Prijqner4 were arraigne4 the elder Watson, on be. ( ?? eulfs and tle at! r de~xsda , addressed the follow- iletter tolw.4 zgut>;- -r Tawr, ay19, 1817. MY Loap-I am desirous to inform your Lordship that I lsall have ocaision to subkcna several witnesse6 to be in readi- Qswto be called upon as evidencess onmy tri3, b3ut not having ?? means to defray the expence; ...


... I - -7 S SHR6PSHIIRE ASSIZES.. 11OSE, V.IEsH . - LlS',L. ' h . - no~t.l~ts v. FlE2~c55E5R. Ii . Mr. PErAE stated the declaration in thiis case, ,which charged v the defendant With publishing 6fa andconcerfinig the 'plaisiti' it. gross and malicious libel, him dishoniisty and a total c s disregard to truth.' At tleb time of the publication of ?? libel, ce which took place in The ...


... THI GRELEYWICh MUJDFnr. FINAL EXAMrzNATNi-he 7ANI) (OM'IITF, TH'fAl, OF lA iS Yesterdaly mornoing, so early to ltino o'lcarsd er!t assermbled at GrectiwiCl`, OPliosite iti NIGtflon S ci;o,. it hal -g understood that the ?? of 'ha~ic s 5sey I ?? thence at half past line o'claek.'i roadi front 1 laprI td, Blackleatla, zind all the ?? at'iiac, it, to G'.:it::-wlch, warea liined ,ithb ...


... STAFFORDSHiIRE. PARlT.AMTENTAIPY REFO~RM. TireIC StGi, ON IlE N-.O (r'U.iON OF THsOMAS Ottitl V. T110M Ss POTS SAMOi W(-) WVr-I-tAI'rarn, srs ,1iir AJNT) WVItiA TlII1WSq This casa afforeded ?? mfirt to a very crowdoe'd Court. it wasan indictniiltt which chlarged the defeeants with heaving riotously ?? toe-.ttier at th, par it of Stoke, inl the l'otiteries, ?? th' peace of our Sover1eign ...


... ;ted COURT O1 XING'S BEN CH-, Dtc. 24. Landots Sittings uflerA W-daelrsmas Term, b~fpe Lord.Ellenborougli.~ STRAND BRIDGE. 50 COVERDALEI V. BUILRELL. tepr 50 This -vas dn action to recover a deposit paid upon thoprn- 46 chase of an annuity of 1161. granted by the Strand Bridge Corn- pin to the plaintiff, secured tupon the toflls payabew, o tohbe 44, paid to the said Company. The ...