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... ey nun bereaf persoids in the State Pnsos, whom it i s: not cdornenietit either to bring * to trial, or to set at. liberty. 'There are several men, certeinly culpable, but who-cannol b contdeared y oar Coust'.- NO.1oLEON'g Decree. ' ' - - SUMMARY OFT POL3 S , I NVHAT IS. DBs3OTvSM,?-I n the pre- sent siate of the world, when governments stand, as it were, .:t the bar of. the peo-0 pie; or, if ...


... O F[ICAL PAPERS. SIcILy' -PPOocilb wtipAirdinfl( IV. ky :tke Givae of eGod i of *1w two Ski- 26 Jqsalnem, Are Ifi.a f Spai n, D uke of- Para, iP2aceuze, Castis, 4c. Grand 1 leredktary Prne f T y, to our be- loted andfaitrhful people of bwly 10th .i.a:Ly 1810.s(&mCOncldedfr.or 72.) . ;. Javain does he try, with unequalled impudenciesito per- vert aid misrepresent; fits ; for. ...


... PROdTSTANT DISSENTERS. -I At a General Meeting of Protestant is- senters, and other Friends to Reliiious Li- berty, at the Ldndon Tavern, Bishopsgate- street, on Friday, May 24., l Si 1, convened ft receive the Report of the Committee appointed at a former Meetinrg, to prevent by every legitinate effort the suecesiful progress of a Bill intfodixod into Pauib- ment by- Viscount Sidmouth, ...


... 'ENGUSH CATHOLIC MEETING. London, Feb. 1, 1810. At a numerous- and mostn respectable' Meeting of English Roman Catholic No- - blemen, Gentlemen, and Clergy, held this day, at the St. Alban',s Tavern, the following Resolutions were unanirnousfly adopted :-The RiGht Hon. Lord Stourton, in ~the CIhair;- : Resolved, 1. Thatthe Roman Catholics of England are subject to several penal and disabling ...


... SUAMIMARY OF POLITICS. AmE:RICAN W AR.-We 'have 'notv tbe Gazette account of the battle of 'CAi'pawa, and also the American 'account of -that *memorable and important contest.-.1- -I guessed our force, at about three -or four thousand men; -and it appears nIow, that it did not a2alUnt to three thousand, out of vvbich we lost in'killed, wounded,- nissing, and prisoners, 8il78 ! The Americans ...


... |-. .1 ON CAPITAL PUXIUSEMETS. I M Ma. tOiB3EI~t Itis with feelingr of -unfeigned regret, tha- I observe, -os looking over our provincial newspapers, SQ. mn any symptons of the increase of crime, -in, imultipind, accounts of executions, which arm daily, and almit every wbeje, taking place, of individuals wh1o0 have forfeited their lives'to the-laws of their country, Noless taiinftve of these ...


... I I1 MERIC4N P4PEBI . ~~W, .'il:'iv.-9 td2 >,.;i'''t~igW T':6 ! 0 ;p.:|d6I The f'klq 4etlq s~saXe ,y je~erd*y, .senit ,toboth H oussf Cogs's by thle Preside~nt ete -Uited- Stat~es. 'thle suiliments ii c x- dt-& in. bEoth ouses, are ,purely u)atibial, asiA almnost u-nealnois :-- : -ee:!S 3 ngfit t~h-nz7ed &tdeA. - I lay befote Congress rmunkations +jo: reeivd fro the yPleaipot~entianies of the ...


... DOMESTIC EBTIARRASSRNTS ' MR. CO BEn TTe- depreeati~ni of the prices of Agriculttral produce ard ofprnr perty in general, constituies a fYeture of tie timesff, deeply in-reresling to tlie whole coin- ulunity, an~dmeritirt~gte most serious aqteny tion and examingatiton,,: Flctuations of pro- pertyare concesrns -of thefire ade dd them family ircla; tbey haunt a man efin hispis-pi low; -they ...


... LETTER VL To LORD CASTLEREAG3I. chs the contrast between the Return of Napoleon nd that f ZLozids; and. on he QUeSto of what is ntow to be donie tcith Fra~nce . MY LoRD,-There yoL-are, then, once. more at Paris. And 'what will y.ou snow do But, before I come to the: discussion of this important questian, let me. beg. your observance of the colntrast, the great and striking contrast, exhibited ...


... ^ I ,- Report of the Military Comnmission sitting at Paris.-f(Contsnuadfro~rn page 67Q.) above-named, in 'conformity vwith the Ar- ticles 87 and 88 of the Penal Codeof 1810. -The Military Commissici-discharged and acquittedl, 1st, unanimously; the Sieurs Gomont, called St. Charles, Sub- lieutenant; Joachim 'Alxaidre Ldbis 'and Amable Aime, Provost Lieutenanits ,-Jean Charles Francois Godard, ...


... .; gIo,: I E or hoRss I Ju4'22. - .The&SpaAKEa~ho~ld. iz Chis hand the - otew of Credit Bill, addtessd -the Pritce iegentiand delivered the Molowing Speech: .'..M'yit pleatse your Royral EiHighness,- We, jisMe ty's niost dutiful and loyal sp bjee he- Gomm.os of ;Great Britait anfd irelind WiPlikawni assembled, hare plosOd tl6supies thsice' of the pre'sentyear; aimd ecg upon the vari- ous ...


... |LIEERTY OF THE PRESS AND FREE ENQU~TIRY. KR. CQOBRETT,-In my last I ventured to make some remarks on the police of State Pros Sutios, :for matters of opinion, and also on the Bible Societies. 1 noet propose to Chew the state into which the Republic of Letters it thrown respecting the Dilble itself.. In doing this I am well aware of the censure that will be cast upoV ine; but feeling satisfied ...