... MIURDER AND ROBBERY. In the middle of last December, a respectable farm- er, named Howard, whose age 0n the day of his death was 90, was murdered in his own hoissei stithid three miles from Uxbridge. The situation bf the house is peculiarly 'solitary, being ?? with trees, and fronted by a large lake, where now and then a fishing boat was to be seen. The family, which were almost the only ...


... r ADDRESS Or MR. JUSTICE BAILEY. I; I7- w-J- o_. Attke.o Yo?7 Assizes.. ric 4er the customary formiality of reading the procla- i nai ItiD ftrthe s.ippression of.vce had been complied i inl i itL Justice Bailey delivered the, charge to the oW iaid Jury. lis Lordship fst proceeded to make a the cber of remarks on several of the cases contained in inm talendar, and then addressed the Jury cn the ...


... bl URDERS, X -. t I - - - > ?? - _ A 9 - On Tuesday night week, the hedy of a young woman, covered lying in aditch, near the Rainseorth water, rn.ft U. of Sutton in Ahfield, in the couloty of Nottingham al s a mile distant from the toil-bar, on the turnpike road from Mansfield to Nottingham. It proved to he that rr Shepherd, an interesting girl-about 17 or 18 years of gas daughter of a woman ...


... CASE OF PECULIAR A-OCI'rY. We believe there, was scarcely ever an outrage against common feeling and common decency, more ei atrocious than that which we now record; or one t which has entailed mole ?? and ruin. R Prudence compels r us, for the present, to withhold b some names, in the following rarrative. On the 28th June, 1817, the barque Caledonia, 'n Thomas Armstrong, master, and- owned by ...

Law Intelligence

... - ?? talo ynteit, ence. I I- sio jrAT2RFORD -ssIZf S, March 11, 1814. dis * CITY COURT. eff tht BDd rct , 'IISt rX aznd, xagainst rOwE wa and Co. ha, . efore a Special Jury. ;ta This case, eiciusive of its intrinsic weight. is ou richly entitlerl to'the deep consideratiol of.ali trao. di( erL, but tore pirticulaily of those conceirned in the fri c- cctn busaies', iti will be found to ?? ...

Porkshire Summer Assizes

... | trov .e summer AgEle. TIrus, A4.;pji wv4 8n~npA ar Vnrlc nn SRiirdilav Wpn. ing I- -. . - ion Tat Assizes were o'pened at York, on Saturday se'n- s trt. night, by Biaron Wood and M~r. .usticeb ayleyj the i ase latter of whdttl presided at the crown end. e ius Tie fllowieg is a complete Bit of tht iprboners tiib hAae gO. taWa their irial at thi raide:-c not Jan Bsaiaa, charged dpoi ttie oathi ...

Published: Tuesday 28 July 1812
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2750 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

Yorkshire Lammas Assizes

... porhooire Xanuna# MY#- GUILDHALLI Jor r2Stis. tb Mr. SFRJEsNT MARSHALL presided at the Gouildhall. o His lordship in his charge to the Grand Jury, observed that the calendar for the city was, relatively considered, niruch heavier than that for the county.-After some brief observations on the other cases in the calendar, his Lordship adverted to the case of the two persons In charged with the ...

Published: Tuesday 09 August 1814
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 878 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

Law Intelligence

... ? INIU) 91,11tc1lignicc. - --Nrvvw_ . COURT OF KING's BENCH, SATURDAY, FrunnUARY 7. THE KING V. ARTHOR. TTIISTLEWOOD. This morning, before thle commnencement of the fur- tler arguments on the important case of appeal still under, diseussion, tile Attornev -eneral entered the 'Court, and took his usual seat. Soon after Lord Sih- m1o11th0 Was seated on the Berich and Lord Elledlhorougli cowling ...

Published: Tuesday 17 February 1818
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1109 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... COURT qf KING's DEA.CII; Saturrlay. Dus .. . -, I - - . 1 Before Mr. Justice A.l ROTT, and a Special Jury. al -~ lrif DBROWN AND OTiIERS v. WILLIAMS. he, This was ai action upon two bills of exchange, one for 20111. sied the other fir 40ol. both drawn at Palerino, hu 2Ist June, 1916, by Ebenczer Wylde, upon the deftv'id- li ant Samuel Williaims, payable to the order of Abraham see Gibbs and Co ...

Published: Tuesday 21 July 1818
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1391 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... . , - ?, - ., '1.1? . . . . . . ? . - -1 ?, II . -1 - .. .1 IXTPI? I . . I . ?1:71?!-71-11T .??tl Oil .loliday evetiille gelttlijaletl, 'wayhin at the CioW1n uist, Pnrlennu1i. lust a cUw! o1S w1d sauffibJEp.frpm tlif tatvkeeye ahick fie %pz, siittzg Jrtw# ;F;4ie;'fsghf,-ru 'trie vlikbrs at0r1ii were subbedsit.fwawhee,.edw tisvoofJhem - ...

Published: Tuesday 22 October 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 389 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... HIGH 66URt OF VS'CIARf. . , , , i, l . 414hida, caine on thie trial of Susan Tinny or V ?TiHiy, fcitused -of wilft¢firre raising and theft, -i f iatinlg; on tile -lah +nes motning o the rth off April I I5, set fire to ?? house, barn, cart ahade,. ad 8stackyard bheln.i ing to Andrew M515owAll, in the county-bf Wig- E ton, by means of a lighted candle. Tlie C6iiwn sel for the prisoner ha IdIg ...