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Caledonian Mercury


... YUST7CIiAky COurTS OF SCOTLAVD. the -- , trt g (Extract from the Report of the Parliamentary Conamis-' in, fpo. i- aoners.) an- Of tile increase of business in the Circuit .th ane Courts, as wcll as in tile High Court of Justi- m *1u- ciary, sufficient evidence wvill be found in the rak- accounts which we have called for, and which xm- are annexed to this repoft, of' the whole number sty, ...


... ¢-b f IOF KING'S .BAECH-June. 4. - CoOtTR TliEATRE. ' ogIdil: V. CLOSSOP ANID OTIRSiI Tlsis was an 4ctifon brougbt bv. the pinintifl to recover a 4Zoaipedation in damages against the defendants for an allegeq breach of contract. The contract wals ip 'writing, Wal entereidinto-by thO plihititras acting Stage Mat. rnamer of the C0onorg Theatre, wii the defendants,'o were the proprietors of it. ...


... I R E LA NJD. COURT OF KING'S BnN1CH_-Noi. 21. This day, at half-past ten o'clock, the iodges took * their seats upon the Bench, and Dr She-idan, on, of the alleged Catholic Delegtes, was called. upos his trial. The jury being sworn, Mr Ko.ieis, the junior Counsel for the Crown, qened. tbe leadingd The Attorney General then- addressed theistt . to the following effect:- Io I congratulate you, ...


... COURT OF SESSION.-S.COND DJIV1fON. MRS SMITH AND HUSBAND V. HAY AND OTHERS. June6. isiI. This was a competition between certain claims to the funds in meseo in a Multiplepoinding, arising nut of the following circumstances:- Mr Cuthell, a native of Scotland, at an early period of life, went out to Jamaica, where he succeeded in acquiring a pret- ty large fortune. He married a lady, who was ...


... *~tRCL):Lt ZZ{CJLAefZ E., zd : AYR, Oct. -1 .Th-L'Circuz't Con rt ?? k was opened heie' 'do Satu'rd-y t e 2. 1tu1t bx the in Hon. Lord Meadoxvbank. Ir ' -Willianm Grant,'-labouree' 2at Tro-on; who -stood st rharged with cuvpable hor.icid. puthure for i-not appeaing. . - rf a Two appeals from -thfe Sherifh-vere heald, aind ti e sentence in both instances al-irme'd.t Hrs Eodsbip, oon dismissting ...


... POLZCE OFASDIVhURC . AND GL ASGOW. We are requested to insert the following state- .rment. The following paragraph appeared, two or three weeks ago, In the Glasgow Chronicle:- The Edinburgh new Police Establishnient; according to. a printed Report, has expended for the first year L.25,9.0; tbe funds amounted to L.22,Oo0, leavinga deficiency of L 3000. The Glasgow Establishment expended last ...


... COURT OF ADMIRALd. INSURANCE CASE. ar A. WEBSTER ?? I41TCUtIE AN, 1 t ~ ' 1-2th On the lst D~ecemhgr 1815, the pursuer effected a-policy of , Jr insurancte at Aberdelen, upon the hull.and matleials of the r~eri lane and Bersey, valued at L.30D, on a voyage a adfnit FRt ?? Gordon to Cromarty, and thence to Dfnds's, wit P ccleave to call for any purpcose at any internaediate port or in F , ...


... CJRCUIT INTELLIGENCE. it Perth, Sept. 12. I- The Circuit Court of Justicirpy was opened ?? bere, this day, by the Right Honourable Lords ly Rermand andl Gillies. e- Afier the preliminary forms of business, and As the usual ;solemnities were gone through;, the Es Court proceeded to take up the case of William t Hughes, John Hughes, Mary Hughes, Barbara le and Helen H enderson, accused of ...


... .i;,X COU15T OF iVS-TICI4R2T. On Vtonl7day Francis and Thomas W.alsofi and William Can;pbell pleaded Guilty to the statu. tory oflence of having forged notes in their pos- session, knowxing them to be so ; antd the Lord Advocate having passed from the capital parts of their indictimlents, the prisoners, as stated in our _ last, wire sentenced to transportation beyond n seas for ouurteen years ...


... ' Jil~if COUAT OI F * ?? ,,I .Janet -or, Jssiei slop Delone, and tmes His- ; lOP Ic -e of id*i:o ,oiassisting lieffe, or Peter |F. Martyge` a ntive ofPFlailce, 4an Captain o6f the. 4tl wiss regiment Clades a Etein a Gerngnn Lieute.) sant of the 17th dr s, and Charles Foucald, i' Frenchman9 Lieebtenan. of the 26th regiment of I fbont prisoners of war, statined, at Lanark on their ( 'paro6le;- ...


... &OURr MARlIAL ON COLONEt QUINTf. 3dy rit et he Car. 1d, an the 01 the ned the Co ac. lost ne all 0f tes, tie r vert so had I t ies tua. and ur. nt. on tls en an~ hi! lap. 'ew. ienI ihei tht ise th ti ,e )f 0 ie I. d 5 it !r le q7 le ha id. thei hy oal los ren, eut da fait the am uno role re: se, rene ECoD DOAT, TUESbAY OCT. 18. The witnesers examined yesterday, after Lieutmna it Fi1z- ...


... Wthas bfonveya* l 'Dt ti: ~a~% grea~t qant4, J24it, Indi~d lbl wi here Itsj:gd ~ 1etpr ?? 1- -. ,fil l t4 e, ar le ufl . Idren thae * vgreat asre 0 ?? -- ad ( ihe Cuf veryrotten' ~cths morfing, abo, Q, ClO~k, aW to fthat oth ts wbS; -hi s ?? -~e - arl~~ .. C 0 : 4 ~ - - ;, near to.: ?? Afiday za e 'IT +77:,7 Ireh so e ~~d ?? ~s~e personj. ?? th fot±l nd I p1oO Oe hog;, | ~thee xorenltsi ...