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Leeds Mercury


... HORRIBLE MURDER 0o AL: and, Ag ThOMSOy jot.@ I t s itgref anld hotrorltre aninfiuce, the- neatoo 'ser ats, iiit Witadyl-Thoiniais B00niEsqi.ihegrreaigus55j BMe~tch tatlad Banth Director, at his -seat at Chisleharhts. The flil-, lowig9 areathe particulars of this hortid'ee~at - It ?? on Sunday evenitg, td'K Toame~a Robart enit Wlob at his usual hoea : Mirs. Bonar did slot follow haim till twso ...


... foRKSHIRE MUrMMRTee ASSIZE¢S. Beibrc BAROqNVWOOD and a SPECIA~L JU y SATUAIDAY, Jtiry 16. a~~~tker ?? otrr,.,y versus P4 latem AIR. llICrIIAttSON p Ienut(I tip ?? durigq SE IttEAN'T BEST, who hid been specially rewirjed for this Cauise, opened-or, tire part of the plaintiff', I saidl tlri~ was'a trial directed by thle Coulrt of Chacr and tlir issue thle Jr a ony YEmanucd Elami who deed so lo,) ...


... IBANIPUPT LAWS. DAfe- Lnure's Peftpinlt, -pp~eseazid to IO~ House i'f ( et Is,a , ?? Vh? u~tt by the Hatt. ET. C. Beannett, ane ordcred to lie bit I e tdble ,'nd be printed.- Toi 'hr ~. Hoi urshite th~- Rollis, Conitonots of the U'.itid i',.dd'ut of G-*ai, ]Scitin trod Ireland in P--rionmenit -4siflui~cl. Thie flitnbtle Petition elf Jo ior Dutfi~pie, olae of Leeds, in, the Couteut; of ork, ...


... . PON-TEFRACT 15EljS71Q-Nl',- Ty'he I1cu. Jamecn Archibald Stu-1r- W'OrtIcy, Ch-a11r n I. -h If)Iu~illqht Magistatci iteslc uponl tile besnch :-Sir iFrilcie- ~ia~ley \inoliart. thle Re .: ltobt. Dijritay Witfddilove, Dt. D. ; the licv, John JOwe; tile Rev. 'eIt %ood nod Wili. 11citt. Hay, Clerkis B~leni. Itroolsbi sk, I tgit P'arker, Tito. fHortilo, L~lfa ~C thewe WlIsOin. liien. Dcaltry. ...


... i N IL AC Si R A' SIZ ES.-T-w cda , Scl,. 7. On Tuesday evening, about half.past six o'clock, Messrs. Hunt, lKnigit, Johnson, and Moorhouse, ap- peared in CoUrt topplead to the indictmentfound again-t themn they all traversed until the next assizes The other defendarits, who had bern pleaded, and who were in custody, were then ?? thepurpose of br-illo admitted to bail. The indictment was not ...

Published: Saturday 11 September 1819
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1020 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

Court of King's Bench, June 25

... Curt of Ki.;is Bentch, Junf!e 25: . II it n case in whici lMr. Hlolroyd, oil a former . Iday, ofttihaed a rule to shew cause why a Mua/ed- olul ?? not isstie agaiost John Plt;a w.rtun 10e7woiil, auid Wem. D.wson, Equities Igio- e trtteof ?? Weur-Riding, commaudiag iilza to Cil~l 1,efu~tithen 'Iin;uao Dyson, Joseph U.heaziiy, . 'lu. Ttioronuo sod Joseph W~ebstcr, aild drl-er wile r ?? bet.ten ...


... 3-ORKSI'rRE LENTASSIZES, Si KING aversmic KTOCKS. C ?? the Right Hoinourable Baron Theimson and a S.pccial Jury: d CFIA RGOF tIP ERJURE) 0 This -was an indictmnent against Th1CIIAEL ti STOCKS, E ( of Clittharinse-lrose, nlear Ilaliffax, a1 Mit-istrat c 1i's County, charging him with wilful 4~ Anid t'orrutpt .perjury, alleged to htiiteiboent cominitted t1 by him-, in a. curtain answer made to ...


... NI SI PRIUS-Tuesday, March 2t. P'RICE versus SANDYS. 11s. .JI5!iCEL LS BLANC AND A SPCCIATL JURY. ?? wvas an action brought by the Rev. Dr. Price, Deputy Clerk of the Penace for the county of Durhami, on account and behalf of the said county, against Iir. Sandys, the defendant, who had been employed to build a Gaol and Court House for that county, to reco'err a compensation in damages for the ...


... i'YORKSflIRF ASSIZES-AuGsT .o in stating in our lost Paper tke Ofinunt Of dumoges awarded at the Assizes at York to Cl5i t~ar, Mill Ownegs and others; for itijury sustained b~ ithe PiAjotiffs dusiing the late disLurbauces:50i4 t~hsRii. lte auwos placed opposite the fetOl'c- ivoltie'f thle sufferers were correot; but, we find, oir quiriy, th~at we were naitteken lis sup. a garsing that rio ...


... ! f!URT OF EXCHEQUER. T r T . : At l' , . ?? cr IIERSo.,t!r c l. 1HEF RlxNG~nsusLitE.NIlY CUPE. l'META1TWIL TFA, COaIF1EE, _ Xr TOBACCO. : l~s ,l7 otii liaviso npqonenl4 the IlNaditSt, TIhe AttJu ?? with ,hia vrontc~d. ability, St ted the infriumation against the defeildaie, vwhich imputed, lirst, that he, being a tea-dealer, had in his posc 0i0so a- large qualiiity of colourcd ?? itic. ...


... 0000000- ?? a._. .. ?? . 1.-1. 1 ?? The Secret Committee of both Ifonses of Parliament to whom 1wh, extiminativnof the politi- cal papers referred to in the Message of the Prince R, zest ha-4 been confi.1td, sit very cliselv, thev even jndged it necessiry to sit ol Sunday. ow 'Satrday they madea sich discoveries as to induce Miihzi'ere tio determine on the apprehensioa of a nirntoler of ...