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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... . i) perwission of the' Rev. the VyCL £'L4CiLctO1% Wid t/e 1U'oiahlij~td the MtA'oit.s E HE Inhabitalits of Oxford a V'd ?? are & respectfully informed, that the portable aid most inte- re-ng part of 2Mr. Bullock'sextensive nnd valuabrc MUSEUM of $AAtJRA L HISTORY, from No ' , P il a few' da s be. opcned for public iuspe tora in fotur arnents inl the houlse l~ely occupied by Mr. Milani, ienr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXORTD LOYAL TFDEP E\D \2r OftU)ER ov re HRE Brcothers of tie above Order ire re. petu 'v I .j inlformied, tha;t 'the ANNUAL DINNER will hie heold JDUt ait Brother Davis's, Chequer [Inn, High-sntreut, onl Monday 11014 liut te Ih ?? Lodtgte t~ho uuL JAMVES B30L.AND, Secretary. Act Dirnner on 'the table at Two o'cloce precisely. Rel Ticlsets Vs. tid, each. BY 15A ttTIUULAR DESR S~Idywill or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1OON will be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. S MALLAM and SON, in Lots, to be pulled ?? the CAPITAL BUILDING MATERIALS of Mr. TAnG's late Residence in the:HIotH-sTmtT, OXFORD; the whole of which has been ecently built in a modern style. Particulars will appear in our next week's Journal. A cousiderable -quantity of' useftl Houshold .Fnrniture, Beds, and other ESfrts, at the Auctis t-Rosrn, hneds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v'sl ruojv~ ?? or sot~fllf- POWN ,TI~L.:5 ?? property of Sir JOiiN 'IlitOGNOUlt ON, 1lIart. 0 be SOLI.) by AUC 1BiON, by% Altslsrs T.ADAM ?? oil the farm at Buckland, itt the coun1ty of Derkes, ot 1IUeldav the LI(tth daty ol .Antsts, IV1 I, at ''ev o'clock, ill the follow ing Lot-i LO(T LOT I (ott very capita l Suh- 1 ?? down Lw es, it ri'el'e ditto. 2 I'un ditto. 17 IFen ditto. jre(ci ditto. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Superior & valuable Live Stock, fsabantdrit Inipdknenits, Blrewing ~V 1)aiq L'tvaiils, HIOUSEHIOLD FURNITUItH, 8:c. At Pudlicot Farm, ticar Chippimr-Norton, r0i BE SOIL) 13Y Au1cTrION, IL' By IV LONG soil SON', onl Nl~iiidily 31id TL'~aeity neat the 29th and 30th iif Marcili, l18W, WiiI tlie pr-emises 'f Mis. TOluor, -it 1'otllicut Fa'iitl, anC~hilipiio0-Noitaoi, (who is re- tirin- ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P.- l'I'lli':'SIIlI', rf7LiE-hdvertixei., (,i thlis city), tlesirous of dle- TL votil, his IilIIL entirely t I, Ic he ?? branlich Af Ifik biisiins', m isires fr aL I':tier witir id t ?? ;itiejid ii t ile Salc Shpr,. A cc itoriibii adti re ii errpitl ri ilbh ?? i red. It is huit ?? thakt tlhc :lirsrt ~puidviiig sirririlil btaie .i IIiviidlre of 'if y pisiy prirtilaltr IJUs iiess. Noine r 1t I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,, f 'tar'iipt~e Assd Jiom~ LeatLi,11je t;> i l *1 I NU s lei s' ~givnen, liht .s \1 .. '1 the Trustees appointed for this I!r Ic Road uwill be held, by adjournIIentI t, at if ;t it and Queen Jun, in Highworth, on Mn K1, Fourth day of October next, at 'Irelee It4S! noon: at which Meeting the Tollsasi J c several Toll Gates or Turnpikes etected on trict of Road, that is to say, the Gate or T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASIUIIAL and ASIALLY INCLUSURlE. XTOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of it the Com issioners named and appointed in and by an Act of IParliaent lately made and passed, For inclosing - Lands in tie parish of Asthal, in the county of Oxford, will be held on Monday the 'vtli day of December instant, at the Crown Inn, in Witney, in the said county of Oxford.-Vatui the Utah day of Decnember, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S1']tATroN AUDL-Y SCHOOL, LaIc/l, Csta1blished be, Sit' JOHN LJ. Wi AuasEie lti:7t. S J. BISHOP . ES PECTFIJ LIY begs leave to inform his I'frieuids and the public, that he intends taking a limited Number ol Pupils as BOrARDERS, at Midsunmmer: they will Fle tenderly treated, ca refully anl expeditiously taught the . Ruldiments of Relding, Writing, Arithosetic, Geometry,Prac- tical Mensurationi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N ¶ !iIBlrEON of aMr. WIILKIN's DiR AwIN-GS. H II I!: Memlers of the Urriversitv of Oxford, and .1 the Nobitity and GeLitry of its Neighlorrllrood, are ruost qtectfulldlV informed. that the COLLECTION of DRAW- irNG. S cxecrted by M~r. Wirer'lls7, jun. fronm celebrated P ic- CuLres of the cre:lt Masters, lior the purpose of tororiig a S~llEc AVORK of ENGRAVINGS, is now UPON EX- Hibl'ilON at Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 151 AVING doly atrtended the IAectores 'It tire all V~teing, Cllege, i -,Londn; nnd.iven -is5 to prito ~tV L'lr rbir optblic exiirmm- re- ?? of, 'sldieti Gentlemten, niost, resqtc'ct- fillv offers his senvices to thc' Nobility-, Genitry,. aod ~s* Farmners of Stratford..npon-.Avon, arid placs orljae1ed. lie hiumbly. soticitii'tlnir patronage',big osis that thte cid hlears inl V!ew i~to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . -- ^ ('OhlKNG. (A1D{iRV. URIN6 tile 1iices ?? MAF.N ot tOeJASTAlI ; ,Ie N h,,lit at' the 4,PCKPJT H>,YWEI., beiteen 'the Gentlmen Oxfor hiire tnd'the Cer- . tl~men ofo 'eticshire, fur kib GuOheas a lwttIen'aid' ioo' . ui~neaa tlie ?? 4 ' ATON fo reeders. rI -LETFfSA v, r slrbire . ie te-l l'l,-A ery desir ble FA.R0 colf- ,..Lsisting of hetwvkli 6 and' 700 .Acri of AllABLF, PAX'STIURE, -aid ...