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... r 4) v - P . tN RL LYGEA'tY - 'to~~ni' ~ 1'xl(VS ?? CIT, MO1A10. ic ,geviq:i Slecal J'.ory (stiues stitnd icr trial to-dity, 111t theyV PitlierNwert' off, or litr'eltcote no feature or ictereat. Atmiisr 't I F. tI N '7 . N 0t, OItITr. A ~ )Tit E ?? 1NO * A ICU 1iF.LL. 'liccse were indi~lrnaents for pi riury, lireferritt bly Mr. i;eorge Itos,I harlanteup-t. whsose nanic i; wvell Itnoto ?? fihe ...


... PO L IC E. MItIANSve ?? Mr. JostSef, AFRitTATe, a respedtable housekeeper, ?? in Churc -street, in the Litrl Minortes, was brought before the Lord Mayor, chhrged undei the-following circumstances :-V. Mauthay, an Alt~ers iner: chant,, deposed, that on Tuesday evening last be lost his pocket book, contitning R7u1k of Englanid Notes to the atnount of 691. ilevwasin the hsouse of Ii'r. Afriatt on ...


... OLD BAIL k-'Y teferdam tholie Spsoirrlm corps 'retce'i br-fore the Right 1`1- ~ 9niable thse L~or I layori, 11r. JusltIce Iieatah, Sir Simn L fjlfiruc, Sir JTsn Bdirirv, AlderinasnJ. Simith,. the Common, 8cr- li aI, -anti -other City Offlicers, . AW T C Esa Was Ijilicted fo~r stealinif a iol. tooet, theprir. Im eritrr ?? livillis'nis - 'rite ornotecuror; a trunkl .peamts't wrint to ...


... ~P 0 L. [IC El. GOILOttA L.-YQ~terday no 'less thti Tort~-Eve indiriduali of both svxe4, were brought tip, charged with leloili-s, n-isse; meancurs, assaalts, &c,. committel in or about the precin;l!s of Bartholomnew Fair. i - The Allgistrare (Aldernian Joshua Jonathan Smith), before Ile enireref~into the elarninilori of the prisoners, felt it neces- Gar? to state. bth, in common with lids ...


... l~ouTuror' .* V~jnt ?? the, Jadp;nlie t. t, sura g ?? whoa~4efepdafflt canvis. t ?? b e the ftn; BHarrsf fthtardfi fo. as . Jn. bfa4 I ah.e, In -in firari were these -.-the defendtint WA 1ili$#e-f ljl nr t NMowbray, in sqer hinv. hn which e , mWS Af i w'aae tbe Inbent ot a t.bng. Xere hajosi~* a of milsunndertandning, between the latiea t'e sI downward.5to the date *f the t^3lt4LId0 ihq~ ptt ...


... 'POL I c . la~t, our reader, will recolliedl, three Illiterate poor Lriclracun, viz. Quit', Connoolly, anti R~eorlan, wtere capital~ly cccnvidta.I I at cite' (1 I Mifes, for Coicnterfeitimg the coin of the realmc. Icc. their defeic,, chey statled, that being on t oif em eloyinecct, nnd O estitcdC of bread, they were wandering cihout fir wnrks antid I ivc ccengaed b a accto wom tey ere ...


... POL ICE.- QdZiget ?? nother inv'estigation ¢f. th I case ot BINGiHAM took place. before Patrick Colquhoun, LL.lU. Hxss I3iNfitAts was chairged vith stealing a ;'atch, thea property of the ?? Gurne$, of the-firtn of Gurney an I Whitehead, Jewellers, IO; Crown street, Sohe;:io$ ich was fman I in his possesslon by WV. Ptc', ani officer. on searching his hMMoii, No. fq, Wlsitcorm'-street, upon ...


... EmSSEX AiSiZES. CHLMl5SFOR'D AUGty.qr r. r tr il rd Chief .ustice (I.',rdl Ellenbornowh) anl IMr. Jutice Burrough arrived from Hertford yesterday, and went to Church imme iately upon their arrival. This mornine ar nine, Mr. Justice IBurrough began husinecs on the Civil Side, and lord Fsllenhornugh at eleven on the Crown Side. The Calendar for this County is very light, and the Civil Side does ...


... LAItV INTELLIGENCE. COURT 0F CH ANCERY, AvuusT i. IZING'S THEATRE. This wns a motion on the part of Mr. '1aylor for alt or.ler to re-open the sale Of the Opera-honuse, ott the grounod thant the particulors of Its sale, o~ahlch toosk -place the il~th of Jane last, were rs.t properly -set forth or fully repreietttd ;and that in, consequence of such defedlive represeissacion Mr. %Vatsrs had ...


... ESSEX. ASSIZES. CHELMSFORD, SATURDAY, AUG. I. ?? V.THZ COtMtMSS.IONKS OF BSAIIIACI5.' This was an inquisition to ascertain Whatc.ornpensation ?? be made to the plaintiff for the injury done to Sis land, by hav- ing had Wheeley l$arracks eredted on ito : Mr. WETHERSELL attended for teh lalntliff, and'stated, that he asked a cnmpensatn, nort accordlng to the ratio,4vhich many persons had ...


... osN sroflY TS .ou P[I,.FLY 9. , ?? .. . . ?? .. - .# . I , v -sm . I U s a ?? I .b I M1 % In TV A x-r AV I ES, PALSELY CALLED WAtTS, AGCa IST WATTS. This was a pr-ocedivig at the hnstance of Sariah Dvis, tlie repetud wife oflMr. G. Watts, of Earl.atre:t, Ililwckfriars, agai nst li't, to anlui a iiah of inarriage that hid taken place letweeel them, on thv. ground of affinity, tse being the- ...


... uLI) JBAILEY. WVs. tVA R I`MvasI ndic.ed for stealing a qutntity of books, the property of Sir Godfrey. W~ehstr. r Ann Seanur, sreranm to 8ir Godfrey Webster, was- put into his ihotls5, Davies .strcet, l1eri.tiey equiale, to keep charge of it; the prisoner visired the'wi tness t t lie haools wefe not locited up; he visitedt the witness 5 weel when the famaily wvere at home as when they were ...