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Oracle of Fashion

... i E~~~IC l~lNCE ?? 57tNY.OLUil'5l)l IFE.. }It'hI'Ofl. BareuSTON, Aegruit S. V~estcrd v mnorning the Royal George yacht, whichI had C.omeI ?? to this Station on Thursday; two frigates, two |armled brims, the Mariju~is of An glesey's and other yachts, were ?? 1 u as into s e iii ?? safety wouild admit to the shore, it being thlen known that the Prince Regent iatcndedl to embark on board hais ...

Oracle of Fashion

... ?11f' of S?1tou. GRANiD M~ASONlf FESTIVAE.L Pi'chltlip wvit hiin the mcenoorv o)t thec oldest inhaifanl lt of Blthlere has9 noft hcoi wit tlcssed so) oeset an mu intix o tstloiget'l its al~lC pourle d inhit dcie ('ty iii C01151Ijt1cflCC ?? the IOilrl t)I tl ?? I1ar!a;I )( lisiitiol of til th Balth M ISOliC lhal, whlichl too li; 'J'hiirclalleiv, wvith all thC sp)lendtid cerelionitals ?? ...

Oracle of Fashion

... 07A~lt Jfbat ion, ?? rVANCE 'If' V55Y1, ' t.iPt. Flrnr icr, X 1-26.-Yelterdnav, at e'ht t'el htfptisimi ef the new-borti sot) of HIis I 'xcellt tioclcI thI Illis 13ritannic Majestv's Plenipitatcstarv It thIr;I,. I, ?? at the Palace of the British Einb h. is- were liis 11oyal flighne1s the P'rine tegrn ;)t Gtltsor aitti the Earl of Westmorland (the ftthel f ,i U thaill th)e ooriner of ...

Oracle of Fashion

... eale of fast1olom EAChI CiANGB ISF o MANY-COiUR'U LIFE. JaikL5flt- FASHIONS FOR APRIL. !Valng'~Dre~ss.-A round dress, composed of lavender-coloured L'as o d' Njiles, the skirt is mrde full, and of a moderate length it ir ichly rncamented at the bottom with a fulness of satin to correspond, over which ale three small rouleaus, placed almost 5 close to each other; -these are surmounted by a ...

A Song

... I -q+ Mf'rjttefl for, atndf sutng 6l blilR. Cul.irmEs TAYLOn, O fe | WI ?? Ro}yal. Covelt Garden, at a ?? PubleC 1l pinair, ojter the TOast Of- THiE LoRD eAYOR, Ca 1\O PRiOSPERITY TO Til CITY OF LONDON.) bf .5TIL 1 renovn'd in each clime where her flag is unfurl'd, ml JI LoNioO ?? misitr''s antd niart of the world ! iM Wlle.P tanici, wsealth, and power, crowvi her Magistrate's ithl ciliele, ...


... - EvEnNI DG UESs.-A black erape froek over ablank sarsnet slip. 'the skirt of the frock is finished by full flounces of the fashionable chevaux de frize tri rnmitig. The body, which is aut very low round the bust, is elegantly decorated withjeC beads. Short fall sleeve, ornamenited to correspond with thebody. The hair is much parted inI front, so as to display the forehead, and dressed ...


... IJNES, TO Ai FRIEND. BY A YOUNG LADY, THE- Rose that yoi gave tue -has withered away, Yet bow sweetly it breathes in the midst of decay; The' its blushes have flown, it is, dearer to me tban the briht4est that blow on their own native tree; t treasure its fragments, tho' sometimes a sigh Will scatter tbeir sweets as they faintly breathe by; .For they whisper that all that is dear, and divine ...


... {o'f THE fTURTLE DOVE. AXRa Jessy of Diumblain. AS. 1onely 1 sat on a calm summer's morning, To breathe the soft incense that flowed on the wind; I mused on my boots in their bright beauty dawning, By' WAR Ns'S Jet Bldckingdg-the pride of mankiad. Iu their bright jetty gloss, every feature divinely Was shown, aud appeared wilt rich lustre to glow; No high polished glass could have showin them ...


... OLD Testy, a rich country lout, 'T'o wine a nd good victuals a friend, WNas trohljled withflits ofthe gout, And compelled for a doctor to send. The doctor, a spruce debouair, Had his boots cleaned %ith Wrarren's rich Jet, A bloom all delightful and fair, Ot his boots by that Blacking was set. The moment be entered (lie room, Old Testy was struck with a terror, For in the lhoots' beautiful ...

Poets' Corner

... ?? - I ?- Paig, CLIPM ODE TIOl ST. CECILIA'S DAY. LOOK down, old HASDEL! from the spheres, That roll to harmonies like thine; Parnassuis wake'% for inodern ears: You'd but one Muse, and we have nine. Thrice ten spinets their wires unfold; lou were a novice, let me tell ye; for all our girls of eight years old Will beat you and your chum, CORELUX. NSo j'eli' old HIANDEL! NOW ne need; N~o uhble ...


... THE CAT AND THE BOOT; OR AN IjIPRIOV IENT UPON MIRRORS. AS I one morning shaving sat, For dinner time preparing', A dreadful hoowling from the cat Set all the room a staring! . Sudden I turuld-beheld a scene I could not but delight in, For i- - boo, ^ b.rigcht :nd clean, the cat her NaOa Was llg1litig. Bright was the boot-its 3urface fair, In lustre nothing lacking; I never saw one balf so ...


... | THE FLOWER OF LOVE: Fran, the Netw NOVEL of MELINCOURT. ,TlS said the Rose is Love's own flower, It's flush so bright, it's thorns so many And Winter on its bloom has power, But has not on its sweetness any. For though young Love's etherial rose Will droop on Age's wintry bosom, 'Yet still his faded leaves disclose The fragrance of their earliest blossom. But, ali the fragrance lingering ...