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... AUTY . BEP kUT- I. The vind o.vcrl er it. and it is _,o6.-tssianh. IsAW adeW-droP, cool and clear, 3JatcePoii a bitrtte %pravy; lair cloirs deil;kd the tiicd tear, Iike thdse'*hidlidlearnm d '4isapea§:, hien shiVt'ers- -tla -uii'-bearni rhy-s Sol cast atlivat ta glaee s-eere, And'scorch'd the penrl aivay. Iiigh on a'steirter, $politri'd artni A fraiafit lily grew; On the piure petals-n-ahV a ...


... . 8@letrp. TtiIj: SWISS GU1DE. }3y 1gOB.'2ZE: SOUTIJE, Efq.;f- - On Mr. SouTIrEY'S qiIttiuIg him, he asked him fora chairacter, when the Poet gave him the following ;i i 'consequnccc of Vhich; *JON ROTh U has-become tfid ';mdst poputlar Guide in' Switzdltind, and is inquired fort byv all travellers; tbtiu uf whlom he perunItted to 'take a copy of his Pottichl tharacter: -By rny troth,'this ...


... portrp.: . TO WOMAN. FROM TE GREEKti. Oh thou ! by Heaven ordain'd to be Arbitresa-of man's destiny From thy sweet lip one tender sigh,- One glance from thine approving eye,- Can rise or bend him at thy will, To virtue's noblest flights, or. worst extremes of ill Be angel-minded ! and d8espise T'h, 8ex'q little vanities; And let not passion's lawless tide *Thy better purpose sweep aside; For ...


... -.. ..; .,, ! ;w r /, $1, I r *;; $ S it4 i. t r t?!..;i' : ,! fTo G2;Er~,~ ~~i B ytletlai Wjilli ~P~egidred, rlP MlanfChiesrte son of 'A the Rev. MU% . Pendet ed,' Sf b11 y 6;,it * * to tel I iiihivt6t to coniiitiv c 1iki t9i!t toiieeiriy Sx VThs rpses die bei7eath e * B~recite otDter giZi~h gy air','xi.W ., -,* ,sjttFh .vk9S !llfr1awn ug iaN ; u BeemaZ im thle l~rdsel s e..'t i ~ MI ...


... I FASHItONS FOR LADIES AND GENILEMEN, I Fjol 'klinmafls's Rehlsitdru ef flAS. Fesh;s i FBoa A'zD. J ?ffIsn ?? Reh-itolq 'f Als,, Foshinsw, Ail,,'ru- L l : fJaclures, &3;. , :riiig r. Full )ress.-A pu rple velvet round robe, i t-i roii ?? ainnd ltogesleevei, binrered rourd the ti bimoin: or - momm and ,wr Ste sh e narrow gold (ice. A Siam.dis liat, voitpoied of pitrp le silk or velvet, the p ...


... STANZ A S, Adrlrrsm-l to the Josi. , 1aS.rNt SNVJI, R, T), comtpostd by one of Wlls PupilA, and presented to him: on ]ns rctiirg trou uour !:rec F ra Gramimar School. [Isla~c lt ?? jsi a..r pa. ] Yo Seraph triil ?? lily sop \Vith gratful filial love, To you ublivtelt thoics belon', Aind ghlrens ?? abovy - Aid -nrc in this, adll firnili pol seats attend, M hitl rI.Bate the goadiless' ot my ...

Hull Theatre

... -t.-.0 -litt: 'I ?Rliat evil. To recorjd a -,ucceIeiotr-_'r.o-a-flied thi Thatr fo c& or-6-.rtj~~gentertalnrne~t ;it She th ITearftr il asat week, is our' pieasing olce. O of 'the' Knight' 'or 8,gi tiowdm, or teL- f b~l~ on Tuesilay evejnisg, ft exhibitdaCmiao u o interesttingdialogue and fich ~ da et tbe n atention of the audienice consttl mnatin e, feel 'no heedjtattoni 11 eclarinlg, -tba u ...


... :Vpoctr1j. EPITAPH IN A COUNTRY CHURCH-YARD. HERe lies, alas! poor Rornm NmiroN. Wbose sudden deathl was oddly brought oh: *f'rving oie day his corn to mow off, 'Ahe razor slipt, and cut his toe offI The toe-or rather what it grew to- An inhawmmation quickly flew to; The part tbea took to niortifyiog- WLiichx was the cause of Rodt: as dying. A CHURCH-YARD REFlECTION. Iuch skin.and.bone nags ...

New Theatre-Royal, Hull

... K-' ffStv0 Theatre -Royla4 Hul- . I .: T. _- .. I : . -II.-will be seen from the advertisementt ilJ a preced- itog coltsmn; that the New Theatre-Royal at this place will. be- opened. to.morrow; and that the .Manager has engaged Mrs. Stephen Kenible for. six ,nights, together with other new performers. As the opening of the theatrical campaign is so near at hand, the fol- lowiig sliort sketdch ...


... IrIE VALENTINE WREATH. BY DMfI. MtONTGOMElRYw RosYr red the lhiil appeasr With the lighlt of moruulig, !3eenteouh clouids, inl .rhter clear5 'tAll the Xast adorning; Wh~ite thiro' mist the meadowe shiuc; -. Wake, my'Love, my Valentiue! For thy iocks of raven lme, rlowers with hoiar frost pearly1 Ciocue-cupe of gold and hlue, Snow-drops drooping early,- WVitlh Mezereon-sprig5s comlbines Riseb ...


... WottVP. 1'4Y DAX X(V 1ER' Ro .cILD. H , oL D' pIL RI3 GE; CANTO Ti' tlD M~ ~ogtei *~b ty siaivbe this song, bgun-. My daughoter!' withh aeIissu~'f~lel- - I,.?¢ 'th~e so t- 1b ' xt tee' bbt,'-? b tt non e , ' . .Caii be go rtijntthM-e: thou art the friend. To.whom the shadowS bffar' yeas Citend:., Albeit my brow thou nei'er shosld'st behold, M. 'voice suall.wwth thy Sjattirevifons blend,,. ...


... mit. WINDDHNIM. in FPlbriz I Chti r'j, oui the sontih side of the altar, a plain but elegant msiural TMonument ha, bvrn ?? toi the mnemory oft he late illustrious owner of that bcautiful ?? iP excentod by Nollekins in his best ?? the plinth. but supported by lion,' feet, re'ts a raeaotaph ; on the top ot which is placed a finely-sculptured Bust of th s profound scha. ?? orator. and ...