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... SPUR '1 boNG INTELLIGENCE. 11 STA lEMIENT OF THE ODDS ON THE DERBY AND ir OAKS S i'AKES, r8t7-DLc. 30. c( 9 to i ags: Brother to Snolensko. tf Td'ken-t2 to i agit D of Grafton's Waterloo. [3 to r agst 1). of llutiand's c. by Sflim. [3 to t agat c.,by Orville, ont of Momentilla. iV 1tO It agst Brother to Crispin. st to a agstj.d Srawell s c. by Dick Andrews. t OAKS. t. 'Ialcen-8A to r agst Mr. ...


... SPO)RT7ING INTELLIGENCE. NEWVMARKET FIRST SPRING MEETING, 1817. MONDAY, APRIL 21. D. of Grafton'sf. Coquette,by Dick Andrew;, out of Vanity, Sst. beat Sir .1. Shelley's ch. f. by Walton, out of Hooghton Lass, S't. 41b. R. M. boogs.-6 and 7 to 4 on Coquette. The Cockboat Stakes of toogs. each, h. it. for colts, &c. not engaged in the Derby or Oaks; colts, Sit. 31b. fillies,Sst. DAM. Ld Rou's ch ...


... SPOR TING IN TELLIGENCE. DONCASTER RACES, TUEsDAY, Ssez. 02. Sweepstakes of 20 gs. each, for two-year old colts, ist, 21b. fil- lies, 8st. w'l'o-year old' Coure.-(17 Subscribers.) IMr. Jackson's b. c. Cardinal Wolsey, by Cardinal Yoi ii, dam by Precipitate . .. . . . . D. of Leeds's ch. c. Mortimer, by MInswbray . . Ld. Scarborough's hIl. c. Black Prince, by alton. Mr. Watson's b. c. by ...


... A .1p ,4 IXTI, # ., 1 ?? o ?? l; I, I 5 I i hs ge . XE.NtMARKEFT ?? , it6. . ., rJJSDAY, APRIJ. . e, r. F. Cra~e's ch ?? Jarsette, b ' Blad d, out- otitle ' t; oy, d af-lbeps, beat- Mr. Tlio'qhi cii t. yiambeiouiin, tl ~e -ut df Gaiatea, 1st. ,Ib. each.; Ab. M og. i; . f.-j to 4Ion Mr-3iilo as A-nlianach, S ~beai -Mr. Liokd'a Puc 8st Ilei 31b. 1;4. e ft.- t6 q4 2agst Alrpajm ?? d lte j~ art ...


... n The match between Aaron Godfrey, a banker on the Hamp- shire Canils (backed for 50 guineas by sonic provincial ama- teurs), and Robt. Wres, a tight 12 stone man, of mi'lling genius, frem Leicebtershire, who once fought Cart, the opponent of the celebrated Game Chicken (backed by Capt. Hallard, of Aston, Leicester), took place yesterday morning, in an inclosure be- longing to Mr. Ferin, of ...


... AScTi .tEA T! Lbas. His iajesty.'s-Hunters'.Plate of roo giineas. IIeats, 4 mtiles. Mr. Starlit g's b. g. Aspern, hy Vermyn. . I Ar. Gorden's ch; c. Constitution . . * 2 IXr. Boult'sch. n. by Walter , , * 3 i Mr. Milton's Scrubtail . . . 4 3 i Nr. Pearson's Allerthorp 6 . . 5 6 Mr. lorit', Sweeper .. . . -, . . 6 5 Mr. ?? vwas d.sitanceil. i to i agsti the winner, .Von easy. , Sweepstakes of ...


... SPORTING IN TELLYGENCR. NEWMARK=T CRIAVEN MEETING, At'arL 18 a ASubscripti~in Plate of Sol, for a y~'r oids,, carrying dat. 7111. e three, 8st. .SIb. four, gst. x5l. 111. Ive, 951. 4111. six and aged, pat. a Eib. I); MR. Mr. J.;Edhderd;'b. II, Aeriocleus, aged I Mr. Vililier' h. Cwrw, 6.yrs.. Mr. Robson's cia. c. Ranksbororagh, i yrs. 3I 'Ihle Jidge placed but 3-S and 6 to 4 agst. ...


... zjd, th The match between James, the Bath tinimani by his tr4elling ?? of name, and Brooke, a Herefordshire mnan, was. fought at nine arnount o o'clock yesterday morniog, in a meadsv, adjoining Byfleet ,Com- desrib'ah mon, on the borders of Oxon and. Bucks, in ,te presence,,of a friends g numerous field of ?? after it heerihree ?? Asgembl3 upon former occasions. ilinsaian ,foughat hisadversary ...


... SPORT!M PfA1l1ETI- ' * ,unpty black coit Smtoleimko, is matehe for 5Oa gui o s I55 c ;Lord Foey a 1~c~neiieft d4 t~w sssiale i~szh~s . ip tlie ,Newmarliet Odober MAeeting. Smolenlsho to receive , g1b. ; . .- , t ?? * , B sting at,'attersal ps the St. Leger5 ye~terd'ay, 6 to iaqst:. Altbidor9-g to ags:. ?? Satlsmtoce; assdx. to one against an~otber. first fairn;ritp for the, Oxford ap;, ...


... SPOtATNG INTrLLIGPWACE. ASCOT HEATH RACES._FjsaT DAY. These Races con nenced yesterday. There was a snore nes merous assemblage of beauty and fashion than wie ever recollect on a first day. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, the Duke. of -Yotk, and the Princess Augusta honoured the course with their presence; They arrived upwards of an hour before the sport begans and remained until its ...


... TO13DAY AFTER THE lHOUGH3TON llEETING. Sweepstakes of Tcos. each, for a-yr. olds. ?? Y. C. 6st. 711.. each. Gtk;. Grosvenor's f. by Popinjay, out of Copenhagers's dam I Mr. Uduiy's c. by Haphazard . . Ld Lowther's brother to Buttercup . . . 3 Even-Gen. Grosvenor's f. by Pophijay. 1. of Itutland'g Grirnalkin, Wst. 81h. beat illr. Slvkespear's flydaspes, 7st. 31b. - A. F. soogs-z to I on ...


... SPORTINGh INT\'ELLIGENCE. ASCOTr MEATH- RACElS; FRIDAY, JUNri 9 X~t5* Sw'eepatakes of ,0 Sg. eac,,2ro gs. fr. for two yr. old colts, gat Slh. fillies, St zib. two year old course, the winner of a SWeepstakes to carry 311). extrr. G Gen. L. Gower's Rivuler, by Rubens3. C - - - Dick Goodihun . -. . . . Geu. trosveuor's ch. c. Rinkshbrou . . . , 1 ?.r. Sadler's f. by Williarsmon's ditto . . . 4 ...