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... PRIVATE CORR RSPONDENCB. c, I cowman - , ---n l 1 London, Feb. 12, i past seven P. M. | IWe have public and private intelligence from America to-day to the date of the 14th ult., and it is extremely important a bill has proceeded, in the House of Representatives, through the first and se- cond reading, by which British goods which have been purchased or contracted for before the 2d Fe- bruary ...


... * R. N )daCE. . ?? ?? :EDoNSDTY, -2lrT JULY' No horse having appeared against. Lord Eglintols- Glen glry,there was too race; and his Lordship ?? de- lined the cup. It is accordingly reserved for next year. Ihcre was a good hack race, TInURSDAr, 02D JULY. A Cold Cup of One Hundred Guineas value, and ten Gui- neas in specie. Lord Eglinton's g. Monreith . 1 Mr J. G. Skene', br. hl. Lucifer . 2 ...


... comp.gr17io o1. PIPEpS t. On Wednesday (as stated in our last) the an- nual competition for-prizes given by the High- land Society of London to the five best per- formers on the Great Highland Bag-pipe, was held in the Theatre Royal here. Twenty-three competitors appeared, besides several superior performers who had obtained prize-pipes at pre- vious competitions. Although, from there bei-, no ...


... ADISBURGH RACES. T'hursday, the Noblemen and Geutlemen'e Substription Purse of 50 guineas, was run for over the Sands of Leith, and swon by - Sir W. Maxwell's bay horse, Tam-o'SlsarseeL2: 1 1 'Mr Ballie's bay mare, Elena-. , ?? i Mr Wilson' abay colt, Biscuit ?? .1 3 3, Mr Soulsby's bay colt, Wtater-Gruel, dr. Averyexcellenttrace. . * Yesterday, the Ladies Psurseof 50 guineas was run for ...


... BI A CKEHTfl PEDES h.41 MATM. - - TWtE14'TlI DAY. p The intereft excited by .thisr matc6, inrtead. of being at3.abated, has-consideralbly increas r, ed, and every day presents atmoef -numerous e'display of visitors tcthte-Heatll. On Friday, Wilson, afetei t good night's rest, 4i appeared at the starting post, at ten niimtues be- f fore nine, iittired in 'a &omplete suit of' *iallnnel, and a ...


... CALSDOWVfA1V JUNT ar PERrTHA RCSs.* TYURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. his Te Caledonian cpu of loOgs. ?? riile beats., Richard A. Oswbld's.(Esq.)'j.b c. San'Cullotes . . in Sir W. Maxwell's Eglinton..2 the Gabriel Hamilton Dundas's (:tq. b. c: Thunder . ' the Mr Bogue-s b. f. Die Vernon . ; . . 4 tof S~CDb On Ffif pounds for horses, &c. of all ages. Two mile heats. ace LodFife's Highlander ..¢,*X1 m6y Lord ...


... - ': k-,- ?? rim - I _.v Lord Montgo ?? 6 fro ) : h lusnd .:.A Plate of 50 g8!yness, given bf ,the. Earl of ,glinton and ?? Montgoneriek for'all ages, twol mile heats, -mares and flgeldn alled i..b DA ' JOnt gonteie g bay 491t Rover, by Hyace.: thus,4year~oldst,,- ^ - - 1 1 George Curning, EsqX.' y coslt,by lohn Bull, three t .}yearsold,1s.S41b*Z':.; - \E . :: 2 s . . A. Oswald's cheibtihut ...


... IRVINE BACES ?? . ?? ?? .-U -A_- W_ ll ~ Comrrnced on Tuesday last, when the following Stakes, &C. were ran for over Bogside Course:- A MATCH. Marquis ?? by colt Llewellyn, b- St George, against bir W. Max vell's bay colt Ta.mO'Shanter; bf Hlatn- bletonian-e1.Ot gsineax, h. ?? miles-won by 'ram ?? Shanter.-A good race. The Produce Stakes of 50 guineas each, ten subscribers, k. ?? miles. . The ...


... .VMPRIES RACFS b-I WtS~NEsOAYse SrrsEMB~ 18. P Produce Stakes of Fifty Guineas each, half ?? miles. Mr Michae1Son's brownn £ Lotta, by Hsphazard, Walked over. y .SAME DAY. Y One n Gg~aneas, given by the ?? and Gs lbo. 7 rt b.-Four, P sr. 7 lb. !^Five, 9 qr.-Si]C ar/d a3ged, 9 sr. S lb._ rtvn mile heara. Ii The Hfine r. 96 Powlert sOrphan, 4 y-ars old, i) d Mr Mirhaels9nls laronv nfillyv lotta, ...


... .AT11Wl'STLB PACE&.-ISW. M Monday, June N4.-The Produce Stakes of .50 ?? Pach i, h ft.-2 miles, 21 subsi Sir M. W. Ridley's b.c. by-whirc- worthI. Duke of Hantilton's b. c. by Sir David, 2-: St e M. Sykes's, b. c. by Camnillus, by Robb's b. c. by Goiumpus, Mr Frank's b. r. by St George, Mr lrandling's-ch. fi by Wi- e zard, Mr W. Wilson'e ch. c. by Han bletottiano ran, but could not be placed. ...


... FOOTBALL MATCH ?? . ? .. I .1 t - ? - . We mentioned -in our last the great foot- ball match which had been played on the exten sive plain of Carterbaugh, near the junction of the Ettrick and Yarrow; the greatest match at the ball which has taken place for many years. It was held by the people of the dale of Yarrow against those of the parish ofSelkirk; the former being brought to the field by ...


... --DIS911R.4CVS' 1819, given by r 1iht in .iIF' thl1 e~ given Of heCU~C t i pmfor rtoune FitzAS O rvile walked over Mar- b , 5br h Ft ,nehe~ry-and the Mr The rarONJU HDRED GUINEAS i 11 10aternatchof one heat, three times round of blb afforded sonic sport ith an excellent Wiefts of the day concluded Wet T SE EIU R Ceats UINl;AS, h- f. once round tb jE VNDREDGINt 1o the dclC r e New Year' Day, ...