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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register



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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... ROYAL1- Boaoii& ` . M~A. C o EnR iiT-Al I Hi i atI'OYal IWR.~~1_ CO3 Hs. !l~e m -tn Borough; I bave ~sithtime- hiad tlbe &n1A- sity, theugliu y DO means a deep-read person, to ijli k'Iile iitofAhe origin of communities of that nature. T, tlhat al-mloist e y irnter swlio has treated' the a j'et, gves ittis opiiii'$onbhtbie was an evrent favourable to liberty; and I am willingto 'aliovStkt ...


... was the famous Berlin Decra, which, when the intelligence of its being issued reached England, drew forth (No. ,5) the fir* those measures our government, which become equally famous, onder the name of the ORDERS IN COUNCIL. It was dated the 7th of January, 1807, and it set forth, that, inconsequence the violation of the rights of nations committed by Napoleon, and expressed in *his Orders, ...


... for every individual Russian executed upon this occasion by the orders of Buonaparte* Th€ whole of these assertions; art, I think, wholly unfounded; in support or »'which opinion, shall submit my reasons to the reader when I have thc whole of the articles from which I have cxtraaed the assertions. This latter deem necessary, in order that the reader may sec the arguments on both sides of ...


... American States. The dispute, which has been so long going on with America, does, at last, appear to be drawing to a dose. Before I come what has passed in Parliament upon the subject, i must notice what has passed on the other side the water.--——The Report cf the Committee of the Lower House of Congress, which 1 shall endeavour to get into the present Number, is, in fact, a Manifesto against ...

ARY 2i, 1810.—Walchmm Inquiry,

... ARY 1810. —Walchmm Inquiry, « the Medical Board to consider the na« tore of the disease prevalent in Wal(t cheren, and to forward the medicines in «sufficient quantities, which may be deemed sufficient for the cure and counft teraction of the disorder there, preva* « lent, You will also be pleased to con“ sider whether there are any other comforts necessary for the troops which can be ...


... sition wwild not KiftWer the 'olF hi» fotce, this Mft. Fox said : this reminds of which seemed to hate been scene in Ben Jonson, where appears, pfeted hy the fourth year the war; that impostor had played his tridts they had had, year after year, exhibited w very successfully for a long time upon them such pictures the finaheefc of his dopes, and, when he was detected, France compared with ...


... •*. 1 .LA ~n» tl . ,1J biucY/ f • pasitS I 7 clcfcijHte , take pfa f w expend anielcf the friends coMernarf lion oft lice* if «MpF^ jertb talt'jjfe. farther tvMtfcl dtotipi prriseS'Hj; nHiti'. seT*valmns hitri, re}t«ed seift wastes mdHPif it/git/Mt JwMM tjttfoh «f)e»lr eMfe*. * Ibe-km JE- [ t * r. * ' jatr* jfr .0* + ' * * w ; .v, , *> “ tint * • OP- n« iefiriessrott bfPaaKaWttt''i'Biflliaj ’■ ...


... German Troops. last I shovred what was the law, and what the law, with regard to these troops. I have only notice little* circumstance that may, possibly, have escaped the attention the public. It been shown, or, least, I think so, that the Act 1804 does not authorize the employing of Germans, or other foreign Otdcers, in any part of our army; that does not authorize the giving them any place ...

Hogging Soldiers,

... tyrants of Africa are as stupid as they are ferocious; but, they are exceedingly well obeyed ; no rulers govern with more complete authority; Now and then, however, they lose their own heads all of sudden. This is as ought to be, and as nature says it shall be: he who governs solely the principle of fear shall cease to govern the moment that that fear is overcome by any one of those who are ...

political Register.—touts

... political Register.— touts. t42'» the ancient rules with regard to the Sundau ; rules never, perhaps, very tvisc, and now hostile to the habits of* Ih© whole of the generation whom they were to affect. This measure of itself was sufficient to produce a shock. It would naturally create a belief, that oil was to be attempted to be restored, as far as religion was concerned. Nine tenths ot the ...

DECEMBER 24, 1814.—Letter to the Earl of Liverpool

... DECEMBER 24, 1814.— Letter to the Earl of Liverpool. people of .England, recollecting that the Americans are not base and cowardly more than are. From the Salem Register of Jan. 9, 1813. IMPRKSSMENT. • Die following deposition of Mr. Isaac Clark, oi'this town, who has been torn from his family and country, and for 6i three years compelled to serve board u his Britannic Majesty’s ships of war, ...


... signed the Crowns France and Italy, and the allies, on the other, guaranteed the fulfilment of certain conaitions by Louis the XVIII, the nonfulfilment of which, it is said, has occasioned Napoleon's return to France. —By this treaty, a copv of which 1 have given below, it will be seen that the island of Elba, which was selected Napoleon himself his future residence, was declared the allied ...