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Derby Mercury




Derbyshire, England

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Derby Mercury


... i I COunr OF KING'S BEN UII, DEc. 6. DUB(;ST V. BERESORltD. Mr. Jekyll flated the cale for the Plaintiff, by hich it appeared that Mr. Duboil, who is a artiti, hall torloed an exhibition of piitures in Pall-Mall ; aimong others was on1e frtill tile ohi ,Arabian Tale of Beauty and the Bealt. On the Q1Oth of June Alr. Beresfotird, fOn of the A rctbithop ol Tuain, came to the exhibition, and ( ...

Published: Thursday 13 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3344 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

DERBY, Wednesday, December 26

... aid, a I] JJ IPdnesdivy, Dece bher o26. i ill 1 ItGICES. Or, Satol-dv ill!t, ;it All Saints Church, by the Rev. 3. Stiih, 13. 1). 1. F,. E1.l, it1. of hiolly 3Iwlb, inithe ti.i li o! Qid, t-; ELIbv ih t , dde It daughter of Jo Ih c'l fitilti. h . *, 1 tlbi, Il.ce. 01, iCtl ,; iittliiii, at St. Allimnid's Church, it this i-ni , Joiin Bl1, Liq; ifXtiigit, in die county of Yr C, t! 2M1is all, t ...

Published: Thursday 27 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2559 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Posts

... ) ofav azd I I jZLfay',C Posts. L1O)N)ON, MONiDAY, Dec. Q4t. 1\jrl~i'l VllS are not in poffelliorn, as- fuse- Pral Paers aflb.4 t, toh any advice flotn I LIi d Welhillgtoni of Io late a date ts the 5th. S(trne repto ts state that ' on that tisy 6en lill lhade rciiched Abrantes ; the bridge acrofs the'la Tits there hall been brokevn itlowt.' A toniideriablv bol) of the militia front Alentejo ...

Published: Thursday 27 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1270 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... IosT-rsc1m . .T. LO NTi) 0N. 'I ULZS DA Y, EDce. 18. Ci aiii ptinted ito eXam te thle 'Hl.-tictakit, was he la e Veiritay, & itidereil to be priinte d. ,~chac'lCeO of tile EcqurIltt m ioved dfat tihe Id tt i rid ay, ret ol CC 'itffef into aCIt, ( t f thle Nation. tin that dby, t! i~~ill~~ of tI8, tie wtill Altive thle Three tu d toiatd will 110ute the geiteral I outlitte of' ~ tt i tenetiton ...

Published: Thursday 20 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2018 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... .* C VRI TP'1. ,. ., , i 'lI '.M )kF > TA V- 1 1 ?)1O I t)N. I U. 1%'IW.. P'c-. I11. PCprt his toWU 16th Nov iem - t vvC~lj y(.l tin' Iinn tirng. 'I'hey ate at. *!\ bCo rtal1C- '1 Prt ident ltas tdually sr dIt ) Bolnalparm's decliratiuon, that C, td I to riitn Decrees are revoked 11111a tfl \(NAVenbher, and has publiffhed If' th io by .N hich he an nrounces iha f''0t idilo. aon the tradeof ...

Published: Thursday 13 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 441 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FOXIOUAbS | LorI) \VEI oN IS Hlounds will meet on M tidav he I (tt l)ecember kit lMJ arttolt 'llaeFdy t i 2t Sbipley ot I lltrfClay tile Vtth tit icltlcy | at mi Ffida3a thle 14thl at Raidburtne.-eachl ltoi iii ut It) ne,Mok. I1 The QuOIZN Ilounds meet on Frala' Dec at ge e- the tV ot i ; an il nit r da Ic .ty, Dee, 8. xit Sw~lland Slate Pits-Ea.l, day at half past tell I r. C1W va'rTI's ...

Published: Thursday 06 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1077 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Posts

... Steordy and iTueWay's Poscs. LONDON GA7E.T'l FK, Sataurdriq, Dec. 15. At!hniratiq V.#icc. Dec. i.;. of it Lettvr IIOID \\ 0lli.153, Etq. Comra iltoler itt hls stiMjetfi's Navy tit the Cape oft GOod HoEuac, to .10tt, Withat Crilser, Efq. datid qt the Cape, the 24th tiR,-lt is with the deepefi regret I acquaint S )ott, for the jiturmattoll of the Right [loll. the Lords C milnulif ...

Published: Thursday 20 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2489 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

HOUSE of LORDS, Thursday Dec. 13

... HOUSE of LORDS, T'I'/,ursda Dec. 13. Ti'he Earl of Liverpool ftated that tiotwith- flanling the anmendmient of his Majefty's health, and the unallhilmous opinions of the Phyficians, wvhich bad been given, in favour of a fpeedy re- covery, lie dlid not tee, that at prefent that de- biredl event was likely to occur fo f'peedily as to wairrant him in moving any farther adjourn- nient, l-e ...

Published: Thursday 20 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4163 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ros I Sc1 ' Ivry L)ON D)ON, TU F.SI)AY, ee. 25. HII'111S N ight's (3 elew cintains Ile lolllowitt T Dllnpz:cit tr. Lord \V' * liogi , dated (titaxti, 3. d8, Iieie I-d , I tlie Earl Lt.'Lipeoi I y Lvd, 'Dietiielililmllelit j thle cuteni3'5 truops c iitiitied by ,.,: (idatic, utlcl, itl rtoluriled to Sthiceui 'i~tittttl,: lis' tolitirmtd dwtir nrmtch to tihe lrtlitiutr, uled tly tibe liri ...

Published: Thursday 27 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 620 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... Fri day and -Saturday's Posts. - LONDON, SATURDAY, Dec. 15. IsTSPATItCH FS were received to-day from j) Lord Wellingtoni, dated tle fit inl'ant, OthntiO. 'The pofitions of the refpettive armies were, at that period, precifely the famne ,S at the date of the laft difpatehes. Lord il'lingmton, it is fait], exprefres great fatisfac-' tion at the pretfnt ftate of affairs. It is unlderflonod, that ...

Published: Thursday 20 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 924 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

HOUSE of LORDS, Wednesday Dec. 19

... HOUSC Eof LVOUD ,, Wedcseda3 Dec. 19. The Etrl of I iferpoul flatel, that it was the intenitio o Gof 0eml mntt generally to adopt thle precvedet of 178,-9g inl the nilmncholy colltlutoUe of -utlic affairs ; and tns the report of their L,,rdtlipt' Ctiinittee was not in a filate of retadinels to be broutght ull, he thoulght that thie eatlieft opvportuhit') for taking it ihto confidle-ation ...

Published: Thursday 27 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5595 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Saturday and Tuesday's Posts

... I~ 4 A i$ $ I OStS. P1; li11F'% C -I' MIASSENCA I.C..DON (;,A T7'!FE EXTVl. AO RDEAISIi-, Aiys);aY, Di . ;3. pthi l r nu 1, lt, M itiibtr 3. A 1) ifpic.ipt, ii it x il , thila i s Ii Exitaci, bee i ei tlise 'i~lV rict i .:t U.rdl I.jivcl'1ol1's (ttice, idt'dl ei 1 tis Ewdl; i p .i y Licute'lt lt ie rli VItcult e 1i- liiigll, daledl Curtiaio, '2 lit N oventoicr, 16io. F 'if1 F, Etuete - ...

Published: Thursday 06 December 1810
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2239 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News