From the London Gazette

... Lonban ?a?ette. :, .. ¶ .;, , . ,;._ . . ,- *.TJOWNI'YG-ST22EET, Fstnuiir 26j: 811. .A DISPiATCH .-:ok.^th ehefoowtlevrg is-ap extract,r L .has, been lthias morning received ,at the Earl of Liverpooi'sioffice, addressoed- tb his:Lordsipb Lieut.. 'General.Viscount SyeUmson, dated Cartaw, sth of ,eebruary., . . t of : Tn' enemy have conlinued'in thueighboutsodtof Badajoz,and hliaveb'roke ...

Published: Tuesday 05 March 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1017 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Defeat of Marshal Victor, BEFORE CADIZ

... Defeat of- Mfarshal Victor, I I . BEFOiE CADIZ. I N our Paper of the ifth of March, Ave informed our readers that General Graham bad landed at -Algesiras with a -considerable detachment of Eng- lish and Spanish troops, with a view of co-operat- -ing with the garrison of Cadiz, to folce the-enemy to raise the siege'of that place. We have now the pleasure of announcing that the hope of accounts ...

Published: Tuesday 02 April 1811
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 612 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... Imdat- Aft ;.nsenod' a second bie n Tursdy dritds asecO t in his bl-, loon from the 'emaii at Hackney The5alloon. ,wa5 toliave risen at one o'clock; agd' an ealu hour. the roofs of coaches, ?? houses, 'asia chuhes; ' tra r that could comiand' a view- of it, s .even-Ythre law'irs 'wlc-iitw'pl&cedwerer a heaped up .with--husnanleings. -.the rioa, froin town was a a most ode solid line -of ?? ...

Published: Friday 06 September 1811
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1232 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... LETTERS on the STATE ofHAY;R Or Si. DOXGC. g;T;hR X.~ RIUG$4UJ has so far jecuredhin h el astarender e no longer.necessary; accordingly a senate, was estalished Ant. Vaygs :btivbiQ*.2ig~agJd , consgtituted Chief of the South, ihich was, at the same time, dechard indepndent of tli jirtetf on wa Yjb ?? denuniia4-'cfi-&g~dwith having sold ?? to dtjie :EOpgMqi _gqoyenment. A proda- matiqg ts e ~ ...

Published: Friday 20 December 1811
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 627 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I T. _: _E .M T TllXS..Comet is. thesecotid, ince *te-beginnin0 f ?? wllicllhas seen visible to the ?? e e first was discovered at iarseillas, on'tho 2oth of s6 'jhA 81S9t> andicc ?? visitle to the beginning of b lowi ng. The ?? was also first discaverlinsper jt thfe city of Vivieds, on the 25th of iast Nier,! 'i ' 2l4 laume~rgue's de^ nb early abouit thie same time, (vie tib t , March> ...

Published: Friday 27 September 1811
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 740 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... ?? 77- - } 2 &0 ?? M AERCUR2. ' E N v Grse~~. -4 r ?? N . O~iTLeM N. ?? - Ii:.O A few obsertatiowi on the late trials in the King',s Bench in ii whic thedecsi~ileliaatt&f tho-;e coisiiircial licences, which, 'd warranted iotbr Bt~usidesiksh orulents to the Baltic, during t' lt conspr ting, of, pterh , bess thaceptabal;e to your readers. wth t ?? t proniry, ninmanufacures induced to ship on ...

Published: Friday 15 November 1811
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 869 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... ' - To the £DTO oyiSfth' KROL MERCUEY. hle . :Gaser:t~rssacs , ; - I AM, and trust I ever shallbe, onefef in your ?? fcicnds, andwairm admirers., : I think your paper lut a credit to the town, and an- honor to the age we live in,: and nd am quite 'charmed with the taste -with ihich you -deccthitehyour r a pages. SimilaifeelingsI assure you periade the whole of iy ied 'family. Friday, with us, ...

Published: Friday 18 October 1811
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1126 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... PROdTSTANT DISSENTERS. -I At a General Meeting of Protestant is- senters, and other Friends to Reliiious Li- berty, at the Ldndon Tavern, Bishopsgate- street, on Friday, May 24., l Si 1, convened ft receive the Report of the Committee appointed at a former Meetinrg, to prevent by every legitinate effort the suecesiful progress of a Bill intfodixod into Pauib- ment by- Viscount Sidmouth, ...


... OFFICIAL PAPMRS. POTOGAL,-.-THV WAR.--Lando Gazette kxtraordinary. - M0oaday, June 3, I s i i. Downing Street, June 2, 18 Ii .-D tches, of twilich t/te following are Extracts, have been this day received by the Earl of Liverpool, addressed to It's Lordship by Lieutenant- General Viscount 'ellingtonz, dated Eit.7S, ?4nd Nay, 81 i J.. On the night of the I 5th instant I re- Ceived from Marshal ...


... GOLDEN RULES' FOR JURYAMEN. I Frons that cexellt Work, Sir Richard PlAR- IfPs's PowERS ANIDDUTIU5 OrJUztuES, a Work which erey man in ESgland ought to reikd. 1. AN honest Juryman should die, rather than consent to a verdict which he feels to be unjust; or wibich in his own private: judginent is not warranted by in- controvertible affirmative evidence.. 2. The worst of social miseries-being ...


... MONDAY-NOVEMBER U The account received in town last night of Prince Regent was of a favourable nraure; alia. he had a restless night on Saturday. AIS tiX clock yesterday morning he was macis refrshed, the inflamnmation in his ancle, &c. wvs Iessaflz, in the afternoon he was considered muc be every respect. A nunmber of persons of disinction lefttL at York-house yesterday. The Scout, which ...

Published: Thursday 21 November 1811
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 375 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FIFTH REP OR I tr TEE COmfSS&,II).ssN2,RS ORc IRO.AnS ATl. -gMIW-ES IN E ITIiOiLASDS OF S0bTLAN'. 4 Before-Ballater btridgie was rebuilt, the river Dee J was unprovided'wit ' an-y'biidge Yor the space1 37 ' Miles froie Bracmair asrtvard h-a latej is about 13 1 imihes firom-Braernar, so that at piesent the obstruc- f tion is xeiduced to ?? milues eastward from Ballater, and e~ven this is found ...

Published: Saturday 15 June 1811
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3082 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News