Sunday's Post

... Pt 00t. 'Admit a oir S. Tlood. . 1B. is appointed -*.- wo oiumander iu Chief at, Jambaica, in the room ofAdnliral RO .vlcy. Rear-Admiral Sir Rich- ard Keats succeeds to Sir Sanmieill hind's coimnand, mider Sir Charles Cotton in the Mediterraneai, and hoistb .I ai, in the lfibnija, Capt. Kittoe. Rear Admirn O Durham is appoitited to succeed to tle contnannd at Cadiz; and the Hon. Rear-Adiuiraj ...

Published: Saturday 23 March 1811
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1151 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... 7PYSTSCRIPT. Thc Duke de Plnfantado, the new Spanish Amn- bassadbor and his suite, arrived on Wednesday at Spithead, in the Comes frigate fronm Cadiz. She left it ou the 30th Lilt. All our readers know that the Duke de l'Jn fntado is one of the highest Grand- ees (f Spain; he was President of the Council of Castile, anid hiad the coriniand of the Spanish army' at the end of the year I S0S ; be ...

Published: Saturday 24 August 1811
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 346 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday's Posts

... Frtcavy at tWa, kanuay, a I n )ttlooiual' t ?romn the LONNDON GAZETTI'E, Feb. 9. DOWNJNG.STRER.1, Feb. 6. PISPAPI TCH, of which the folloving is an ex- tr:ket, hbas beeni received at the office of the Earl A of [Liverpool, addressmal to his Lordship by L~ieutenant - General Viscount Wellington, dated Car- 1A,,co, Ianuary.lp. oB!i, Sinee the eneoi.y lubtained possession of thle bridge over the ...

Published: Thursday 14 February 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1868 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... POR7 .ISS * . . I te ~ ~ ~ k~Y O iy: Llt O-t, Iobze'i'S. ,d T7'4usdany. Caame in ttle Sabrina, of .18 guns, frorm les a cruize otF the Western Islands, lastfrom bsisbon, with *t a convvoy of transptaxts, with sick, convalescent, and in- ?? valitled olficers and 'osldiers, froin Lord, Wellilngton's Ili arimy. When off the Western Isles, they discovered a ce volcanic island, some leagues distanw ...

Published: Thursday 10 October 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1690 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday's Posts

... q, ?Dunoa-T3 !?Daturbi 0. onbavlo P-09of t 1t ION)O;N GAZVXI'E, AYY Adjou L1 ,.Iord f Viir a ta lilltch tlls NIi iioll Crol(L!r, 1,vlticlir Lordship had re cived fron CatI Sir G. II.. tih' a S1ljjityS s ut SiveiiiAitetC iil, g~i~ ll ec of his~li ~ i S Maistaot, ?? liastial ('Frenclh PriviltceF 011 gl,nad 115 Incn, on theb to lrst ertlize from BouraeaUL. CiO I S e BXMKRU iS. .ohn Lernay. of ...

Published: Thursday 16 May 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 2433 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday's Posts

... §friav, &-tlaiav', iotUr. allo 09ORMTiso tower, - ?? to: I rom the LONDON GAZETTE, JTunc 0. hi DowNiNG-STREFT, June 8th, 1811.t A DISPATCH of whieb the following, is a copy, _ A Was, on tbe Gth instant, received at Lord Liver- 1lSlb' Otflice, addretsed to his Lordship by Lieitt -Gen. r Viscount Wellington, dated Elvas, 24th May. 1811 )Iy Lord,-SINCE I addressed vou ont the 22nd instl. I have ...

Published: Thursday 13 June 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1147 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... IMJ.VP'AitiL PjALRLlMEN gi,' 11OLSE OF lORiJ .. ' WEI)NESDAY, July 24.] The Royal Asse'nt Vwas giveln bv Llou(iissiulO to the BIl for pretectiiu; the cur- retleV, mtid to Lbew.Ailitiz ?? liil. The Speakler and several 'ealiletrs of tile house of Co(mzilloils ampp.arillnr at Etie bar, the Lord Cliallcellor de- 1ivlrettr tile 'olltswilx Speech JAV Lords uldd Gettlmenec i His Rtoyal. 41-1inhtiess ...

Published: Thursday 01 August 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 825 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... . (BY EXPRESS.) LONDON, Nov. 28. A report prevails at Pvihnouthi of a battle baving been fought between Lord Wellington and lartmont, in which the latter was defeated. We are unable to state whetber the report be true or fhase. No account has been received by Govern. ment later than the dispatch of Mr. Stuart, dated Lisbon, on the 2d, and the dispatch from Lord VWellington, datedon the20th. ...

Published: Saturday 30 November 1811
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 455 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ! FROM TUISDA\ 's l.I)ON CAZ*ETTE. I).g~t~z/ing-,S ereI, /C^ - eZ;,C 3, It', 1I. A Dkipatcbh, of ikhie l thei' follo-0 An is on extrael, ?? been htiis day TCCci yid at L nri Lrer-oiol's ofoiCe, adireseed to hi ' cdv )s i ~a bV Geuieral XV~cunni VWellingtol, d atclbi Freltada, l j3h No- venmbur, 1811. Uy tho accouuis which.1, liav receviveri fromi | Cadi, ol the `4th (oloivr, it apperco that ...

Published: Saturday 07 December 1811
Newspaper: Leeds Mercury
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1655 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MOR.NING CHI-RONICLE. L ONDON: 1PRIDAI ?? MdRCH 2i, ISlM. Yesterday a 'Ieligoland Mail arrived, bringing letterS froni that-island to'thb date of the i6th instant: A considerable eniigration h ad taken place fronm Ham- burgh, ifi 6onseqtuenc % 6f the' rigourous ?? o the law of cdnscription; and tt was ordered, that no .pspdirts should be granted frorn that city, or frorii any 6f the Hamse ...

Published: Friday 22 March 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1421 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... imi Aoo,;?i ,A~pA2, ?? t.,gi : s' th ey ?? ht' ~ ~ arpt a xf ~ ~ iG ,.rntof /,Wa,ga. We-ai,,e tovitl that theci rnms niatted , eery spcies of wanton nt ichief duinr thieu~4a'y', ad al~hug behv lf2-~ pisi - Ithey 4ia-e nopt yet wihd t isigahatwhe no fu rher Jts , z. Th samo wxnd 'di it fbri gh essls m i- .i altar,: rmii,,-ht ha oughlt d~patches ?? t -By .he acc;unti fio Gs6ib-lta, wv eale'n ...

Published: Friday 12 April 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1002 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? .TH. tH.E MOE. o | ?? . ?? O N D3 0 N .. . -. oL . .; .'-L;l-ONDON:, ts. ; t. ~ ~ 2(N , ~ ?? ~ 7 i ; ?? o Yesteiday -arrited a Mail foio Cadiz, 6ransniittint. a.4t~a~s' de h nla R ezecto the date of the 13th-inStant. OWe sead in these Spaanish documents, with. some Sur- .prise, thlat in:the bittle-of Barrsa the Spabig troops assers that tthey corndo(ed themiiselves with unexarnpled a ...

Published: Monday 29 April 1811
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2271 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News