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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register



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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... PROdTSTANT DISSENTERS. -I At a General Meeting of Protestant is- senters, and other Friends to Reliiious Li- berty, at the Ldndon Tavern, Bishopsgate- street, on Friday, May 24., l Si 1, convened ft receive the Report of the Committee appointed at a former Meetinrg, to prevent by every legitinate effort the suecesiful progress of a Bill intfodixod into Pauib- ment by- Viscount Sidmouth, ...


... OFFICIAL PAPMRS. POTOGAL,-.-THV WAR.--Lando Gazette kxtraordinary. - M0oaday, June 3, I s i i. Downing Street, June 2, 18 Ii .-D tches, of twilich t/te following are Extracts, have been this day received by the Earl of Liverpool, addressed to It's Lordship by Lieutenant- General Viscount 'ellingtonz, dated Eit.7S, ?4nd Nay, 81 i J.. On the night of the I 5th instant I re- Ceived from Marshal ...


... GOLDEN RULES' FOR JURYAMEN. I Frons that cexellt Work, Sir Richard PlAR- IfPs's PowERS ANIDDUTIU5 OrJUztuES, a Work which erey man in ESgland ought to reikd. 1. AN honest Juryman should die, rather than consent to a verdict which he feels to be unjust; or wibich in his own private: judginent is not warranted by in- controvertible affirmative evidence.. 2. The worst of social miseries-being ...


... Sla; I have read, ill yourWeekly Re- gister of the 7th December 1811, a letter upon the subject of Prisoners of War) which has interested-the friends of humt- nity, and particularly those who have some relations prisoners in France. I must confess, tbat I was induced, like many other people, to think that we had offered very ad.antageous proposals to the French concerning the exchange, and ...


... HOLLAND.-INSURRECTIONS.- -Alas! all the ,fond hopes of the- Mo'rnng Post and of the if Fashionable : World, seem to have been dissipated Since my last Number went to the press. Nothing short of a complete.'deliverance of Europe was then expected, and that, too, right speedily. We were taught -to believe,. that the Antwerp Fleet.was hourly to be. looked for coming dawn the Scheldt with the ...


... NAPOLEON'S SPEEcH.-The Speech of the Emperor of France to the NATIONAL COUNCIL has excited that degree of pub- lic attention, which a set speech from a person of such power must . natirally ex- cite, especially when, in part at least it relates to ourselves and to that ob- ject more particularly, in which we all now feel the most direet interest. I al- Wude to what he savs of the war in the ...


... l1 FRANCE.-WAII, IN SPAIN.-Official Report Of the Fluke of Belluno, relative io ihe Battle of. Barrosa.-PEURTO REALj MAirch,7, 18 1., (Cancludedfromjrage 3088.) Tbat very nighit the enemy had thiown across a bridge of rafts; sonie voltigeurs penetrated to the other side of the bridge' and retoried again .with tbe Spanish troops, who hastened to the assistance of their people.-These two ...


... COMMERCIAL CRDIT.. Rpon from the Saco Comittee on thei Sync - (Comrmterc edit,-laidhforgethel~o 0,of Conmmons, 6 March, 181 l.; 4The-Select Conmittee appointed toen- quirei ito theState of CDMinAcMl CreditD and who were directed to report the same aliit should appear to tRem. together with theiri~bservationi8 thereong~-from time- to time, to the House, 'metnd- examined a variety of -Witnesses ...


... TO THE MARQUIS OF TAYISTOCK. Letter II. June 22, 1 81 1. My Lord; In the eyes sDf some, it will be an ill omen' that a correction of the borough stystem should be taken up by the heir to borough property; by the next in succession to a noble house that hath a direct interest in that system; and when they observe the- mode he has chalked out to himself, their forebodings may receive a strong ...

Also, COBBETT'S Parliamentary History OF ENGLAND,

... Par §iaffentarey story ENGLAOFND E'GepIANegIf trorn the Xormnan tsi b66 to the year ,1i6 The, Mtueeiod fotui fbthis Worp, coprizing e erioc'Nii the Adcessidt of EO. . 11714,- to th6- epening of the Sixth Parliamen t of dreaf Britain in Oct, 1722,-is now ready for delivery. o ADVERTISEMENT-- TO THIS VOLUME. cTHE present Volume embraces the ' Period from the Accession of king George. ' the First ...


... Tbe Pembe'r of the Cowits (or Represmntat~es of the eple) can neither accept for them. Telre, nor solieit for any other any employment from the king, tnot even any ownowr, as there are no gadations of rank amongst the Members of the Castes. In the same manner, they, cannot, during the time that they are Members, nor for a year after their functions have ceased, accept for themselves or ...


... *' The bop- of the HYPOCRITES shall perisb. THE REG£NcY.- I repeat my motto; and the denunciation I have no fear. of seeing completely verified. The hypo- critical editor of the CouiiEn and, the-crew of hypocrites who approve of his efforts, all this base, canting crew, now driven to their resource, crocodile tears, will not find, any longer, a cloak sufficiently thick to I disguise them. ...