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PLYMOUTH, January 8

... I - - 27iursday. About 430 horses and 370 men, of diff.- rent regiments of cavalry, now in Pbrtudpl, are expected here every day to embark it) cavalry-transports, to join their regiments there. The North Star, of 18, takes them under ?? the Prlne6.of.Wales packet, for Lisbon, witih mails and ?? -Satltd also for: the Cape of Good .Hope, the Malacea, of 38 gulns, Gala. tea, of 38, and President, ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 682 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PLYMOUTH, January 22

... ?? ??l (Inuar . ?? rticyw fl. i: ?? ere as a tyfpeps.tveron board I oxtle Rnulus, of 44 guns. caiptailn 4,ord 1gietn ie lying usly i,; Barney Pool. Severail metn bave been,*eut to the was Royal Naval Hiospital fr eure.^ Itfii upposed,.to haive feet been~ broyght lonboard- bysop~it*~i ?? aed inl te Ravnen, frm Wares; M t rivence, from'Apelia. ~Ier-. 'i slajr wittimi aiber - and Ath e:!tre, of ...

Published: Thursday 24 January 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 966 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PEYMOUTH, April 16

... a '.4przllfl. : K~i. I 'irurselaV. Mitr Chapman, olhe'l. h ?? jI ij ust~ ?? ;rqti' Lisbon;, hie bring i atn';e buci,&tiatat-a spwi bad entirely -evacuated 'Portl'I'mid sv35 at. Sala- nmaica' with :te -ilittere reailisr of his aru'd lt 45,000 rnen; in three divisions4' Massena Iad. blown up the forts of Altneida, Cinidai 1Rodrigom aitd Fort Cnncep, ti~u. LordX Wellin'gtoi's head quarters were ...

Published: Thursday 25 April 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1201 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PLYMOUTH, February 12

... t . , tPLYMGUTI,4tbrary' 12'. . . ,Titrsey.-C6ine in 'the mlt i beabtiful French ettef of warqit e iwer seepn; she measutre6 0)0 tO-I6, : on't4t 16 gunls, hn'd Ea&ries 50 mdn, called' 'La Bdiarte, bodnd With' a valuable 6argb frpm iourdea Al tothe isle'uf erahee. She ?? froth Bo6rdeliAnx the .22d ult. ?? was Captur; id torthFS we'fiiiard'by' the4't0kcl La Rsitis, of 44 guds, . Captain ...

Published: Thursday 14 February 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 958 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PO R7' NE/I'S. PLY!OU'1'11, .4pril 2. T77osdapy2 Alurch 2Y. Caine iii the Iris, of 32 g'unsr eapain Shortiand, Wjit1 ?? from off Brest, from Commodore Poplkam. By ber we learn that the two French figattes which the (Challen er, of 18 I vuns, off St. Altoes, were evhaeed under Corquit battery, 'Iwherte they caime to anchor, when the Venerable, of 74, and [rig, of 3'2, ?? thesr wind, ...

Published: Thursday 04 April 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1608 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PLYMOUTH, Feburary 5

... I ?? PIYMUTI, ebr8ky 5. , , I , ' Sctgrad 5W id iV. S'W. TPutaik!IaAt night frohiI iffthe Lizard, being taken aback by tbe-westqriy wiids; tthe l1rge outwarbl.bounfd fleet .for tlhe'Jndies., L4s ibon, Streights,'Qatiz, anJ!dGibraltar, upwards of 200 :sail,#fiir. 4; or,ke's sqdoeo ?? the linec, wih *600b ;mep fur Lord Wellington's army, with 100 sail,. hore up for Torbay; 100 sail, with the ...

Published: Thursday 07 February 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 790 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PLYMOUTH, February 19

... I P LTMOUTU, February 19,. eat Z*idav, Fe. .lS.-Sailed four. cartels, with, infl~m, ng anl wounded prisoiiers, for Morlaix.-Sailed the 'arta- at rug. 18, with all the packets (13 in number) now liere m for Falinouth.-Also sailed Mr. Forbes, in the Union the rartel, for Morlaix, with dispatches from Mr. Pinckiey, ?? tbe American lonvoy in liomhndon to the American Lega- tbe tion in Paris.-'I'Te ...

Published: Thursday 21 February 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 1187 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PLYMOUTH, November 5

... -PLYMOUTL;: Nov'neibe>5.. Fridb;.--AVeit into Cawsand Bay, after beinr dlocked and refitted, the St. 30osef;, of6llOgunls, .Adniiral Si,. C, Cuttoon, Bart.-The Lords of the Admir*lty l'ave appoint- e tile gallant Lieut.Alones .ofithe Arrow schooonei, to the commaud'of 'thie Alplieac;hoqfrt vice Lieut. Gib. bons, superseded by senteucc of a Court Martial for prut- ting a slop woman ash ore~oil ...

Published: Thursday 07 November 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 701 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PLYMIOUTJI, June 11. Sltu~day. \lWe have agaiti to record apilenomenon. similar to that vlhich liappenied here on the morning of the 31st ult. '-his uIturing, about foer 'o'clock, tie tidle 4#'aill flowe 'and Mbbefi several feet in aS mnany ini- Iutes, whieh contiflaed utt intervals forthe space of four or five huurls durizig'zhiah the imzuense sell, cont- monly called a hoar, drove ...

Published: Thursday 13 June 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 760 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... . I .I % ?? - -`7 1 . . .1, . I ?? -T,? ?? :. I Y'M'o U.'r.11, A ay .I .. T -4 ?? ?? ? 1. ?? . ..I f ta ?? f) la?,. convoy for.tle a Straiiss, coisisting, of 150 sail, under care of thle Radr116h'w, ulds olf .b gs, *Ja.46, r of 36, and a slwoj ~ bFwar. They were bunmd to Cadiz, (uibraltzr, a(t thc$tra~if, bot put back a whenl off the D)odnian', andi, bore up'fqr t1is port. I'tity ...

Published: Thursday 23 May 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 841 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

PLYMOUTH, September 17

... .PLY;MlOUTH Septlember 17. Satrd~y. -.Witsd S. E. fair. Arrived the Rhin frigate, from a Cruiz'eff the coast of.Spain; andthe Pheasant sloop of war, capt. Palner, frfo a craize in -the Chails nel; also arrived the Eleaqor, M'Donald, from Bristol; Edward, Maddick, and the Atericait ship Boston, Bain, from Plymotuth thelatter with a vargo of ?? the Collingwoiod cartelhelonginig totlhis port, ...

Published: Thursday 19 September 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 570 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PORT AiA jVI'S. PLYMOUT'rl, Varch 26. 3zn Sunday Wind D. N. E. fair. Came in yesterdav the ey, GanLgIes, of 74 , iapt. Dkulda;, frons Liko!u o 'l brin;s ve an accoulit of the retreat of Massena from Swntareal, .e and that he was hal-rassed iiuc-h by Genetal I ,rd We1- lin gton's light troops in lli. retreat.-Saidlv( the Sceptre, k, of 74, far Basque RoadIdS; thle Indefatigable, (f 44, Le ...

Published: Thursday 28 March 1811
Newspaper: Exeter Flying Post
County: Devon, England
Type: Article | Words: 722 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce