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Derby Mercury


... i MWARKET HER A L n { Conps EaCHAaON, Monday, Feb. 125, 1810. The arrivals of Wheat to-day were mofily from the counties of Elfex and Kent, and con- fiituted but a moderale fupply; irs the difpofal of which the trade was reafonably brifk, and prices as near as may be to thofe of this (lay ill)ight.-Barley and Malt have each de- clined ill value fince our lafi, with no fcarcity of either.-White ...

Published: Thursday 28 February 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1337 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... AMARIKET IIERALD. I COarN EXCHANOE, Monday, Aug. 12. 1811. A rise in the price of WNl7eat has progressively taken place since last Monday; and thls morning, with a tolerable supply for the season, the sales were made at 6s. and 7s. per quarter advance. IN. B. A few samples disposed of early even upon higher terms.---Otber Grain has not in like manner fluctuated in price. ---Rye and Barley were ...

Published: Thursday 15 August 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1013 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... M 4 J L Z U T . ; , Cop' Whc a tsW6, Mtohndv,' c .*m i. . We had some ari44eeWheat thatnd ci lut.,d - da ' sahie bas~eq8*104d &- glqtIl 4tline. Upon Oe Fine say .Sb. and 6s. per qnarter _dr asf MVIda. pIenas fr9 tihe-,slts 9f.0e iW°h rct5A% the Ye , still 'greater. IiorP ~'W ~~t ?n o.1@ sagk, io quin0e of, tle suspension 4 o~~e Wallik- peri~ 4r9a th' anl im uih*40of grnhBzd(e iaril ...

Published: Thursday 05 December 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 962 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... CorN EXCIIAtJOE, Monday, Jan. 7, 1810. The fevere froft that has fet in has in a great meafure put a flop to the bufiuels of our Mlarket. Very few buy- ers attended, and fromn tAe flate oftie river, ahich pre- vents veiTels unloading, but- few famples were fbewn; hence we are precluded from furninting any other prices than thofe at the clofe of lalt week.-More money was afked for Flour this ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 725 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... 7t;MAX~TgRA-LD ' - nSr~r ~ExcilAse, M ~'nd yg, Dec. TAR181:. * Wehad a uileragblc £Af iiitpply'of Vfheat 7sexeto-diay, an-a 'quariter since this daya y 's'fllghsto appatent bri ss in thle sales.' ]arlOt l-ias, -onl Sthe conti'g, progressively riren, and was this morning '4. per quarter dearerpthas l'd.t 3tOod~y. Malt ;keeps its price. - li~te Bcsse nearly so. Crey Peas is were rather on the ...

Published: Thursday 26 December 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 953 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - I A!AAbe ALE fiJ AL/'. | C7o0N ExcC A .F, 1.11-diaV Selit.l WVe had -a tolerable quantirt of Wletiat hr tbrt Iet, and (exclusive ot a Sew silect sajlpj)csw ilIt)z ' fetehed nesir 61.) a declije took place iu he which ovill not a reduction fronll vlur *-Ti Mlontday.-W e had soae rtew barley, aid Vl- i' prime acquired bi:h-:r prices than this day se't4 fell ise, Vsas rather deartr. ...

Published: Thursday 19 September 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 448 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET HEERALD6 | - ' I ,rid I e o nI CORN EXCHANGE, Monday, MTaY 2a, 1011. We bad a mroderate supply of Wheat to-day, chiefly from Essex and Kent, and some tront Suffolk. Among these t1M e were not many samples of first quality, but what there Nvere of that deseri ption obtained full as much mrioney as last M1o01- day the ordinary, however, sold heavily, and was not taken off without sonic ...

Published: Thursday 23 May 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1088 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... } tANlThUPTS-RE8REITfO SURRENDER. John Ives, Ciavfiotos, ritAk; grcr, Feb. 11, 18, March i6, at tlie'oItlle slid L.ion, orwic i. SoliOitois, MeiTrs. Bo yfe and lDbaeon, urieloi'.al:- . ouis7Bcr.' Norwici',pronte,'andolis jojilerFeb. 6, 15, March 16, at tie RingltJ'ilead hlim, orwich. Solicilors, Metfrs. Sinipfun and Iltaf khalmNurwiclh. - Joleph Pledd'all, liate-ol -Great bainit Eleleui's ...

Published: Thursday 07 February 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1947 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAlIARC TT Ill RALD.- Cors EXCHlANSti, MjUnlay, Miacll 18, ,io i rle rrrIvalj aof X'ieat tlis Irirlirig were 110t nurnerO'ns, hut lIa vi g. a ptitli of 1lti week's os thalld ltoioly froaml Ithe Norrth, diiere vas no Icarcity. ith I1166 a pio~r iV, INsOl Mtond a' prices, wi ih a reatloiaide br t'ilets ill rite tale.- of lire fir mples, were obraiuer - Barley (of o lellr large q ,artilies ...

Published: Thursday 21 March 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1485 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... . MARKET HERALD, I IMA I~~~~~~~~~~ - I Co n N EX c 11 A NC G AG, Monday, July 21, I 8i 1. Our supply of Wheat for this day's market, was mostly from Essex and Kent, and upon the whole a tolerable one; yet from the appearance of the twathlexa start took place,' and prices advanced S-. and 4s. per quartcr.-Flour was likewise put up 5s. per sack.-We had a short quantity of Barley, and the sales a ...

Published: Thursday 25 July 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1045 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MIARKETH-HERALD, CORN EXCHANGtr, Monday, July 1, 1811. The arrivals of Wheat coastways for this day's market were inconsiderable, 'and of which there was very little fine this latter quality, in the forenoon, fetched rather better. prices than last Monday ; but on the consing in of sevcral cargoes of Foreign, the Mealing Trade closed heavily.-Bar- ley and Malt, being called for more freely the ...

Published: Thursday 04 July 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1115 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARIKET HERALD. Co nx EXCllA -Oa, Monday, Junle 3. 181t. Iut supply of Wheat to-day was but mnoderate ; prices have gradually fallers since last Monday. as may be seen in our figures annexed.-Barley was likewise short in quantity, but felt no depression.-White Pease, with Beans, &c. were all of them nearly in the same predicament, both as to supply and value ;-nor werc there inanv arrivals of ...

Published: Thursday 06 June 1811
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 991 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce